
Military Orientation Table (morning, 10/20/2021)

 So you are saying all this mutation of the map ...

I would talk to Eben about it, he is a business consultant, if I going to submit my paper to Nobel Prize. I called someone to asking them that question, you need referal in order to get in there. Taiwan although small, but to build up some connection, its not hard. They have one Nobel Prize here, not far from this City.

Meaning ...

If I really do that public opening of my books available publishing from Library Congress, there is another map of amino acid, that will tell some rules of mutation, upgrading your DNA process or down grading your DNA process. Amino Acids are the pre-cursor of proteins. You heard about muscle proteins, you eat Whey protein types of all those sporty stuff? right? You heard about it?


I will tear apart a lot of people's works if I do that. They are guessing. And if one guy guessing....to another 10 works guessing....in the real scientific community, a lot of people will be on the street for that map amino acid.

Is that similar to the wooden board.

Yes, but with label on it. When you see woodben art board, that is the shape of it. But if you put translation meaning on the map, there is another meaning of it. 

So you truly discovery was....endless?

You want to count numbers? And besides, they might doing something like BTX re-broadcast to some younger mind, and see if they can follow their biology class, to find out these exactly sequence, and no one will do that giving up discovery to go....giving up money saying or tearing apart others' work.

But isn't that science community will delay its development.

Do you know how many scientific papers are publishing each and every school, and I am telling them, you are all guessing? That must be a proud works someone will do.

8 years, what happened?

Maybe 18 years, they stole it before, and not sure which part of their degree got to I Ching, whichever backfired on them, if 8 years before 8 years was not just a waste of efforts. 

So the reason you are telling us this.....is?

Do you trying to decode the way like I decode the biology, so you know you have a National Treasure 1% Riley said he got from the money?

Is Archivist....?


Archivist is a librarian?


The girl in the National Treasure.

Dr. Chasez, correct. That is the place where I got the intern I didn't go in Washington D.C, it is called the National Archive.

So anyone can go to National Archive?

Yes. Like Library Congress, are they public places? Library Congress is a library. National Archive is that the building near by. They both next by Congress, America Congress, in Washington D.C.

How do you gonna get to the Nobel Prize Committee by referal? 

Taiwan, is a very small and tiny country, they don't even have a political statue in the International Scale.

What does that mean?

They will want to get another Nobel Prize, and technically speaking, with so few human on Earth that lives on Taiwan island to say connection one day or another....Its Asian speaking Madarin connection. 

What do you gonna do with the 5 Lords?

Probably leave them there ...The company has to direct their own life direction. Sometimes everyone wants a simple life, that life its to live on Earth, One life. You cannot just force people to be that couragerous. plus I don't have financial means yet, to watch them. Once I secure more of my own finance, like book publishing, Nobel Prize committee, Treasure hunt....those kinds of big money, I can go and tell them 10...there is a reason why they both look like each other?



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