Military Orientation Table


Oct 22th, 2021 Afternoon, article content


Oct 20th, 2021 Morning, article content

Oct 20th, 2021 (Diagram), article content

Oct 17th, 2021 Morning, article content


 Do you know that is 20 years ago, when they first air out? Do you see what Tom looks like, if I didn't see anyone else? People in 20 years will aging !!! I am trying to tell you, if you put through test of this Television drama, of your past....they probably won't ever do this to you ....I am telling you, people aging !!!!


Oct 17th, 2021, afternoon, article content

Oct 17th, 2021, Later Afternoon, article content

    彩雲國物語 The Way of Gentleman, article


Someone actually knows Chinese and English, about this Way of Gentleman (君子之道) translation groups....hi, 1900 TV are black tie, I know American as "Gentleman" saying

    My landlady always say, those time of people are more handsome.

    My impression of gentleman is black tie. The words itself.


Oct 16th, 2021 Evening, article content

Oct 16th, 2021 Afternoon, article content orientation table


10/15/2021 Late Afternoon

I don't even know what day is today you are in my orientation table.

Been to the other speakers yet?

I actually have a Pinterests social media account, YourFormulaSheet.

To explain to you why I am here today.

Sometimes in life, you have many reasons to tell me, why you have a bad day. You have a sad day, you have an unsure goal in front of you what you suppose to do, at every given moment.

Knowing me, a lot of people will tell you, they sometimes will think about "what would Anna I do things", since 8 years materials you reading so far on your table? yet?

I went to TYG and AGT and the on the road of AGT that year, Keanu, Simon and Me, are in the Tro cave moutain scene in Lords of Rings. 4 Hobbits, are social media that time I have used. Google plus. Silicon Valley, 430 Scientology David

And Harry Potter (Simon on Daniel Actor profile, Ron Keanu)

And today would be my husband Eben Pagan (Neville)

Is these the materials given to you, or you have to investigate it on your own ? Let me see ...I usually see into your mind?

Where were you go about to seek these information, if you were be placed in this year, Harry Potter New School years of first year, to Lords of Ring, Mountain Tro Scene inside cave?

How would you go about AGT, American got Talent?

You could find things out through my Youtube.

Right now, I am asking you....Tro, Open Galaxy normal subjects, we had earlier....library.

I am a public librarian, chemistry undergraduate.

CADS Organic Chemistry Tutor 4 years. That is as much as you have information.

Someone related to you a situation, how you would go about yours in life, right now? You could find all the answer or you want to testing water a bit.....? Where would be Digital Era, Librarian playing a role in digital library, Google, Digital Database, IMDB, with Digital Guru like Eben Pagan, with Digital Library formation Librarian....

What if I told you AGT, I started was National Treasure on a map, I decoded as a discovery, science, but I went to American Got Talent, merely, because of a Leonardo Da Vinci painting? or Voice in my head.....that time, as a science person, I would tell you, I do not give a crap in psychic ability, whatsoever?

I would show you few clips.

That was 2013/ and full year 2014

In 2018 I come out something new, base upon one photo (花冠安琪兒 online) Not ...what? Its color.


In 2021 I come out something new: Supreme Master Ching Hai, Real Love and Loving the Silent Tear. You believe so far, you have to know the story....

You reading this far, what if you reading my first few lawsuit, Like Lawsuit 1? 

Title "Real Love"

"Loving the Silent Tear"

One photo. You mean, not the story inside the book. So do I ever written that description? One Photo instruction?

Side by Side, Keanu Reeves movies.

You carefully thought, if ....there are poisons yet?

Starting only trailer, because there are ways too many movies to read, and confusing?

How would you take about, if I told you so far stories?

Red River Manga (Kail and Zawanna story 赤河魅影)


Military Orientation table 

10/15/2021 Morning

 Where were we last time?

The recognition.

You travel among galaxy, you arrive to a planet that has a prophecy, let's say 2000 years ago. To associate with a name Jesus.

You plan to spend your quality time 40 years, 20 years before 2000, 20 years after 2000.

You are just new from Earth, You don't trust others people telling you the movies might be real.

You start with the painting 500 years ago???

Have you tried to think, if you don't know how to use your library card, how to get to the galaxy Google branding of internet, like demise Librarian me?? The card access freely, if they have a cafe to eat one day those are free??????


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