
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Already went out, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 I came back, and shower, and do some works.

The birds say going out again? Its 8:30

Babaji: Right

What I found was they want me to go and eat these every convinence store "The Tea leave marinated egg"

Its 10 NT each egg.

Yesterday one bird has to be in the middle of the road telling me that, but I say I have to lose weight, and it flies away. Then at night time, they make people feel ....So this morning I don't want to go out, because I think they meant I go and fetch eggs. I check my body shape....it looks already, with some fat on it. Not like I used to. When I write article especially to do with the military, I would go get a chip a few in the mouth...but now I decide to lose weight and they are doing this....

Babaji: Why don't you ask them not to do that?

They flying directly down...a couple of them birds flying directly down down down.

Babaji: Do you like your body weight right now.

The standard says overweight. I look at the police or American most all, I like they have some fat on it. But I also want to lose 5 Kg for my foot.

Babaji: Well, I don't know what to suggest you, I like either way.




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