
Hi Eben, I woke up!

 Babaji: what you woke up!

What is “?

Babaji: want to tell? He is the guru, you are the seat.

Guys are so bad in their sphere like them. I don’t know how to explain this….one part is sometimes they astral out same me bodies all at the same time. It’s real.

I go to sleep

 Babaji: That early?


Babaji: You don't want to answer a full walls answers and questions?

But I cannot even open my eyes.

Babaji: Mine doing?? How do you know its me, or high tech.

You don't have a clue.

Babaji: Right, when you will have a clue?

How long they say, I regent again? 

Babaji: I think it always like that....

They probably overstated....

Military orientation table (Evening)

 If I recall, I will tell you, at that time, prior to those time, I was reading American Classified in Project Camelot alternative news sites. I actually believe all of their saying. And because I was living so remote, far away from the main city, for so many years, I forget a lot of career bracket in which there is standard that...if I come from foreign country, I could just pretend I am level grade school English. None capisto None unglare..... 

But I t was being invaded guy/girl things, I have a ring on my head hooded with pain, extremely painful I cannot meditate. There is a Master of my own, stepping behind my back. There is a bf, always been just using the situation, and makes me not living so great that time, to have tiny support at all. I have no contacts to my family for a very long time, but I had a mother. I will tell you things are not great, in any standard of ...I can describe to you. I forget there is educator they faciliate learning, and encourage you, just talk out, that kind of standard. I do not need to show the side, where wise story tales no tales, trickery games of language does not follow....Because I am a foreigner. 

That was 2018-2019

New 2021 Sep

First thing is you know movies is real, because classified implied you, and I go to seminar, I actually talk to someone, he told me he heard that rumor too, movies is real. I hear a real human being telling that story, we discuss it.

But still, when you are on a social media, the general mass, is not the people you go to seminar with. They don't think like you, they don't act like you, and they have money, money money money, you need the investors, have you watched one of those Contact movies 1997, where just going everywhere to find an investors? Without money, there is just degree of you need to smile all the time, and be thinking all means, to make others smile, hoping, you find a way, to live next day...Even the movie to be real, but all the story plots, you can tell....you know the possible meaning, because I suppose to grow wise everyday, but joining a meditation groups. Yes, that is what happened at the end of all that. 

I have no family to support me to do any decision or language using. No opinion of views from friends, but I work alone in between Keanu or Simon.

I will tell you, they use educators. They are not that cruel to really, just dump me into one of those classified, you thought the whole world ended, because you associate your name and discovery like Tesla or Leonardo Da Vinci ! 


 What do I believe with the classified information I read?

There is high tech, knows your every thoughts, and they can obtain a copy. I do not think of lust, because there are some of you might have minutes or hours thinking all kinds of things, all kinds of thoughts. No I do not have that. I told you, I join a meditation groups are to get polished.

If you believing it....this is the time going for the open galaxy.....Bashar said 2050.

Do you believe that, no matter how you obtain your degree of perfection, there will be someone higher than you once you open open open galaxy, not just the standard on Earth anymore?

So shows your everything, I would suggest you that.



People probably don't give you a dime, where you say you come from. If you show up, they don't care if you were in 10 years war, or in ET groups, seeing more ET or human saying....people see the facts in front of you as cruel as the America represent Venture capitalism. I think for that, you need to think clearly everyday, why you stay on your social media, talking smooth.

 What happened to my college friends, Facebook friends?

You read the song 16 years?

You have no ideas ... ...how lifes has evovled. They 16 years ago, on facebook are one of those glowing human on Earth. On Facebook. MD, PHD, or Pharmacist.

8 years ago, was when I started here, let's say, like one of your military orientation table using my writing materials. Meaning I have been educating people in some years. Not just I have organic chemistry students prior, and I recently go and fetching the students back. I left a song, so I went to comment on it.

Everyone all spending time, as if they are prince or princess. That is what I comment on them. They do not stop a moment, to see, not everyone is becoming the Mastermind of MD top top top them. Meaning, they don't come back down to educate anyone, because they don't think they are good enough. They keep getting their position higher and higher. More competitive.

Aging is one of the things everyone going through. I am an Asian, so I cannot really just comment this as if "if they" aging, they show on their photo.


Is this middle school/ high school Japanese Animation, meant it?

You mean their personality? You met them?


 ... Yes!


 Do you talk to authority about them, like Medical groups?

I talk them here. Yeah, I think Apple handle those things too. Someone is very responsible, I don't need to really stress those points. They are all second generation of immigrants can go back to their original country to live like prince and princess, as "Alliance" in one of the songs.

So your song, meant they waste their life 16 years?

I didn't write that song. Do you read my profile, my birthday? Victim is me! 

Listen, life step on the first intention if were to be ....."not noble", you will really hope America meant, they have a back up plan going back to their original country, like I suggest them all. They have no language to those country, or association called Superman Smallville TV series.

That guy has a gun issue on facebook.

I just try to believe no one will really do ...those things to seeing someone wasting 16 years of life or continuing on.

16 years are only 1 and 6. Did you get to my will letter 5 years ago, when I was doing 5 Lords Reviews? I left a letter. I said to public, that no matter how hell expand, like SMCH trying to say, its one of 6 realm Buddha original sutra meant to say. Its 6 realms.

There are trailers on Smallerville openings. Yeah, watch it. 10 of it.

Tesla has a biography X 12 Venus ship

Parents like Frank and Francis from Venus.....if you all want to note down, how they hug frames in the seconds, before that frames, what happened?

Where do you think my friends, or your friends will end up?



Because they mix up ....a lot of people mix it up. When you really hold a license in America, it means a completely professional attitude, phone conversation with parents, with boyfriends, or husbands or wife. They need to be very very very professional. You can just say, you never smile anymore, once you are in one of those jobs, and never have a college reunion anymore, to prove me they grow up. Their foremost face to is Medical Boards, the real Top expecting them, making it. If they pass the exam, make it !


So you won't be saving them in the video saying it?

I am on an island....save me, I think. (people laugh)

Do you know where was I 8 years ago? I didn't know they exist, until recent years. You never been to one of those expedites. Where you explore or search things, what got hidden things. So One day on my pinterest profile, I found lockers, with the key. I went back several times seeing that. You don't find dead bodies under a pile of woods, you found photos, a locker, and a key insert right in there. Can you imagine, you travel so many of these places on photos I shows you, if just a grand of sand. Places I been to, things I seens, TV I heard, and reviews I read ...Life meants to grow wisers to know when to let go, really. Jail is not worth it.

Never worth it. You step once in there with your professional reason why you fail, not just you doing business, okay, business someone frame someone something, stole something....that is common things. Mal-practice, that is.....worse of all worse things in one's records.

I read on the internet, when someone reach 50 years old, I think their parents might be close to die, it meant the real life begin. Meaning money and backup plan ceases to exist?

Why You are so sure they will go to jail?

Fatima, was an indian girl, very very short. FEMA camp. That is a jail I learn from Project Camelot. You never know, why there is a name end up there sounding so fate like ! 

I have 5 friends from UB facebook, I say looks like NSYNC? And whole clubs, looks like Sisterhood of traveling pants, and 7 Heaven? I am telling you.....life supposes to have mystery hidden behind. Right now, its all open wide and big. 

So your jobs are?

I don't really have a job ....I create my own jobs. These photos supposes to be behind military, to see "recognition" 

How to recognize a person's face to given faces and near about. These story if they really seen it behind, it is horrific ! Because some girls they really gain a lot of weight.

A lot of weight.

What if my friends are like your friends, what would you suggest me to do?

I am in a real situation of something, I cannot really verbalize....so that sort of real life battle, its better, I don't get in between those my friends they causes their own troubles to with the authority, I do not have anymore spare strength or resource to monitor them. My family is in a chaos right now.

Do you think they will listen to me?

No ! 

Should I try?

Your life where you wish yourself to be? Open Galaxy? Stay close with the military, they have marvelous talents people. Make other new friends, learn others things, don't keep looking back.

Military orientation table

 Poison for example?

I called it blood and honey.

A wall of blood and honey.

A girl, your best friend with a general, strong strong strong, mocking to you as he might be your father.

That’s honey, that’s blood.

It’s called, you have one photo with your father.

That’s your best middle school or high school, girl to girly friend. Affectionate best friends. 

Do I think emotional traumatized when I go through?

I met Neo. It was horrifying …it’s inside frame story, outside they actor life story.

You cannot prove things I will tell you in life, what you gonna do?

Make things sound funny ! Because … movie might be real, but most people are focus singular aspect of watching movies.

You can choose to talk about, which I did …I had a ring belt on my head, one whole excutiating year.

Does people believe?

… … if that person is not, stunts, what you gonna own them stunts at the end of story?

I will tell you my goal….that year. To live, to breath right, to get out of pain, and man and women…man has inducing power! If you believing higher force…when the living veil become thinner, have you heard these words, what do they mean to you?


Life meant to live. Have a positive outlook in life. Bring others joys and security and let go when inducing frames not on you anymore. The moment it disappears, the moment find strength and leave that circumstance! Which I did! I don’t want that part of becoming my real life, not really. 

Learning new juicer

 Making juice pulp

Maybe no, it’s not that real, but you feel it very very real.

 You feel it

You are sensitive, Simon.

I am not sure it works with you Simon, but man has a lot of that.

You want to call MH?

Ohio that MH

Simon, do you still feel 2 weeks?

 If I give your life feeling not that, what do you gonna do with your life?

You just feeling wanting 2 weeks 2013.

Savage garden? I actually don’t care what you do as long as you know life has a proper standard you are taking lead as Harry Potter role. 

⭐️⭐️ 提那,你以前常跟媽說你想自殺!⭐️⭐️


你覺得如果你從 101 跳下去,沒有死,自由落體的一直下降




W 兩個世界電視你到底看了沒有?

I am just have to making a call right now, sometimes....and typing ....Why my brtoher photo is under the subway on the red line with my mother last name.....that he borrow 1.6 rate from the morgage here this house

 She says this house is not his.....she changed. It always says it is his. So the bank gives a rate of 1.6 ! 

lots of things to do ....

I will go to nap later on

Babaji: Go


不會~ 台灣我相信有人在做事情 ! '應該都是真的 ! 只是因為我還是得....假設看到就是要講清楚的事情

 所以有點累 ! 因為我看到太多的事情~ 我其實部計較的人,所以很疲累 ! 她找人的方式就是傷害大腦模式,令人厭惡無比 ! 她不能用說的就是毀天滅地她也不想好好說話,我先處理事情

I finish shower and will go eat

 Babaji: Go, they should all hell, really.

My brother is that Sariputra, what can you do anyway? Anyone only cares about will be only him.

Babaji: Not me.

Babaji: 好忙得早上 !

 Yeah, a little bit busy ....My family has some condition, my mother, is not a very good person.

So was not my brother ever will care for anyone....Eben. So I am talking to the nurse or the hospital care taker personel. My mother if going to jail....no one is there. My brother for sure NEVER do anything ever in life. He has only his selfishness to live in his life.


Is that ego?

Yes, you want to win over your guys on issues he does what pleases you, so next time you inches your way in. Sometimes you even subconsciously doing that, one inches, two inches, three inches. Some people are very sensitive on that. You do on purpose, or your memory fade, you do it on purpose saying your IQ is low....I would tell you that, if I am a guy.

Is winning always ego?

Yes !

You can prove to the guys, you never gonna win, because you are not polish yourself enough. That is not winning issues. Its you never make it issues. Like chemistry 97 percentiles on my PCAT scores? or Math 92 percentiles.

You can just be excellent, not to mocking guys. You just suppose to know that stuffs, if you read the books through?

Some guys are bad, yes. But averagely speaking, their IQ if the money is available to them, they still don't behave like a girl....

A lot of guys are bad. 

I met them just like I seeing them really.....bad guys. But like I said, their average IQ still higher if the environment allows them. Most are in the survival mode. Age and achievement, working experience.

But I am a girl, so I am asking the girl groups to self improve better. Not to go critique all these bad guys. I been with almost...all the bad guys, as you might have hear them history.

Believe me, if you truly self improve better, you will be able to aim higher your evolution when the times comes. Not I am trying to hurting you, or stopping you to find a nicer guy. There are nice guys. Not all guys are very bad.



Not those fighting stupidity talk, or psychology even. They use psychology, and you figure it out what is your brain really Self means. You don't need those online methods, or people really learn psychology to go hurting others. No.

I am asking the girls to be the best you can be, and try to lower yourself than the guys. Always be polite, courtesy, and obedience to listen to what they want to say. Each maturity is all different.

I been with the guys, I know what it means, they gang up their own head space stuffs, then talk to them wisely....Wisely !!! Tell them story, tell them what you think, tell them, for example in life, what you believe its more in God's nature to do things.

There will be difference, between each other.

Helping the guys. Don't put your life one extra second on the girls, if you put all out for the guys, like I told you, someone will notice you doing it, for your heart, to make them better, make yourself better too.

I am back !! ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This morning I say a few things in a very short meeting. Summary ⭐️⭐️⭐️

1. Digital Information Tools

2. People's mentality needs to be more optimistic, better diet, raw food / juicing, exercise

3. All the malls are built by guys, the girls and the guys division is too great.

    Not this mother, sister things coming to the guy from your part.

    Be thankful there is all the luxury that guys building upon in this world, such as the mall, the outlet electric you can see to go to the bathroom, you have water access to commonly use, you can walk with ease with the floor nice tiles in the good design to help your mood, every moon cycle, if your period is way too heavy. There are many things to be thankful to the guys, in which this world is built upon by them, the road, the construction, the elevator, the nice air-con. I don't know if you ever pray to thank God, how much things you ever have, its from someone, something to given all of us, a comfer life more and more each day, so we can betterment ourselves and others, to Real Love ! So be thankful to all the things we are using it right now, other people's built. All that are done by the guys. So I keep hoping you would just listen to what I say, drop everything you ever do yourself to make yourself look big and great. Just do what the guys prefer to have in life, as they be treated with digitnity, not you know their IQ is much higher too?

I am going out

 I put the open galaxy video on

Babaji: again? You have military orientation table to attend every year !!

… … they probably just come up their own stuffs doing on their own time and space !

Babaji: right.

How are you?

Babaji: how is last night?

I should be mad?

Babaji: you loving it.

Right. You telling me, the guys all know, only I didn’t know.

Babaji: correct. How you gonna explain to Eben.

You do on purpose? I don’t know how to tell him.

Babaji: then fuck him harder.

There are a lot of diet movement, but no really mono-diet exist. (Commenting Pinterest)

 Babaji: do you even bother to explain them what that is?

I eat avocado. I have low blood pressure, so every hour, I took a single food in. It does sounds whole day I am eating. Eating whole day. 

Raw, vegan…I used to do that.



⭐️You understand Chinese now? SMCH? ⭐️

 I go to sleep.

Babaji: Me too.


 Babaji: Much better !

Military orientation table

 I don't even know what day is today you are in my orientation table.

Been to the other speakers yet?

I actually have a Pinterests social media account, YourFormulaSheet.

To explain to you why I am here today.

Sometimes in life, you have many reasons to tell me, why you have a bad day. You have a sad day, you have an unsure goal in front of you what you suppose to do, at every given moment.

Knowing me, a lot of people will tell you, they sometimes will think about "what would Anna I do things", since 8 years materials you reading so far on your table? yet?

I went to TYG and AGT and the on the road of AGT that year, Keanu, Simon and Me, are in the Tro cave moutain scene in Lords of Rings. 4 Hobbits, are social media that time I have used. Google plus. Silicon Valley, 430 Scientology David

And Harry Potter (Simon on Daniel Actor profile, Ron Keanu)

And today would be my husband Eben Pagan (Neville)

Is these the materials given to you, or you have to investigate it on your own ? Let me see ...I usually see into your mind?

Where were you go about to seek these information, if you were be placed in this year, Harry Potter New School years of first year, to Lords of Ring, Mountain Tro Scene inside cave?

How would you go about AGT, American got Talent?

You could find things out through my Youtube.

Right now, I am asking you....Tro, Open Galaxy normal subjects, we had earlier....library.

I am a public librarian, chemistry undergraduate.

CADS Organic Chemistry Tutor 4 years. That is as much as you have information.

Someone related to you a situation, how you would go about yours in life, right now? You could find all the answer or you want to testing water a bit.....? Where would be Digital Era, Librarian playing a role in digital library, Google, Digital Database, IMDB, with Digital Guru like Eben Pagan, with Digital Library formation Librarian....

What if I told you AGT, I started was National Treasure on a map, I decoded as a discovery, science, but I went to American Got Talent, merely, because of a Leonardo Da Vinci painting? or Voice in my head.....that time, as a science person, I would tell you, I do not give a crap in psychic ability, whatsoever?

I would show you few clips.

That was 2013/ and full year 2014

In 2018 I come out something new, base upon one photo (花冠安琪兒 online) Not ...what? Its color.


In 2021 I come out something new: Supreme Master Ching Hai, Real Love and Loving the Silent Tear. You believe so far, you have to know the story....

You reading this far, what if you reading my first few lawsuit, Like Lawsuit 1? 

Title "Real Love"

"Loving the Silent Tear"

One photo. You mean, not the story inside the book. So do I ever written that description? One Photo instruction?

Side by Side, Keanu Reeves movies.

You carefully thought, if ....there are poisons yet?

Starting only trailer, because there are ways too many movies to read, and confusing?

How would you take about, if I told you so far stories?

Red River Manga (Kail and Zawanna story 赤河魅影)

Happiness and how to be psychic?


Babaji: You don't think you are psychic enough? People think you sold Eben Pagan, how Psychic you are !

None sense...

Babaji: You call me none sense?

No...you ....today, every day recently...

Babaji: 中餐廳

I thought the Pinterests photos are way too many foods. ... Something particular you wish me to go over?

Babaji: Orientation Table

中餐廳 and Military orientation Table, gotta you! Right away.

I am back ~~

 Babaji: You are back !

You know if you want to share your own story how to re-write comic book, even in your thinking, it’s okay. I just heard. You can re-create your own story, even discuss in public if you want to !!

 Babaji: Not insanity?

I guess only target me. I am going out to exercise !

Babaji: Go

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦📞 I added the photo in ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Life is what we make off….sad?


You should not listen any these glooming music to feel the mood sad. I will tell you why …

Pay attention to things around you as if God brought you a torch to stand in the middle.

No matter what you promise him you be the best person you ever be so one day God shares his light with you or his eternal life.

Don’t you believe those Bible things?

I believe something, yeah ….maybe not in that kind of saying too passive. To The Whole room full of light !!

I go to nap….you

 Babaji: Go

⭐️ Do you believe the birds things on the camera? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 This morning, I met a bug.

It can jump from wall to wall.

It Jumps ! 

2 Feets !

I am going to eat

 Babaji: I already say the last time.


Babaji: You should say kisses !

I am going to eat ....

 Babaji: 時間還沒有到 !


I used to hear about there is cafe in the library ...its one of the things in the library school, they teach us....the library has no money !

 I actually went to a phone company here to ...let's say: pay bill. Right next to it, its a cafe !!! 

They have chairs inside there, or inside the phone company !

Military Orientation table

 Where were we last time?

The recognition.

You travel among galaxy, you arrive to a planet that has a prophecy, let's say 2000 years ago. To associate with a name Jesus.

You plan to spend your quality time 40 years, 20 years before 2000, 20 years after 2000.

You are just new from Earth, You don't trust others people telling you the movies might be real.

You start with the painting 500 years ago???

Have you tried to think, if you don't know how to use your library card, how to get to the galaxy Google branding of internet, like demise Librarian me?? The card access freely, if they have a cafe to eat one day those are free??????

Tina, you know how to write article very well in Chinese. 提那你寫中文的文章很好


When you trash your own life journey, left down remains are the lost of your years/ages

一個人的人生裡,每一個人追求的事情都不同,你然而,有一種情況,你不覺得你應該好好的跟你的媽媽或是爸爸講嗎 ? 如果你真的跟你的影片講的是一樣,是瘋子 ! 你是可以有點支持的人生但是你要好好的溝通!

In one's life, everyone pursue something all a little bit different, however you, there is a condition, you don't think you should establish a better communication with your mother and your father right now? If you are really like you are saying it, in your own video, you are a psycho !  You can have some supports of life, but you must communicate well.


A romance relationship, are two people agreeing it to as a world itself.


After separation, you really need to make it to become like this right now?

你幾乎都是跟 Hank 在要錢過日子吧 ? 他打人對吧 ? 對 ! 我知道 ! 你知道你自己是怎麼花錢的嗎 ? 一個鋼琴 20,000 US dollars !!

You always asking Hank for money to spend your days right? He hits people right? Right ! I know. Do you know yourself how you squander money? One piano costs 20,000 US dollars?


Tina, your family are still here, right now, still here, and everyone are fine fine person as okay person.

如果你知道你是有問題的,你現在要有點動作,提娜 ! 我是認真的那一個人 to go get marrying to Eben.

If you know you have a particular problem, you need to have some action right now. Tina, I am a serious person, to go get marrying to Eben.

提娜 ! 如果我是評審 ! 你跟 Hank, 你是做錯事情的那個人,知道嗎 ? 你自己真的做錯了! 你一輩子都在賭博如何錯的更離譜,傷人傷痛別人家庭,你覺得歲月是怎麼流逝的,你的電話呀 ! 

Tina, If I am a judge, between you and Hank, you are the one doing things wrong, do you understand? You really the one making it wrong all the time. Your whole life are gambling how to make more wrongs in a more horrific manners. You hurt others, hurts other's worlds, with other family. How do you think the years of life will lose its time? Your cell phone?

曾經提娜,就說曾經,你有沒有覺得你自己做的事情是要下去地獄的? 曾經有沒有真正的思考過?

Once upon a time, once upon a time, you Tina Jao, Have you ever think what you do, you will go to hell for it? Have you really really think thoroughly, thinking through?


Last time for your ex bf, that guy, you immediately hang up the phone with your mother


I take it as if you are really right here, and care about things, that person.

⭐️ It’s 8:25 I am back ⭐️

 I went to Daan Forest Park

62.3 kg

I go out losing weight

 Babaji: Go

尊上罰你唸心經 did you see that parts of drama? Or you cannot really watch it fully? Like disciples around.

 He asked you to be punished to repeat that sutra called Heart sutra before you go to bed. Yeah, if you are here, do that.

越南小尼姑,do you now recognize your own label?

 Life in front of you has so many detour, does your Master ever told you choices in life ? He never taught you anything a proper way to preach? For a TV fame, you decide to look better, Forbe 100 lineage competition, you are number 1 witch ? That’s saying you 走火入魔

From one day precepts you uses Maya words to shield you learn magic you need in Europe…I wonder if they are that dummy, you say a is a, b is b, c is becoming F?

The first time after long years I never really seen you in person, was in Thailand. You were chasez by a riot…and that guy happened to be, Ancient Chasez looking to shield you.

Your fame story so wide spread, it’s covered in the entire China most popular women actress even. Your master must willing to tell me how he gonna ever uses this fame once we walk step to step to open galaxy, Real Love, Loving the Silent Tear, you guarantee your each disciple.

6:00 good morning Eben. Haha … of course I don’t mean to hurt anybody that time.

 3.5 days. Not reaching 4 days.

(I need to speak in Chinese ) 你知道你錯在哪?





有些世界的法律你知道什麼叫做你師父知道的 … …. 嫉妒他人之心是傷害他人




不要先 sunk it with water.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️2:15 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Sleeping hour is 4 hours

Period is reaching 4 days (til noon)


I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

Eben, You look nice in it. I didn't check the author, whom made these video. Sorry.

 ... ... So Eben, you just 2014 watching me playing these? Yeah, I would want to ask you, that....no one that time knows a thing what I am saying. The map ! 

Tesla and Sarah Berhardt? ~ No, I don't really want to go that way. I leave the video there, because I would face you some of these before, I did all that??? Paper format things. You could tell me, you don't have to really comment. 

You look nice in it, Eben.

I try to go to sleep later.Its 9:20 only. I keep exercising indoor. 

⭐️ I added the pancake photo in ...Indian store sells those a lot, at the frozen session. Its all about the same. The flour process food ⭐️

 Today, I found out a new vendor I walking passing by breakfast....I may not be eating it, but you all could just go and buying it. The small pancake stuffs. Next to the flower shop, inside the street.

Those you eat alone. Unless its Naan, they eat with American Indian curry, I eat those. Right.

But they sell dark curry here in Taiwan. 

Did I tell you, I don't have one particular too much liking food anymore?

You know why I put them in...in case, one day, I become the Altar, you would just give the Yogi they eat about the similar food like that pancake stuffs.

烤白菜 ! 就是整鍋的白菜起司!!白菜喔! Right, that so far its my favorite, getting me fat the main reason I believe.

Chinese cabbage made of with Cheese Vegan.

No rice.

Just Chinese Cabbage, maybe with some carrots, or mushroom. Cabbages soft.

I used to do meditation and fasting modes. I will tell you, it was hard, on fasting, I would start to imagine, all the food that I am craving at. so while I was on fasting, I would make these food lists.

 Most foods are Mongolian, my father would like those foods, when we used to eat small.

North China food. Colder weather food. Chinese Pancake those kinds.

So after I done that so many times, so many so many times, I start to know how it feel like one drop of soy sauce damage my kidney. 

One drop.

When the internal hurts, I would not eat.

That kinds of habits, like right now, I gain weight, and I look at these foods, but they are not my favorite food types. That kinds of situation would be alleviate.

But I think, I rather not to keep airing those TV shows here, for eating foods.

I was into what they were doing ...

I have heard that since COVID 19, people eating U-Bert?

 Like they start to make a lot of money too, those youngsters.....

So do you all gain weight like me?

I never really have a fitness plan in my life, because I never really going out of my way to lose weight for one time for another.

But this time, I really need to slim down, and going outside to jump, leap, bounce, its about the time, to do so?

What is your plan to keep your body slim?

我聽說這個 COVID 19 很多人就吃烏ㄅ,所以很多人就是在家裡辦公的意思 ~ 就跟我一樣呀 ! 體重上來,所以現在要體重下降,那妳們有沒有想要出去走走呀 ! 跑跑呀 ! 跳跳的 ! 


而且要攝取水果才會去上廁所 ! 

I used to get this juicer from Amazon, I still think that is one of the best I have, small and portable. Juicing is actually very good. I gonna see how does Eben keep slim like that ~ people live together has to see what everyone eats? 

I probably won't be online that much. I want to ask him what he wants to do ....

I am working on Chemistry Website

 You all love foods. That is cold already.

No salt....I don't think that has a lot of tastes.

But it is very nice to look at it.

They always do something like that very catchy eyes.


⭐️ 3:51 I come back shower eat watermelon. ⭐️

 I normally don’t have that routine. But now I am trying to lose weight other than diet. There are a lot of people into fitness. I can see. 

I am going to nap

 Babaji: your father’s eyes, you don’t want to ask me?


Babaji: India has a way healing xxx (particular 眼疾)

I cannot understand you in English.

Babaji: you don’t have to. 

Simon, everyday I wipe my phone clean ….


Because I like my phone cleans. You have extra people to look after, you see. They look like a nice couple. 

That was 868 percent error….she was a President class, did I read it right? Oh !

After I learn so many girls issues, Simon, I if one day becomes a man….for real, I say I am a gay.

I hate blood problem, not my blood especially. I clean all my life.

“Do you hear today me and my mother on the phone 📞?”

“You know my sister is for sure total psycho after I married to Eben, not just talk about it to sound like?”

Why I cannot make the girl sees? You need to live eternal life, you need guys….Indian 500 years olds might be real. Not just help sentient beings. It’s to help guys !! To be the fullest they want to be !!

Simon, you think they do on purpose?

 Yeah? Bridget is not very nice name and a simple favor, the movie sounds. But is that exciting for you to think your life a little bit different sometimes?

Bible is not the law?? Legal system

 Oh ~ I live in 21th century…. 2000 years passing, and 21 years!

That’s what Babaji says. (Title) For sure he does not get married with modern

I have heard journalist has an occupation because they gossips !! Forefront, like Anderson Cooper knows that school Wing is at? Rockfeller told me the whole history of Anderson Cooper

 His family background !


No she is not a bad person, but if you found out Bible says don’t, then don’t !

 There is a reason you use your brain to decide in your life what You wish to become.

No, I don’t really need to go and tell SMTV about it?

… …. You know…

Babaji: yes ~~ I know. 

There are second songs tell you….the Indian prime minister says don’t be too skinny.

 Because you ran out of your good luck!

So I do gain weight, there is nothings shameful about. 

🌟🌟🌟 Babaji used to want me to explain to you what’s in your head ( spirituality ) 🌟🌟🌟

 When you close your eyes, there are mantra, do you get initiation from which groups ?

There is a reason why there is a mantra, not just blank out. Beas books have written some.

About 8 years I practice none stop ….mediation was 24 hours as soon as I open my eyes, repeat 5 names. There is a rhythms so everything I do become …a type of smooth exercise how fast and rhythms goes to clean, to wash, to organize…kinda like you film me behinds, all those years, in the kitchen. I was in a rhythms. 

That would be the private things Babaji knows so I disclose my parts.

Meditation of sound, ma’am Ching Hai will tell you it cleanse your cellular memory, so yes, with precepts, fasting, I did all that. I become more and more sleepy….til this time I say stop.

I will tell you the reason why. Why I stop, if everything is so perfect sounds to you to keep meditating and ignore TV.

No, you should not ignore TV. 你們不應該忽視電視說什麼

One day, I cut myself in the kitchen, I ran to the bathroom, Nick follows behind. I fainted.

In that few moments, darkness around me, I see him trying to revive me.

There is no sound!

There is no sound. 

There is no sound.

Nothing, nothing, nothing !

The TV eternal Love Mark says very clear, vegan vegan, took both eyes out ….

They say the 輩份弄錯




There are things being said, I say. Eat what they told you to eat, that prostitute in the Bible is blastomny.

There is high tech photo I show you. High tech.

Meaning you eat vegan and break precepts you sure what you eat down is really not human meat, instead of mock me? (Mock meat)

People are ignorant that’s why I don’t save them. I just need to leave. Leave my mother. I married Eben is what it takes, yes.

Comments MD: Smart people brain is very sharpen inside their focus, so their language is clear. But until you become dull and too much sugar chocolate in the brain for one year, I couldn’t study. I know that feeling. Ignorance people are in fighting mode all the times, to teach them something is just begging them to follow rules. I have not needed to be that low. You all want to keep that methods mediating, keep going. I watch.

You know ….

 Babaji: Never I know, I Babaji know.

All right, you win.

Babaji: Explain to them.

When I type including my every word is carefully examined by if Babaji meant I can allow to express or say. From as long as we started these words written down between me or him. Not really I fully meant I could express my frustration if without it sounds towards favor him, understand ? I have no will.

Babaji: No ego.

⭐️ Today is 62.9kg, I am taking a break ⭐️

 Babaji: Good

I thought if you all from your country and requires an MD to ship you back to your country to find you a relative to go….you all capable to travel and find roads with police or border inquiring addresses?

Never is save Anna me … 

I have to keep going, one more hour to go …

Babaji: Go, me, a mystery person. Not known to public name so and so, you think Anna lies about it? All the way? She is Aries, only she does this Aries would do things, you think? Lamb!

I need to go and lose weight, exercise in the morning routine ! bye !

 Babaji: Go, see you in a round.

When I first come out, maybe it is not safe time to talk about the movies, but now, Simon knows times passes 8 longs years, now, its safe for all of you to talk about your feelings.

 You must have some feelings you feel you see yourself in the movies....you just don't remember UB people's face, only I remember. On my facebook

Why I even having them as my friends, and Thank God, I delete the account.

3 days also this time, has no particular discomfer. I used to even have more pain because I start using the bathing powder more. Otherwise if I didn't force it, I probably won't have so much discomfer time during those periods of time.

Big Hero 6

And 無印良品

The birds are quacking .....

Do you connect yourself together as a team, to investigate movies yet?

Wing, does your parents know you coming from an island, where they were from? As a Hong Kong people?


One island Taiwan has a flag, a national anthem, and a national flower ....To say Princess Dairy I and II. 

So if I claim, no one investigate them account. I keep repeating it, you just believing they are true every words?

So you talk to Tim Cook?

If I didn't have any contacts, I go directly to their page, and say it. Hi, I have some issues with my friend's claim, she losts her facebook, can she get it back?

他們有沒有覺得其實看英文很累人? 不管再久,其實都沒有真的感覺的習慣呢? 但是如果我打中文,你是要聽他們翻譯給你聽的關係嗎 ?  

These songs, do they think look like you Wing, and my Ancient Chasez Claims,

1 in Flower Thousand Bone Song

2. in Jail guy on television?

 I have no ideas what happened this far, I am guessing by next year, I would know for sure, you all would comproment to Simon, Eben, Keanu, or Tim Cook a bit? Including your parents, like my mother, Rockefler, or my father Tesla....that their well achievement in the past, has comes to the today's a very well known time, like this time?

Or you all have to be the stars? No?

okay ~~~ I need you to write something to make them feel good. Because ....I boss you all too all the time !!!

⭐️⭐️⭐️Some people really love television and if you see yourself in it....you don't talk about it? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I think this is your maturity time before your parents die, they wants to hear about it, whether those tremendous pressure you bear on the television was indeed another day, that Medical School, they would not understand, how you make it through the same time, Anna on TV, that time you glad was not targeting at you, or else, those students loans, you gonna sue me Anna for, right? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

It started with me Ella Enchanted, but you never know whom they are.

But it all started at Princess Diary 1 and 2, with Smallville.

These 5 Lords situation with NSYNC, you only know SIlas to be real?

I assume, you check UB spectrum archive center, how to look for his photo, to see if he looks like Lance Bass?

I specifically say on the Climate Change website, Taiwan, we have a national flag, a national anthem, a national flower.

That is not the requirement to have a nation?

When I was in the middle school, my hair was short? I was a blonde that time, not before. My mother dye my hair to black? So the small tiny island, cannot be a nation?

I actually have a doctor. He is from Boston University. MD.

There are marvelous creature on this island, besides butterflies, in the Victoria Secrets. Its these birds, you seen it in the video, you need to tell your MD about it?

Or, these are the 3rd days about...3rd days of my period. This month, I eat eggs and meat. Finally, I last 3 almost, to noon time, would be 3 full days. But this time, will have a buffer time??? (Unsure)

Last time, have a little bit buffer time. I say none. It shows up after.

Can I actually say something? Its slippery through me, this time, twice happening....Its a big smurge?

How do you define someone has one egg per month or those are uterus lining walls? They all looks like that milky bloody looking stuffs?



I think I write enough one day, to contempt to those kids at their high school, or college entrance tests ....Chem World.

 Yeah, I finish for today.

Eben, there is a particular sword called in ancient China as 尚方寶劍

 When you present this sword

It’s = King is here. 

Like the story of ancient China saying let’s say we wear common people cloth, and investigating a case, at certain time, you can just present this sword and gives excuation order. Not using the sword to kill. The public sees the presenting swords, they will kneel. Then you can say your court order that so and so was making a crime scene and therefore …

“You feel it …something pressurize you to talk about it.”

 “Something like a collective karma.”

“Too many people audience has an emotional effects on the true story that makes me worry.”

“Today I am not feeling too well”

⭐️⭐️⭐️All you need these honor class students are your parents seeing you on the television ⭐️⭐️⭐️ And talk about it, Smallville. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Oh I know that for a fact, me and Eben becoming your new parents, not just those little kids really have no parents.

Some people can live without TV fame, generate enough their own TV noise fames, to make others happy.

Did I say glooming yesterday?

Eben and I have a life together, mature person does mature talk.

If you really need your parents to know how you feel the TV paint you into a story, you need to talk about it !!

One day I was not myself to go to sleep, you cannot think in your own head?

Talk to your parents you are inside a TV script and ….whatever the story says.


⭐️ Who is this? ⭐️


Yeth, is that you? 1 RN, Erin is with another Lee.
Lee is not like you type, Yeth. That’s nice of you. He is probably busy at his own life. So many years pass… they all are. 
Talking to an empty universe, I never learn my lesson what those helping others all about.
Eben …Yeth I don’t think I just go tell Eben, you exist, you are saying this? 
Maybe let me talk to Eben first of all. 

Is that my old phone? They had a game.

When you gonna show up on my roof? You mean Kia= Korean 
That drama?
To know my small circle friends after with Eben? May I talk to Eben first of all? And technically you don’t exist.

Yeth, you know, people like them so eager to make it….they ….turn into different face in their own air of life that those town is glooming looking.
They don’t have what it takes to make it …

Yeth, you want to be with Lee? 
由基 I don’t really know these books how valid they really are.

You are in my ceiling right now? Dropping stuffs, I can hear.
Do you want to show up: yes

I feel sleepy now, I go to sleep.
Babaji: Go

BTX that’s unbearable…air pressure

 I have to keep calculating ….

Keanu, you …join a flying team, in Harry Potter

 If you want to fly like that, mostly you want to die….

No, Simon I didn’t know the profile. I go by …look. Little pepper look

 Like if I don’t touch that, what other options I have….

I stream my TV shows I have watched….now I am the same time reading the profile. You say Jenny!

Eben, I went to that same hotel to reflect a little bit

 Now is cool. 

Babaji: yeah? What happened? No one knows what happened?

Well, it already passed. I should just know that! I could just never help them at all. Yeah.

Babaji: you shouldn’t. They are all very very bad people. 

Oh this guy?


He is with a black assasin movie. That his wife ! How did I read this profile myself? I forget my eye glasses….

Ryan has a Life long anxiety …

Keanu, you like guy or a girl? Movie : Pacifier, that’s a guard position you are so near by for yourself ?

 Mine they have to compete…

Simon, if I say to you …Anna Hendricks social media fame movie murder has a blonde

 Have you watch the sisterhood of traveling pants? Does these face look similar?

I used to have a dot on my face.

At gallbladder stone video

Gilmore girl has a mother, that’s sweet November?

But both Simon and Keanu are taken ?

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reflection ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Long long time ago ...

There were many stories today we heard of me Anna describing ...

These story being display in front of us.

Its the defense team, defense personnel received this story 

Defense team are 陵南

Thats Babaji team

In the real world, the school has 16 years always winning team vs 湘北

That feeling I know. My high school volleyball team never advance in

Long long time ago, someone has kneels at the sundown snow front...

But this one life

One temporary life, none has pursue what they say renunciation monk life. 

But a nun

Whats a colorful nun means ( adjective )

A beautiful day ahead....

Open galaxy !

Many human so soaked in their drowsy life - there is Ron, there is Harry

There is Eben 

Everyone could encourage their journey a further advance but most jealous what they become and will evolve.

Is that really worth to be a such pest that damages to the society that none applause to them?

Its time to celebrate 

Its time to rejoin 

But how many sees behind the illusion of falsehood called life is just trying to survive so in order to hurt others, they do it to report to the polices 

But there is a stake

There is a story

And these story must not die down.... yet.

I sent in that link


Hong is the Asian guys they prostitutes her at.

Wei, Savage garden that Moon “baby”, she is old with very young guy contact person Calvin. (Chinese/ Vietnamese)

Jia, fan’s wife, one of the contact person.

The lyrics say: they call me mental, psycho…

You know Eben, I actually tell every truth. It is every word true. People will go to hell with it.

Babaji: it’s none of your business now, shut up!

I go to sleep

 Babaji: I go crying !!

⭐️ Eben, I went to do an official complain on Nick with TTC and SMTV ⭐️

 He is a very bad guy.

Babaji: who supposes to fix this?

I think he is a bad bad guy.

Babaji: (pointing finger head) now you are thinking …

Those screws bothers me photo email I received, now I think I know what it means. He is taking advantage and he does on purpose.


Babaji: you tell Eben now, or I tell him?

Hi Eben, I think… he is really really bad guy. Can I take some days break first for a while? I need to calm down a bit. It’s so many years now. That day hit me.

Go eat

 Babaji: Go

你們其實對你們師父有很多見解 ….你們其實對所有人間事物看的不透徹

 她是你們可以傷害的人,不會特別說什麼,但是其實你們可以跟你們同學扯破臉,順便把你們師父丟進去一起罵金牛座的 … 但是你們只會為難她,因為她不應該有反應



你們其實憎恨他人之心比較多,不是我自私,我同學 16 年沒聯絡出了什麼事情!!醫科的





10:00 am 63.2 kg

 The scale is broken …

Babaji: yeah 

清海無上師其實就是 ma’am Ching Hai, 我叫她越南小尼姑的那個人~~我有事情還是會告訴她的

 你們… … 如果覺得她好像都繞著我家事情轉轉轉, 其實她們發過誓言,聽說幫助眾生,包括你們,不管是不是密教的人,她們都樂於助人,有事情就說,我盡力做,不是都丟給她,我才罵完她,我怎麼會把事情往她身上攬!!

但是對,有事情告訴她一聲,會比較好!寫給 SMTV 呀!可以寫信✉️呀!台灣的地址她會知道的!某種層度上,她是做師父的人做慣了!


你們不覺得她也挺受歡迎的, 是因為她有她的值!! They all have some quality, kinda like Christian. 

I say, you ma’am Ching Hai love helping sentient beings, human you and I, including family. If I have something to tell you, I will still tell you. 

9:31 got home

 Watermelon 🍉!!

Babaji: did you ever want to lose weight?


8:24 temporary stop

 Checking ….

林更新, i know that name. That’s Tina and Pang’s stuffs? 步步驚心?

Going out again 

Babaji: Go

It’s 6:46 I go out

 63.8 kg.

Wallace, do you actually think after I left you resign, then China comes, what if? Ever ?

Really? Taiwan is a nice little land.

If I become millionaire, will I still marry Eben?

Yes! No one cares about eternal life. I care about it with the guys life. Maybe not you kind guys life.

Babaji: Go, lose a lot of weight.

🙂 建華,鳥想找你講話話 🙂

 影片在我這 … …

人生有時候不是一定要在某種固定位置的!你們都只是 face card 在我眼裡,這種情況,在很多有經驗的人裡,我只是沒有去當面跟他們做詢問!







鳥只是說你該走了,4個 top

🙂🙂🙂 1:20, it’s to describe the inner games? Before 2014, I had only fasting / meditation experience, real 🙂🙂🙂

 But not being inducing at it …something did happen W two worlds with you Eben, but I don’t understand a thing with it. I saw you happy, I happy for you.

As for being inducing at it ….

There are seeing as is….not inducing (=someone standing there ), if I spray water cleaning the wall, that’s a wall. The wall JC keep touching at it, I keep washing at it. That’s a wall as is. That’s not someone else faces, as if this room is meltable like Matrix? That’s not right. Those are fake!!

But can I see that’s not the wall? Right. 

NSYNC song I drive myself crazy, the bathroom. The bird saying closing the “cabin door”. That bathroom. 

Or like 偶然發現的一天, there is a vortex, I would not go on purpose to touch it, I am afraid but whom can I tell?

It’s a clock on the wall, and a wall, and that poster has a clock.

I just say these things are not real.

The only thing that is real if the body has a response. Because the comic book could just be the publisher they random draw at, they make-up the story with the history and fantasy!! At least I know that much !

But if the movie turns real, so known Magic turn real, = veil is becoming thinner

Living Veil

I myself is a science background to tell you if it’s a fantasy….Sailor Moon comet, that’s not a fantasy, there is some validity, but if all books are valid, I am not sure…

But I heard you Eben.

You say I think of you. Do you know I never envision ? Visualize something ? I think those are fake or I don’t know how? Those ….are technical squeeze your forehead? I relax my forehead, not squeeze.

But I will do it ….but I think we fight.


I go sleep

 Babaji: Go!

Tomorrow I need a longer fitness plan …..

 We have a forest park and an ice rink …you all don’t like exercise to lose all the weight?

1 kg = 2.2 pounds.

5 kg = 11 pounds!

Is that just a number?


64 kg=141 pounds.

I used to be 110 pounds.

30 pounds

14 kg? Roughly.

We do 1/3 to start ….

So the first thing we can all do, it’s to unsubscribe all the eating show.

Maybe ….we slowly lose weight !! 

I forget there is a period but I didn’t feel anything right now. So tomorrow I can have a plan to go running.

Do I really eat that much food?

Is that because I didn’t move?

It’s first time I am going to lose weight, so I don’t know if it gonna work !

🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅 I think I need to tell people do some stretching, walking, cooking, cleaning houses including bathroom, garden, every room ?

 長壽功 Longevity 

I learn this very very slowly.

Still first 2 same moves I only remember ….

Sometime you just keep practicing what you remember?

Fitness plan ! Chinese martial art you all love to do ?

I am watching endgame, Avenger.

 Don’t you think Simon works really really hard?

I am re-organize Pinterests.

Natasha name is Scarlett Johansson?


4:00 I am back …I thought about all your fitness plan. Walking is not exactly fitness plan, but you don’t even move your butt?

 Babaji: Correct!

My periods comes two dots, I am going out (12:00-2:30)

 Babaji: Go

Wallace you prefer something orthrodox? Yeah? 是嗎?穿尼姑衣的意思,也許換你穿穿看!


I go to nap

 Babaji: Go

As a royal chef guard, you suppose to entry America freely to save me here? Able to communicate with the embassy.

 Know about my property things have happened that Wallace failed to secure.

Yeah, that will be one of the things.

I really prefer it’s not a face card. Like a model fake.

🇺🇸😖😞🌞🇺🇸 侍衛長選拔正式開始🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

 Babaji: Go

I finish showering and eating

 Babaji: Go

I think this time, I write it very good 越南小尼姑


子歇的中國人就只能慢慢看了! 我的意思她其實是人


不只聖經一直說她是妓女 ! 

我叫她越南小尼姑~ 過了一百年的神話~一千年的神傳! 她其實一直都是越南小尼姑! 不是神 !!

是人呀 ! 很會妒忌她人的所有人 !!

你們不覺得ˋ你們的台北聯絡人在給予她一個價值不凡的土地小中心,他就被 fire 了~這個價值不凡的台北小中心不就是在我家附近的結語,其實是電信局離開你們的掌控還是相反呢?

這挺奇怪的倒是 ~~~~應該寫成法律程序,我這邊中文寫寫就好~英文寫了也不知道沒有這種字叫做

別人就寫斂財好了! 清海無上師! 

其實網路上到處都可以寫她的評論呀 !



 我來講八卦好了~子歇~其實是這樣的 ! 電信局的那個千山萬水的 "千山淨水"

就是位置在一個公車道路行駛的右邊 ! 

可能前一個紅路燈 ! 

這公車是以前我男朋友的工作場地在加拿大,其實跟我沒有,其實並沒有太多的關係 !

有一個甜點的地方~如果萬家香呀 ~ 元祖! 大概吧 ! 就是明明是一個公車地板上畫的





那子歇~那個 England guy with his sister in 花冠安琪兒~的故事呀 ! 你就自己招待~你們自己是男孩子,比較知道你們自己的關係! 女生都在凋零~我一個打全天下 ! 我告訴你~~什麼叫做一個人 !!!

女孩子很少真的可以合作版本的 ! 你不覺得這種命運叫做一個人是你們孤獨的隱士可以,好好反省我告訴你 !! 

Where is that England guy for 6 months, your comic books with your sister?

Does your Master treat you more kindly?

Its "just a comic book"?

Its just a Princess Diary, Its just Diary 2. Its just a BIble.

I am telling you. Her worlds that tiny, just like her height that soothing .....~~~~~


 其實子歇~他電信局的聯絡人就是被黑道還是呷咪恐嚇,可是他就是電信局耶! 結果現在黑道要去跟誰恐嚇? 一般老百姓嗎 ? 你的師父怎麼這樣做事情呢? 他就是電信局不需要有人生的那種人呀 !一輩子被著這所有事情綁著的那種人啊 ! 結果就被換下來大概,你們做事情大概都很有原則~她認為呷咪就蝦咪~


 巴巴基常常被我氣爆炸 ~ 可能是喔! 你覺得我寫的如何呀 !! 腳呀 呀 ~踹扁你們我告訴你 ~!! 什麼叫做修行需要人安慰 ! 這就是這種巴巴基說的,你們很缺乏安慰~全天下的電視電影變成一種我受罪受難的原由~~!!

成熟人做成熟人做應該的事情,她大概發瘋發狂有時候,那種自尊心! 她最好是有人看好靈修的基本態度 ! 


那最好是你們都審核過的腳本 ! 我自認為你們是溝通過,才有她那種態度在國際上面 !

還有子歇~我跟 Eben Pagan 來真的人生! 

我覺得他不錯 !

順便就跟你們說一聲呀 ! 以後我去結婚,你們男孩子自己去稱王! 

資訊世代~這 Eben 其實很重要的 ! 

資訊的所有圖書館 Digital Database, Digital Library, IMDB 就是 digital Database, 

Wiki 就是 Joomla 可以衍伸的東西~這所有最新的新型詞彙,你們到底有沒有用點功夫弄懂?

最好是 !

越南小尼姑~ So I wrote another layout on your lawsuit, we finding Eternal Life, and you are advocates again on the Television with the Muslin. Your Master Reading in English, and 子歇 they are reading in Chinese? 他們只能讀中文?

 Do you tell them in person you finding out the Bible, you are the prostitute 2000 years everyone hates her blastomny everywhere? Or you got blocking down, that police is in between me and you? oh ~ that I would have no ideas.

The entire Religion groups are blocking down from the outside sources of information, so I go online already with some courage, now, those are in vain explaining to you, why you should just lay low a bit, less than advocating these what Muslin again, we are tiny island, only?

子歇他們知道你知不知道外面訊息? 會有人不曾告訴你~你就是聖經裡面的那個妓女嗎 ? 

這的確有損自己的形象! 我的意思簡單來說就是你,清海無上師在2000 年被唾棄一個妓女的形象叫做 blastomny 褻瀆上帝的意思,你現在公開又在挑釁他人宗教,一定要選回教徒的關係,你知道你為什麼被唾棄 2000 年妓女的形象嗎 ? 你的國家叫做 Defeated Country, you don't think you should lay low at all? Not you are passport from Refugee England? 

我說是不是警察在我跟你的中間,叫做宗教人士都不存在! 我很辛苦的勇氣再網路上 "大放異彩" 就是只是為了告訴你,我們其實是很小的海島面積,不是你隨意挑釁回教國家的領土??

子歇他們念中文的~我這寫半天的哪一篇文章叫做他們不覺得我盡心盡力嗎 ?

I read it right now.

 Eben, you actually believe I do things on purpose? 

That’s why I thought we could at least talk about it? I am the one blah on and on as if someone to save me, 8 long years and I found you?

Do you know how I feel about this?


You Eben Pagan, you and I didn’t even know each other a long while ago. 

If I married to you, I would not do those things to hurt you. But you will know also, I might suffer a lot….it’s like being drugged and no relief.

Relief means get rid of them.

Okay I can tell you.

Happen recently once. The reason was I become “Eben’s wife”. There are parts I never explains their sexual games. I don’t think you write it that time. Before. When I tell you, yes!

It’s a very sexual sexual games none ceasing day 100?

They have ways to reproduce children, Eben.

Their ways of sexual games to do with their long live life’s are most children, sons, they die in certain age, but they like Prostitute. They are like Lee, til one day they want to have a cover of well image family, and killed the Prostitute or let go another town.

Appearance…their mother=me. 

They become more stable in finance, they will seek me. It’s the same games over and over. Sexual games. But they will die.

They want girls can initiate a town project on her own …like I go with few guards in a new town and do things. They are the rulers. “Rulers come to see their wife’s”, they are at this this town. On the news circulate around to the tribe of people. That’s their Tonawanna if those name has an effect in people’s minds. I come with guards. Yes. There is a publicity. 

That story is very very similar, Red River Manga. Initiate a project start to finish, as a part of ruling elite with them along the side. 

The ruling elites are guys!

That’s why I saying certain things a lot, Eben. Because some very old things might still very exist this world beyond outside, not just modern day values. 

Eben, I really just thought they do all these because if one day I become a kind of guy like that, they least don’t want to be the opposite side with me….that’s the only thing I can possibly think of. The guys like them….

Eben I reply

 You don’t mean I create the last last email, that ebook layout for video ?

I know how to do that. A while ago, I was thinking to create for you….I didn’t know was you wrote an ebook already on the video membership.

No, I don’t anticipate to grow audience. But yeah, you are the best people they should go to. 

My experty is creating layout, not really writing a blog. 

I turn on the switch light

 For the birds.

Typhoon, Bird (I have to wake up, too dangerous 太危險了)




🙂🙂🙂印度五百歲!!白色圓舞曲39/185, 第三集 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂



I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

Eben, I delete Sitesell links 4. No, I don’t think you are a waiting person…and I am an ant on a hot pot don’t know what to do.

 No, I am not waiting your birthday, Eben. No, I know you don’t believe that.

No, I am fine with it. I know you mean now. How do I make it that?

And Eben, you are writing your newsletter to answer me all these time….do you just decide to write it out at home?

Things I read I will have some reactions to responses and you do it on purposes!

I don’t want to fight you about things there are nothing I can do….if frustrating me makes you feel happy, you did do it very well. 

Eben, I am not confrontational person…. I just you call, we talk about it. But you do this to tell me things when I panicked, I have no ideas what you are saying about.

Is this to say virtual coach? That was this year last year?

Did you ever ask me how I feel about things you do?

I don’t want to fight over that. I really don’t.

小鬼小和尚~來一下!安娜姊姊有事情告訴你們,I am getting married. 你們知道結婚是什麼?











Lauren, your whole life this far, you need Simon, you don’t need your mother, you don’t need your sister. This is true, Lauren!

 Lauren, before God, we have a lot of wishes like ma’am Ching Hai at the end of Sailor Moon. 

At the end of Time, Jesus is coming back.

These wishes and meaning, no one knows. I believe Simon did all that because he sees you have quality, but you must remain loyal to only Him, as if he is the only King of your life.

My sister losing her life because her choices are betting on something, she betting on things like gambling with low schooling education, she is betting a life choice she feels fitted for her only, very very selfishly.

You? Lauren? You have a Krishina looking agenda, you ever thought you and Simon, what can I do about it? Your side, his side?

He may or may not believe a lot of mythology….that’s Hindu stuffs, but this one life, the end, I also want you to make it what do you have wishes? Seeing Adam & Hailey, Ella Enchanted?

Or that was my best friend Laura with my ex bf, Adam?

You ever shake your faith? Your choice in life?

My mother has a friend husband was a pilot. She told him something like being honest as a Christian was a guy, she loses him, and ever since, that life was horrific !!

Do you believe in Simon? What does he want? Do you ever think? Maybe no more kids? Sex?

But really just that?

What I am doing …I am shrinking everything I did so far so I wish to have a life every time Eben coming home, what he wants to eat is prepare since in the morning….so you won’t even know where I am. I am with Eben, Lauren.

… ….no Lauren, rich people can hire Prostitute. You believe that? You believe how low women to be low? The porn sites so big, they hire students right out college. You know those stories to be true, if women don’t do everything for the man? Everything?

🙂🐦Harry Potter - Death’s Holy object 2 🐦🙂

 The ending, where dark Lord and Harry… Hermione snake and Ron…

Legally Blonde 1 & 2 are real…Nick and Eben got stopped by me to go into politician age.

Power politician, isn’t Tim Cook and Simon both in the age now?

That’s what I would say, when seeing Ron holding Hermione, it’s for love reasons. If Lauren’s mother and sister bothers you Simon, you should say it. You rather die at that causes ….because you are doing it to me. I do not know what it means…my IQ reading this movies too many times.

Eben, when you call, you have an inline number? My telephone company can have a line from my room to America that’s cheaper, so you don’t just call me cell phone everyday ?

 I can call you the time like everyday!

When I was small, Coco 李玟 she was very famous. Same name like Keanu In Chinese, no, she dyes her hair blonde.

 She is Sunny type of ABC



Speaking of my lunch… … isn’t going out friend you suppose to be happy?

 They wait the whole table food arrive first, then they took photo

We finish and we left.

I think at the beginning one of them got there later and going to bathroom …

I think people are not happy. 

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂公主小妹的黃甫雄是 73 歲耶 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

 Disney classic Sleeping beauty after the dance running away scene, Senorita ?

That’s Justin’s song … …

Mirror mirror has a spin of Disney Micky Mouse (through looking glass )

If you all paying attention in the law nature, maybe there is a Prince, there is money, there is Disney lawful effect if you just try with IQ?

I go to nap….

 To be the happiest person when I get up ~~yawn 

Babaji: Go

I went to eat with my mother happily ….and I found next by us are 2 and 2 girls

 So people are not happy?

NOT happy?

Today is an outting day, so I have to get ready…

 Babaji: Go

越南小尼姑 I watched first 5 minutes ….

Do you know if I have a television station ….these kinds of talk, you feel, o glorify myself ?

“Either side, I am too busy losing weight, nothing to comments. “
“I have trouble losing weight, no comments…”
“One of those I try to be the target of American….I end up on an island this life….”
“Next life I am afraid I gonna be alone on an island …”
“I fear …”

In any leadership, I think it’s best given those guys the freedom and tolerance to become the leader themselves are fine. Guys….they meant to be the commanders.

If I quit quit quit all these watching ….can you stop sending me in food stuffs anymore?




How to wash toilet?

 Like cleaning the dishes ….cleaning the floor…

When you doing everything in the motion, you will know how to focus at the present.

Just keep cleaning….

Today we have typhoon 

You know, not listening to the music, not actually PC games, not chatting idle time on the phone….

You can focus on the present that Indian 500 years old gives you long life doing just those practices ….



I like cookies too, but when I get to Eben, I have to ask him what he practices, what he eats…and all that.

 I like things like one or two bites now. Here they sell one piece of big cookie, American cookie. It’s rare here anyway so they sell one and expensive!

I like ….food?

I am not sure how I heard the definition what 5 chocolate you really like it’s to eat 5 chocolate, that’s sugar overdose. But okay, I like going out jump, leap, bounce more.

Like a pair nice American sneaker and function socks. Right now in Taiwan so warm, I wear sandle. In America, I never have these foot issues as much like these hard skins…

I like Apple pie warm, the birds say they like fritter ?


Hi Hamzy, they know you eating cold stuffs. I told them that, yeah….they try too.


Eben, I read

 First lines that, 60 seconds what, no money spent ?

… when I actually talk on the phone 📱 maybe you tell me.

I got things ready, to confront your real world a bit.

I rest very well yesterday.

The Law paper gonna stay here. I need to change to a website.

 People in nature, what is behind them, in front of them, will do anything to stay in business. To stay in business, you will do anything to...