
The Law paper gonna stay here. I need to change to a website.

 People in nature, what is behind them, in front of them, will do anything to stay in business. To stay in business, you will do anything to harm, to mess around these story. The story states, Battle and Win the Battle, not your moto, win the money and make the money.

Getting alliance or follow classify nature, where this classify nature coming from, if human made, or Annunaki made, no one knows. How do you change the original human nature, if Police network really have a power to retain, this New Era. Pandemic is a hit of warning.

Between a choice of a world that survive or not, to open the New Era, its your choice to think.

URL:  https://194world001b.blogspot.com/

Law department - legalize something like : it has been observed some movies are having “elements” “human face exact” to be recognized in the true screen of stage as well as in life

Therefore, we cannot deny some of the movie contents are entirely not related to our current world affair when the pandemic hits. While with God in faith we will walk out in light again, it’s our deepest sorrow these tragic made the real life loss scenario are real impact to those lost loved ones. And the cause of several indicator was unfortunate true, if were, it’s a terrible loss to our time many human life’s we cannot secure. Whether movies means a thing or not, it’s not real as to real life, those are true life we observed. Real funeral, real graveyard, real procedure to affect many more people survillience life including the medical profession. Therefore, we cannot say with s merely shield of luck if a movie such as Lords of Rings to be real, the representative of human face, they are just human face card, actors and Moguel, they have no strength nor real lineage methods to say power to stop the story plots or interfere, therefore, the movie story if by frame to frame we professionals analyze it’s real impact, we are facing the real crisis are mostly base upon the civilization built upon, face card on screen. There is no substance to help but to keep all their face, career, MD title and Liscense in due to pay their debts to their borrow rather than social responsibility the debts to society. And in light of such individual called upon all name in the following, they in this one life will not lead to digital era leading role. They vow, it’s money to survive so the humanity disaster or plaque has nothing to do with their dream of a untold promising real luxury MD life. 

The following name list, no lineage power nor strength in knowledge, it’s face card.
Big Hero 6


Dean, MD
Wing, Pharmacist
Johnathon MD
Hira MD
Ola MD
Alice MD

Lords of Rings
Keanu Reeves, the One.
Simon Cowell
Nick or 430 David too short.

In other words, the above statement to the whole scope of movies are observation in this Lords of Rings are action movies: to fight, to battle, to call for fellowship, secure relationship tie. 

They are just actors or moguel, again mention, there is no real substance in them. This Digital Era in the law nature if our doing methods can lesson the pandemic cause this time as God or virus hear this to lesson their activities to return the worlds a full phase or restoring world 5 continents, I ask to remove all face cards to do with the movies to kidnap me must for them, to become the leadership in the Digital Era.


Prior to me statement, as a public New York librarian, they look down upon digital worlds. Because of lack of education, we worlds suffers might be the results of it. Besides investigation, we want to see justice of coming forward to build a better world in human faith, not someone to be drop in Bermuda Triangle in threatening others professional knows better, this Digital Era cannot build upon base upon selfishness riches of face card be put on the screen for 20 to 40 years of life, they intend to Suicide themselves is their mortal bound statues quotes.A positive outlook of society and new hope of a brand new Era upon Digital Era are what we all hearing too. Therefore, considering these removal of their position immediate, near by associates, jail or dump to kill in alive cold water, that decree of God’s promising land is not bound to your ever selfishness to hurt those like me, from the day 1, provide you wise guidance and tender nature to believe you will be in my best interests, so the future might exist, as the movie only indicate you that - battle, and win the battle.
Battle and restore the world.That’s it. The rest is just filling the blank how to get from A to Z, in hope the best solution to in front of us are caring for the humanity nature as well as animal kingdom we as the crown head of living creation in God’s image will take upon the responsibilty to restore Eden.Never face card to go behind someone else telephone number to lean way speaking, “this is how the real business methods works, not movie, not digital era, not story taleing, it’s to savatarge each other how to back end jail each other responsibility in case in case in case you will be isolated.”In this story tale, with a corresponding reality, for what it is real happening, you are not isolating enough, I will tell you that much. What’s one journey One life End Time, and the begin of a New Era was starting at All Things Digital - Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.


It’s Digital Era rules !

Commanding center




⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🏝️🏝️🏝️🏝️ Manual - Commanding center X man suit interface ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️




Professor, princess

Scan time traveler

Water traveler 


It’s portaled 

It’s all portaled, cannot see.

Scan ghost 

Alienate life form kinda like drag Queen 

Reptilian, cannot see.






Lords of Rings



Tom riddle diary book


Notebook/diary book, combination or something records, search

Deceased souls, define, where do they go after death?

Visual/ audio


Hobbit land 

Someone sent them to hobbit land.

Seth/Yeth!! UFO

Commanding center, his situation bothers me.

From Victoria Secrets Hozier gay right interview stole something niagara Buffalo region.

Do you have visual?


Is he psycho turning by the water police and warring nature?


Babaji: I want to say something

You have to come in, in the middle of this, I am busy. I have to concentrate.

Babaji: I know, but ….

But what ?

Babaji: I have an idea.


Babaji: your ex lover, where is he?

I thought we finish saying those are just story taleing.

Babaji: the audience don’t want it to be a story taleing.

You mean one eye or you mean him, I do not wish neither.

Babaji: both

Scan ocean 


Marine life shallow water, I see nothing but fish.

Aquarian ? Here is Aquarian ?

Interface, define hoovering BTX entails, is that constellation, is that Earth, what it is we are hoovering or is that necessary?


Scam those dead on the beach, mass animal die out.

Genuinely dead or they walk up shore

Too confusing, 

I need a rest

Automatic resume

X man suit let go


Babaji: They are too old now.

 That's your answer?

Babaji: I am Babaji.


Babaji: Is anything I can cheer you up a little bit?

I heard you.

Babaji: You come for a long journey to arrive here, light. But many people carried baggage in life. Do you know you actually make video, writing things down, making webpage, so people can slowly investigate name by name, list by list, story by story? A lot of people afraid of being open, not to say writing it down, from story A to Z. From the stranger's point of view, they are not clear what you are saying, if you just saying it without writing it down in plain words, and say it how you feel about it.

That is what happened? Right.

Babaji: There are people whom raise you up. There are people whom drawn by the Victoria Secrets big company, what do you say, you should be more responsible, they are more professional people, not this tiny Wing tiny Dean things.

I thought just me and the wall, me and the birds outside.

Babaji: Some people care about me exist, you know. 

Me to ask you some question.

Babaji: right

How old are you?

Babaji: One million year old.

That is what you told me 2014.

Babaji: You don't believe it?

Are you physical being, or just conscoiusness. 

Babaji: Neither.

Are you here to help the Bible things?

Babaji: Yes

Some version of the story, horrified me. 

Babaji: I know.

This life, is one thing.

Babaji: Next life, every life.

That is not what I am asking.

Babaji: I know.

There is 2 women in the Bible. If God's makes things the worse nature of it, from the guy's stand point of view, because they know more about sex. I keep saying, you, and the story, and the actual content horrified me.

Babaji: The things told to you, and done to you.


Babaji: So no one thinks the Bible are fooling around people. Its to punish. It is punishing.

But no one teach others, these part of the books, are to punish !

Babaji: There is a lot of things you don't know. 

... ...

Babaji: Say

I was told after life

Babaji: it will be worse than now?

I don't know if that is after life. It is a life that...a story of a life, about escasy, and being loved by.

Babaji: Right.

Of course I am horrified. The Bible meant its to punish one by another one !

Babaji: Legal system cannot do that, so there is a Me exist.


Babaji: say.

Does God meant this is the end?

Babaji: don't know. You mean how you will be punished, those are not punishment. Those are escasy.

If the movie turns real is step 1, like seeing orc, online environment....

Babaji: You don't jump from step 1 to 10.

People are dying out so quickly and even if they are alive, they are so busy at life. You know how to do this high tech and COVID 19?

Babaji: !#$#@$!#$@#$

... ...Its not in English.

Babaji: They understand English all right.

So its not going to happen.

Babaji: Right. Someone's hell sentence is expanding, so disaster is bigger and wider.

I am shock today, when I went to digging out the actual death toll data. Someone life could be instantly be taken.

Babaji: Right.

They actually don't just believe me and the birds can talk, so me and Virus can communicate to agree, to retrieve?

Babaji: you scared.

Birds are strong race. Virus I have no idea. I start to see all kinds of life that is so vibrantly to live....something believing system is not able to explain to others.

Babaji: Today is just first day, no one expecting you soon to eradict the virus.

I want to go to sleep.

Babaji: Go to Eben. Sometimes talk something, that is not this and that stuffs. Your life. Your life is smoke up, and you never told anyone anything about it. You don't want to learn how to live with him, like now?

... ... He is nice.

Babaji: I know he is nice.


Babaji: right, now you are thinking. That is Bermuda !


Babaji: You know, people like you don't see others would kill people for. You never thought of killing, so you cannot gravitate coming down at that belief, people gonna die, by someone killing them.

I feel every time I am floating on that belief. I check online photo, they look every day more ...success belief.

Babaji: If they ask you, what do you think Big Hero 6 is about, what you think that is about?

... ...Its not really the reality.

Babaji: you could help them investigate, do you know that? Now you analyze so many movies now.

Right now we are at the age, things started to turn real on the screem. There is a part of mentality, of people, when they being display on the public TV, they wish others to know they are innocent. So let's say someone says so and so dead. ITs someone does something to hurt him, and he die. He is innocent, and by seeing that story going, he felt everyone agrees with that belief and therefore he keep quiets in a room, everyone knows he is innocent. He is being hurt and blame he is dead, he is not dead. I meant Dean.

Babaji: What about Wing? Stole your invention.

Underground fighting, that looks like he wants money. I am the one giving up the money, but if he was discover something, he will profit at it.

But regardless, the movies says Big Hero 6, its to lead movies, and work together. But I don't think so. People blame each other for things, to proven each other, whom is whom's innocent. Sometimes they see that lawsuit cases degree so strongly, and not compromising to each other, you are classmate, you suppose treat each other with trust, and Money each other growth. 

People scared being accused at. If one day, they are being shown to the movies, to "free program" run their college reunion, and start to speak a word between each other, so and so is innocent, so and so is being blame, he didn't do that.

Babaji: So whom you think they made the movies?

I have no ideas, they put very deep psychology on it.

I am done with the psychi parts with the Virus. I cannot possibly know what they are saying. Now ....I need the science group. We do phsyical ways. ( COVID 19 )

 Somebody convince, this is the end time?

One dragon chasing a women. Dr. Chasez, in National Treasure.

One scarlett prostitute

That is 2 women.

Bliblical reference means, there is a disaster, I say Time, Times, Half of a time, video.

So it means, we are at the End time. 

But we are at the Millennium, at the beginning of it.

Can someone whom could read Bible, what it is the beginning of Time?

Is there plaque, is there God's wrath, is there God's displeased? 

 The story I remember is Eden. The red book, that is Yogananda book, that is his master saying Eden.

I say on my book, the Tree of Life, has a sequence of I Ching 1 -64

Red dress is Scarlett prosittute on many water.

So Eben has fruits? 

Adam and Eve falls.

Is there anything in the End time, something falls too? What it is again? Babylon?

oh ! 

They are being naked. You mean God strip them, to make them see they are naked?

I am the God.

Simon Beast, and SMCH prostitute?

And ? I make them so nake on the video?

Is there anyone, is as amazed as me, that 2000 years Bible story are true, in real life?

There is a SMCH.

Where does Roman got the Bible to pass down for 2000 years?

I need the science group to callibrate the damage of this time, End Time, with COVID 19, to related to Beast and Prostitute ideas, they are almost at the same Time existing side by side.

We are not going to really much can do with the virus. But in the future, if they two born again, side by side, is there a way, not to make this happen again, on Earth History.

Not side by side. Simon and SMCH.

Try one or the other.

And find all the evidence I say about Beast, and Prostitute, on my video. To testify, they are really those iconic. In the real Bible community, is that disgust them two put together, one sit on top of another?

COVID 19, I am listening. Taiwan Twitter, they have statistic. I cannot hear you really.

 I can hear birds because they live right outside my windows. They have response.

I will be listening. Taiwan Twitter.

I read the US static counter. COVID 19. 

Winter, and Falls.

I do not know the rest of remaining girls, and I do not wish this becomes a sickening death games tolls.

    Do you mean, its the retrospect time since I Honorable Superior does 700 video, people stay home to pray, and to reflect life, what it is all about?

Most people do not care about this Eastern world. Not even what title, what fame, what name, what high aim of life is. But thank you. I did feel better. I was the one being hurt the most to the place that no one knows. I appreciate it. I did feel better, the entire planet die out. It was part of helping. ITs true. No one as if hearing me cry. People need to die out.

But that is not correct. I suffer a lot, originally, its probably make like that. People their evolution is rising up, doesn't mean, they lose their life, just for this life with me. To subcomb to all me, it is warn against to all humanity, and the coming of the Marraiah, if you are making a wave for them, and the beauty contest message, I am already relate to them now. They will care about the finding of appearance crowd and food. 

Is there anything high tech will represent you now.

manual !


I ask US for some clean water for animal, I don't know if they deliver, form my offering.

you want food and music as your offering?

You know secrets. Someone or something secrets.

You want to be like the birds, finding the tea leaves eggs? Not something like what me, and others are looking for??

You know the location, there is ghost, hologram, you know about Ode....

You know about ghost ! 

I got tricked into birds things, a few times, that was the end of my screaming. I do not wish to know about ghost. No.

 We are through.

Automatic resume

I want to clarify a little bit things here. If me and Eben are in our own groups, that is called optimistic groups.

 If Simon rules his world, that is called America Entertainment world with England beside.

If Keanu rules his own world, that is called action film world with his fans.

For example, Supreme Master Ching Hai's world are a lot of sick people to go for healing purpose of that meditation remedy, called Quan Yin methods.

Its to healing the sick, its not for the purpose for Enlightenment, they have no precepts.

Some try, I am not sure their IQ high enough to know what it is their feeling, their self, their hurts, their greed want something and being took away something, and those hurts stays in their eyes.

If I am not happy with my friends, all of them, I go on my facebook, and make the worse of myself just typing on it, like revenge, say it clear what it is, and even report to National Archive to have a guard there blocking me i guess.

I don't know how to tell you this, but entertainment world people will tell you, how to not let people to look like their eyes inside, there is hurts.

Now, no one is a real ruler in this world that money just coming in. Your SMCH has karma and sickness you say its from disciple, its from their offering money and luxury you put a description line in Bible for 2000 years blastomny. 

People try to tell me, you have a Master, that carve in my Pinterest, the locker box. I show to everyone, you seem to have a Master, whomever that is, or India pretend they don't hear a word saying from the BIble, you are blastomny.

Now....Just by being in the presence of me and Eben.

I am just for example, because no one seeing us together yet.

Not yet.

But just photo put side by side to understand both of Anna and Eben's personality in doing things, some people have different reactions. So I say, Eben's groups are Self improvement groups, that is optimistic out-put groups. Meaning we want people self cultivate, to knowing that how to stay positive, and stay discipline in life, like waking up in the morning, and take care yourself, brush teeth, folding your bed, and get your schedule in the morning, not to call the cell phone, but to work on certain things for routine.

Simon are dealing with psycho minded human whom wants to only fame.

Keanu is killing ideas crowd, whom like blood thirst, and he is the One.

Now, I don't know how you all decide this Harry Potter movie we keep saying it.

You can pretend to me, you think this one life, that is a fake to me, to you, to everyone, because right now, someone will call you psycho of it, only Anna just make a video indicator why those movie profile has some validity in it. Many people don't dare to do that, so go home and stay with their mother, and being throw somewhere, that no one saving me. 

Now to propel a work, people have endurances, you all are living in the luxury life, that money coming none stop, so you have a regime, as if, right in front of you, to spell your Harry Potter, the Chosen one series of road map in life, almost close to, your age, if reaching to a limit, to someday reaching to the Star. Like open galaxy.

Those words only I say so.

I say there is high tech.

I say there is American classify.

I say there is One eye govenment.

Many of you prefer to live in the luxury life, not to educate people, and I warning my classmate for investigation or not. That is not crime, if you don't educate others.

But while me and Eben is doing, if its somehow become a couple its to make others feel strong, we become like a parents?

You, what do you want to become someone else parents? Have you ever think the image, between you and your love one, and me and Eben?

There must be something to co-relate this Harry Potter, everyone is all in the same setting of the movie seats to feel, there is a school.

Someone is does something. Someone is pushing something. But no one admit to it, except me. So when I talk to people words by words, you either accept that, or you either be investigate with that, so you feel hurt, why being investigate it if I just told you, that is line by line, how everything is sounding like to me.

You have one life.

This life, is at the beginning of a puzzle.

Called millennium . You want to waste to living someone else life, that is your entirely right to live freely with the luxury money you entitle right now. This is the beginning of the train. Every life is like a roll of film. Some people being proscute like me, if I dare to open public to say things, look, that is on the 4 points frames. I don't even say TV. I say 4 points frames.

You cannot see beyond this life, because this is the only life right in front of you, and right in front of everyone else. All of them are audience, not being seen on the stage, so they are so freely behind does what they like. Like trash you, critique you, move things around, jealous, hear more your reaction, thinking you just want face, thinking you just want names, thinking you just want money. So there is only how many characters in Harry Potter? Not many.

Just few of us.

I say it again.

This is the beginning of an Era. To some people, those years of 2012 is just a joke. 

To some people, its just another day of life.

Calendar does mean a thing, because of money, fame, faces are all you gear for. 

But to me, I say it many times already, this is the millennium of the beginning of a train, a journey. The film how it will roll on, no one knows. No one knows the future, or the past, this is the time junction, where we see someone something are being display on the movies. You want to call me a psycho and hurt me, and put me somewhere to feel good of your heart, one day you will realize, what you did at this new beginning, what you ever did, was never later one, you wish, you knew this One life, what it means. when Anna says..... Harry Potter is the only story looks great on this planet, at this time, at this beginning of Time.

This one Blue planet.

Maybe in the future, you never need to return to Earth, Earth will be the most barbarian places, that no one accept movies. Yes....any future you can just contempt this life, but for this one life, One life of living in here, you doing your best, to really roll out your own film...Harry Potter character?

You sure about that?

My friends, they are only care about their MD, not carrying out the responsiblity of educating the audience. They are nailed at their works and the junction of Big Hero 6. Just the name of it, they cannot stand at it.

As a MD groups, they could make a use of so much more, if they see things with the clarity, they can take down the National Archive guard, they can take down coast guards, they can take themsleves into an authority, because they have a piece of MD paper, but what they fear and hope to do, was just not in the frame, as if someone accuse them wrong.

Do you believe that?

What you afraid the most, its for others to accuse you wrong, and being shown to everyone on one screen, stage, called life.

Maybe you should think clearly this time your life decision.

No one gives you a guide, or wanting to guide you. You be the light to continue your work of this Harry Potter, its because you want to, or else you thought something missing, you might never get it back again.





Complimate from Piers

Furniture from Piers.

School venture

Cottage life

Fire smoke eggs

Dragon, what is that?

Forest venture

Unicorn, what's that? Something so pure?


Ghost film

Ghost story

Little bit exicting, little bit venturous. 

You should listen your heart, what you have been made yourself out this time. With your people, manage team, or someone you trust you can talk to, about... "you just don't wish to do this anymore" Someone is doing this on purpose !!!!!!!!! Someone is doing it !!!!!

Shout !!!

⭐️Maunal - Commanding Center⭐️

 Leave the vaccine untouch, eradicated COVID 19

Repeat, Again.

Repeat, Again.

Repeat cycle of this pattern 10 times.


Find the carrier of Birds flu 1918, animal, birds or human.

Eradicated that gene.

Find the reason why there is COVID 19, report back.

Its a Grey area, by the way.

Entail, what does that mean.




You are saying she hates. This is the story a little different from what I receive from 帝王之說 That was a man time, this is a women.

She hates, and she wants to learn magic ! Crystal, Magic.

That solution American have.

What else?


What is this Slovenia country on map?

Not great. Do they as a small nation has ally ?

Define she falls in love, she tries to be a healer I can see that.

Is that she wants to secure that relation internationally?

Define, what happened.


Received. Seen through. Same thing like the past, corelation with each nation under that regime as one of the 10, but as Purna, to lead the Sangha story teller, that was just a story teller's job.

She was not full grown yet, the height was comparisonly small.

Hates. She hates. I see that.

I watch again.

2018-2020 Materials reach to her? She hates all the explaination. I know, I understand that. Its the same like she used to be.

No, I am not angry. 越南小尼姑 You do the same thing over and over.

Correct, I contempt. Your IQ is not reaching to the right angle of things, to see clarity of Life and in general what Life is all about. She cannot reach that degree.

Yes, you always find something, bring back home. You like compliment on things, you find out that is useful to bring back, for attention. Its a pride in the past of that culture, you offering your service to your Lord.

The Lord is the strongest, that is why he or she is the Lord. To remind you that.


Why do I like to watch this, 越南小尼姑 SMCH?

Its funny, and its kind of like training too. At the beginning, i will go and take something to eat. Later, diminishing, Now, I sometimes get affected, sometimes not.


You like the luxury of be able to take out food? You don't like to cook home to eat home? You like the restaurant take out food more? If you could spend money, you like food from take-out?

So you don't like the training of the Zen cooking methods, of using your 4 limbs for Martial Arts? Rythme with 5 names?

(I am watching)

You want to know the Food offering? To help in? 

Your workers, Ma'am Ching Hai, sometimes their face looks very pale, yellow, thin, not radiant look. They are not taking vitamin, or they are doing something too extreme. I know a little bit fat, its not great, but sometimes I felt a little bit fat on people, just moderate, looks somehow has its own merits, like the arm.


I know you always have the heart to help in. SMCH.

I know.

You are happy to help in. You enjoy that atmosphere, its something I don't like. 

You want to be a Christian? Or you are influenced by the Christianity a lot? 

No, I am just asking you some questions.

Its time for me to make juice I believe, not time to eat. To make some juice, I ran out.


Now, I need to ask you something SMCH, this is the first video. That music is actually a memory box music, in this Sailor Moon Franchaise.

I want to know something from you 越南小尼姑

Since 2014, you start to see me around on the Internet, or before. But you heard tales, or rumors, I am not sure what exaclty you hear or react. I do not care.

In 2018-2019 I create a lot of video and put it online. Are you listening to them before?

So you are comfortable whom I am?

Comfertable means, I rule, you on the side watch. Now I need to get married, and leave. You are comfortable by yourself to the remaining years of doing what you supposed to be doing, try again? 

Without me.

So is Simon

So is Keanu

If without hearing me voices, talking, explaining, designing website will make you feel better already, to breath air.

All these shining looking stuffs without, can you ma'am Ching Hai try again, understand these video? Your own ruling, to your own people, to people all around you. For the digital age, for bio genetics, for medicinal, for cooking food, for raw food, for recipes, for climate change.

Can you try again?

With Bible or without Bible, I don't care.

Are you panic, in situation if all of the above arena, you encounter something, you lack of information will make you miss me Anna, where am I again? Meaning to seek from my help?

How much?

I need you to turn down to zero. Doing your own homeworks. 

I may or may not be your Master, seriously just regent. If you grow a farmiliarity, by looking at these video, you just copy and paste farmilarity, meaning to just trust me to explain to 194 country what is bio-genetics? Of course, that is my job to them. I am saying your own jobs.

Can you look at these video and reflects? Someone please help, talk to her. Or you can just talk to yourself.

Also, can you call that guy, whomever you married to serious or not....his hair, if he is near by your, just lightly blonde on the top, you pay for it, highlight? Just walk among your kinds of people. To have a little bit similar experience like you, not entirely blonde, by fashionable blonde.

The meeting is over.

Automatic resume.

Automatic...just like last time.

I am going out

 Babaji: Go

You want me to go and help them on COVID 19 !!!!!

 Babaji: you are living inside your own world too long.

So why don’t you tell me earlier?

Babaji: you were busy.

SMCH King & Co

Co= little girls I’m Vietnamese 

Loving the Silent Tear is 19 anniversaries

I read people contract the virus and just die. Like a staff member President America says in Washington. No, I saw him, weight. 

They are not thinking, if I can talk to the birds 🦅….I can talk to the virus?

Babaji: you are talking to me.

Birds responses!

Babaji: they will monitor for you how Virus responsed. 

… …can you hold a minute, I sit next to the window door. 

Babaji: you know why I show up? Anna


Babaji: because I have my purpose.

You mean the Loving the Silent Tear young and old Babaji?

Babaji: No, that’s Haidakhan. I am Mahavatar 

… ….do you know he writes his wiki claim as you?

Babaji: No, we are not the same.

You worry me with Eben.

Babaji: little bit.

I email him.

Babaji: don’t you want to talk to him on the phone 📱?


Babaji: tell him a reason to call, he will call. 


Babaji: tell me, why you don’t yell at him, why he doesn’t call? You playing a game?

A game?

Oh ~no. I should ask him?

Babaji: you are naturally like that or you just don’t concern him that much to be on the phone.

It’s international call, he has to pay.

Babaji: he can pay.

You want me to go argue with him why he didn’t call ?

Babaji: normally people do that. 

I believe not impairement ancient Chinese spirituality

 If you ask me how I think of them.

Every business is to profit. Correct? But I will never dare to put shaman words and God together to receive a money. Let’s say, someone says,”there is a prophecy white Buffalo women and rainbow warrior legands” (near 2012 times)

I do not have a nerve to say that in the public.

It’s blastomny. Because you say that to the public and specific target at 2012.

I know Inelia Benz, she likes to write what public wants to hear their child is rainbow child, it’s indigo genius child or there is a Diamond child in her article. She says to Bill Project Avalon saying someone drinks blood, dark dark house she sees vision. 

I will only tell you a story like I write on “One photo” or I will tell Simon a facts your gf, or your Daniel profile line by lines, but never the inner version how great and brilliant a bubble dream would be.

Those things are strictly forbidden in my personality.

Like SMCH recently talk about politics. It’s against all lineage door to do that!! I won’t really reprimanded but I know by hearts it’s very very wrong. Sometimes things treasure to me, I meant it, words you say about God does not put a penny sign next by it. Like …I work very hard on movies, genetics, climate change, medicinal chemistry website, cook food, raw food, right? If including design the website if it’s a skill count something in a short amount of time. I will develop art, app, like hallmark cards, but I will not put it to really sell them. I don’t dare.

Things if I know it’s hell, I won’t say, do, think.

Babaji: like me. You should tell them Facebook comes a military officer from National Archive you got frighten you cannot update anymore Facebook. 

Okay, you say it. He says it’s military personnel. 

So it means?

I am very contempt them, going to hell you don’t even know you are there. 

Little grandmother it’s use native style people like that.
It’s the same thing, they act as shaman, walking out slowly and everyone had to kneel them.
I believe jump, leap, bounce, ancient Chinese martial art, you use looong looong years to polish a climbing waterfall so against gravity you can jump to the trees those kinds. I believe to polish something in very very very loooooong time. Always like that. If someone talk to me out of that, don’t bother talking to me. Leave.
Human is not made to be impaire so I have to save them, smaillville theme songs and, I am the one really suffer because no one coming to save me.

You can background is different but current belief is already very far different.
“Do you know what God says to you?” I definitely would not do that. You can read the Bible yourself and get inspired. You understand right or wrong or even going to hell with it to preach others without a priest name, I do not care a tiny bit about it.

In other words,

This series Victoria Secrets, you can just asking the living girls their current belief. Background will show.

I have seen a lot of women shaman

 Little grandmother

Inelia Benz

Her friends

Kerry Project Camelot

I know that girl first Winter song

 Snake eating or snail eating that weekend guy singing to a different song in Victoria.

Cancer girl looking, Ava.

Johnson, Hank.

I create lights works with them. It’s in Victoria Secrets.

It’s Ava. California 2014 I rent her place Persian. I play with Keanu saying his illy the gf/wife was a dog and a tarot card very black, cancer young girl Ava their baby, cannot feel her legs to go to City of Hope.

8 years ago, someone quietly left in the security of friends away from Tesla name so classify will not know about, she left everything.

 Left organic business youtube, left Facebook. She comes down a mountain alone. To AGT.

And 8 years before that, she did the most works on live flush, art works, web design that not normal word complement received from these MD

8x8 is I Ching cycle of 64

You don’t even heard about what’s I Ching

Because to you lousy human, MD money is all you ever crave for.

I cannot describe words how sick I felt about you all.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️So wish to complain about them⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

Flower Thousand Bones, are TV drama, Babaji.

 Babaji: I know what you gonna say, its a fake. People should really really really REALLY REALLY attune to it EVERY SINGLE DAY!

My delivery is very low

Babaji: Correct.

Winter song, May God keep you always, may you wish all come true, may you do for others like others do for you.....

They are bothered by the first girl? Its all round shape looking...and there are other round shape lookings. I have no ideas whom they are.  

I feel....I do a lot of these Climate Change sounds like...no one cares about, because if I were to live on this island, this is every single day, there is wind, there is rain, there is Earthquake. Its an island. The actual knowledge has no real values in the monitization schemes of any of my friends school works. What they need to deliver their envrionment skills to keep those money in. Never its how I live my life so far, 16 years. maybe I should leave? 

Babaji: no, not this time. They can withstand you, there are some professional people can hear this, or should hear this. Just because you care about one island lineage development, and care about climate change, and what the TV airs like speakers or be friends with because you like their experty, you should believe in it. Those people should be dropped in the Bermuda, period.


I think in a year or 2, Me and Eben will be ready. I slim down the weight now. I gain so much weight.

Babaji: What do they say about how to enter US?

I need 2 full vaccination, but they open age like 80 coming down, my age is 38, its not even near my age, to be prove, I can get the first vaccination, not to say 2 months apart, the second vaccination. Then I call Eben that time, my passport will be ready.

⭐️COVID 19 die a lot of people, Babaji. ⭐️

 Babaji: Now you paying attention.

I am so busy with natural phenomenon and sent in video.  

Babaji: You know a lot of business got affected.

Do they callibrate my 700 video?

Babaji: You mean if you interfere too much karma, so people just go dying out? I think its people don't listen, and do not deserve it Flower Thousand Bones. Its one of millions lifesimes there is that 3 Esteem meeting up congregation to Judge, but no one really paying attention to any life time degree, you will never see that ever again. People proud to their own works, their own money, their own fantasy, but calling you, Anna your pictures and photo are all making up, fantasy....look at that, the entire planet should die out, I am telling you. 

... ... Aren't you counting as one of the 3 Esteems?

Babaji: ...right. What you are thinking is no. N O

Me and Simon and Keanu plays these movies for the longest time 2014, on Google plus. or at least I play. You Babaji, or you know the other 2 like Gods, you are not really against the fat people, meaning the shape of the body, to come even close to Flower Thousand Bones, do you?

Babaji: I say No.

Do you think the birds have a beauty degree of standard? Like seeing human, fat, thin, tall, pretty, ugly, photographic, photogenic, popularity, power statues, money statues, influence statues?

Babaji: I say No.

I think you are lying. 

Are you here already, Babaji, with whom your friends?

Babaji: What?

I mean China has a restaurant full of the FAMOUS stars to serve dinner, you like star to serving your dinner?

Babaji: Anyone is fine.

Do you like caucasion, or Asian looking, or Indian your looking color of skin.

Babaji: I say all fine, fine, fine.

How many years you think COVID 19 will cease its power on Earth, and from that year on, to which year, let's say 2050...if COVID 19 cease power like 2025, you have 25 years you didn't kill people to say you show up innocent?

Babaji: I say no, already too many times.

Really ! okay!

What can I do for you on the beauty peagent things, you feel its more to your taste and style.

Babaji: not much actually.

Like ?

Babaji: Dress nicely.

If serving table, do you prefer white skin, yellow skin, indian skin color?

Babaji: Yellow color.

What kinds of food you prefer on the table.

Babaji: Rice cake (Some kind of ...rice made of)

What is rice cake?

Babaji: Some kind of 鬆糕

Do you prefer monk or the star to serve the table?

Babaji: Stars.

Babaji, I just happened to know Lance, he has a kitchen show too. You like white people, you lying to me?

Babaji: No (虛心)

Get the white people waiter, don't care about the star.

Do you prefer girls been to a relationship ?

Babaji: Yes.

And the guys?

Babaji: Yes or no.


Do you have age limits?

Babaji: Younger ages, like 17 types.

I am not 17.

Babaji: You are not going to serve. Food.

How bad is my photo to go and compare with the beauty peagent, my skin to more white saying?

Babaji: Too bad effect to say, ever repair damage.

.... ...should I really believe you?

Babaji: You look at yourself everyday, and only look at yourself.

So I cause it ...?

Babaji: Your language, your skill, your insisting things, your talents wise....too many things the results of that grading system scales are way too higher up.

Its me?

Babaji: Right.

Babaji: Like ...you are not on your weight scale program, Eben knows that. ETR Craig knows that. Do you feel hungry, to lesson your food?

I eat chips sometimes.

Babaji: No, I mean the regular food. You eat salad or the soup.

Every day I eat similar things my mother cook, it was soup

Babaji: now are just lighter. okay, I am just for example. Things you do so easy, but since you don't update it what you do, let me say this....losing weight program, is very very very very hard for a lot a lot a lot a lot of people.


Now they need 2 vaccination to enter America, I don't even have one. The 2nd vaccine requires two months.

 I am sorry guys. I cannot make it this year to America.

Babaji: They are okay.

I just email Eben

I am going to eat.

 Babaji: Go. Are you okay now?

I try not to think, by tomorrow, I forget about the medical board or liscensing agent, maybe they just hear it.

Babaji: Right

CDC If discussion on Karma: I will say, some guys suffer to greatly.


 I am a women. Guys are action kinds of taken human race. Girls like to talk only.

When certain guys does things because they just understand you mean this, you mean that, they directly response to it. 

I am in my seat to judge, I will say, those kinds of range, its too much. The collective race of guys, if a professional guy coming out has to be afraid to be sue by the girl, becuase this girls is outspoken to go directly to the law, all the time, and really see a lawyer, really go to yellow book and find a telephone and call the office, to see what kind of right, their selfish nature its to gain money, so to raise kids.....From my point of stand. guys as the collective suffers way too much.

But I cannot change girls. No one listening to me. I cannot do it. I try to say it in many different ways, you must give up all the women right, and increase IQ, and period things to understand there is a karma part as a girl. This world is heading towards a world, that liberation of a women does not rely on guys, when the opportunitiy present to them, their choice is money, and not the guy, to polish him, not to help him, no matter what.

I do not agree with any of this. I say a lot of this things, the collective suffers too greatly. The guy's race. 

Every guy are all very quiet, many of them, many many of them. They are action groups, meaning, when they wants to take action of getting things done, they just do it, not question ask.

If you can find some guy, records daily, they come in the office, they have to act in front of the girls, how many hours of a day....I am looking at these kinds of life, if I am a guy, I suffer a lot a lot a lot....I hate girls. If I am a guy. They take you to the court, they claim what you own, they do everything to say so many things behind your back with the mother, with the sister, with girls girls girls....I hate that. I really hate that.

I am a girl. I am not a guy. I am just saying if I become a guy.


Too many obesity issues. I gain weight myself these few years, I see that reflects onto my feet. I love medicine, meaning treating myself alignment. Like cutting thick skin on the foot. When the weight is a little bit over, I will tell you, its not easy to run. It feels sluggish, and will gradually feel tired. I am getting slimming down again, so I will soon forget all these feeling to explain to you the overweight situation. Its weight on the foot. Most people because they do not feel it the foot, they just wait until the joint has problem at the old age, they start to say, well....its old age. Everyone all seems to have more weight on the upper body.

No, Wrong.

You should slim down like Hariley's father.

Weight in life can be avoided. I do not agree with anything SMCH was doing, but avoiding eggs or meat, or cheese, milk type, the weight can be minimized in many degree. The most diet situation is very worse in America.


Fitness Program

I think taking an action to feel right, to do the fitness program is a Self choice.

That self consciousness is not heavily enough. Most people and exercise does not have a relation since middle school. Although they have gym class, but remain once a week??? 

People need to have a motive to why they want to feel fit. Take a real action to go outside walking and breathing, the natural air, to feel life is bigger than the thoughts. A lot of people are just keep thinking thinking thinking.....but not exercise.


My work probably has nothing relate to CDC, on the movie turns real, we discussion on movies, on Babaji, if he calls me here.  But if you investigate that Real Love and The Loving the Silent Tear, are your American doing, meaning people design it to put on the runway shows, you might take a consideration of a red carpet, opening Loving the Silent Tear, there are young and Old Babaji Looking. 

Meaning, something is working through, and they are coming forward.

I actually don't know them in person. If they are coming through from America broad casting station, you can believe them. You don't necessary to believe me.

Open Galaxy

Like I said, Contact movie 1997. Dr. Arroway. That is Dr. Ted. Kryon went to UN, that Kryon, has a friend name Dr. Ted. Look like that guy in Contact scene. Between the guy and the girl, Real Love and Loving the Silent Tear. Shape, looks, appearance, pursue of happiness....if on Earth, its already too many problems, as I outlines, I hope you know, when I utter words Open Galaxy, I am working very very hard on it. To explain about the movies, to give a different approach on thoughts people process movies, how to see through inside story. Movies do affect people's emotion.

How to be positive and outlook of life, and maintain a balance life, and keep the body shape right. Its all in the same one package.

Digital Era is here Now.

A lot of things happened 8 years ago. It might be still online, present. It could be ads, it could be instantly a sound, it could your computer suddenly click !!! My world is upside down for a very long time. Be aware what time we are now, what facilitation we ought to focus. The priority of things to propel next Era to come with, or without Star (travel)

Babaji: What if I tell you, CDC finds you might be from Victoria Secrets?


Babaji: Are you calming down? Better now?

Its' okay ! Right, I left the message on the Victoria Secret....so they find out in the last 2 or 3 years, what kinda of things happened, and Victoria Secrets are the one closing down, and COVID 19 break lose ! I see. 

Do you know, if that Artarian page, my video got label I discuss COVID 19, they can extract it out, because they leave a description on the video. Although no one really have to watching it.

Babaji: You wish them watching it, you can just submit to them.

Too scared. Everything is all target at me. Chandler and Joey says, way to fear in the jobs. (FRIENDS)

⭐️What I gonna do, if the medical board realize the movies are talking to some people? ⭐️

 Babaji: You want to tell them, there is magic. You are looking at the real birds. That is not magic !

Right ! That is 5 of them, 12345 !

Babaji: Right.

The glasse, and the water coming out...

Babaji: They don't know magic anyway.

Babaji: You lose weight today, yeah? (Themoneter)

 Yeah. What you doing?

Babaji: See if you have fever.

No, I am fine.

Babaji: you should eat more today.

Like buying eggs now?

Babaji: Why not? to make soupy.

I don't feel like going out, I feel like laying down. You know if I go to the liscensing agent...

Babaji: They might be fired.


Babaji: You cannot breath now, you cannot breath then....you want to try to breath now?


Babaji: You want to tell them? or I tell them, you really scared is?

Because Tamang is in Gallbladder Surgeon, I thought Medical Board target at me practice on myself. I never go and cure others in America. I help my aunt once, liver flush, but that was it. I always done liver flush on myself and I succeed on the video with the gallbaldder stone, you can see. So I really thought Medical boards are using all of them to cage me. I feel so horrified.

Babaji: So say it....you are not sure.

If i go to the liscensing agent, they gonna go and cage me....

Babaji: no, they won't. if they let that protocol exist on the Internet, you can use it on yourself. Everyone can do that to themselves.


Babaji: Really.


Babaji: Also...your take on Dr. Jack on the TV?

I have no knowledge in medical field, like their school. I had middle school nutritional class. Everything I memorize for the cell bio.

Babaji: She is.

Can I say no? I have no knowledge other than, whatever I have written down.

Babaji: Do you know what you are written down?

The things I know.

Babaji: Right.


You know, I haven't breath ....since 2014, all these high tech included, like the photo tells you. You know what I saw in Cananda hospital, when the police took me there?

 I thought I saw pink hair, white hair....I don't dare to tell people. What if I see wrong.

Its a pink hair, in the medical hospital !!!! Pink or white...or something....and then it shows up in the Victoria Secrets !!! And then the police shows up in the Ocean 8, the Canadian guy.

oh my God !!!!

Babaji: Your photo is correct, you afraid no one sees inside the picture?

You are invisible....I post photo online, I think its real. But these things keep coming... John Searl and John Searle, with one little tiny alphabet e, they are 2 months away birthday, and both are not brother. oh My god.....if my entire life keep seeing these things none stop, I cannot breath !!!!

You know one afternoon the Thunder did to the bird, oh my God !!! oh MY GOD !!!!

Babaji: The US Navy, thought you write funny.

Oh my dear God, I cannot breath, these things I start to see things right in front of me. There is a parrot in front of me photo !! In the video. There are birds waking me up, every morning, afternoon, I going out ! They telling me where are these tea leave eggs, to go searching in all kinds of store.

And the year 2018-2019 those search things I did in the store, I post online photo on Pinterest, I CANNOT BREATH!!!!!  There is a locker and a key !!! there is her and him !!! What is this Indian 500 years old....People you trust they would not fail, they fail every single step, I have to shoulder down all these craps, and have to educate them, because they are from a background of their original country. I am just 2 years older, I have to do all that, to take it and take it....I cannot take it anymore.

Babaji: And your father is a color blind

Right....Irene husband, 汪星 husband both owes so much so much so much money. My cousin running a gluten free restaurant, after grandmom die. She used to do that. 

oh my dear God....These crisis not one thing leads to another to another to another...not to see what is internal things included, I cannot just say ...here is the prove, here is the guard....Take that off, my entire life smoking up !

And there is an Eben Pagan, his wife was Annie Lalla. 

Babaji: Right, You never thought he would exist ! 

I live with nobody for a very long time....I start to see things right in front of me. Not just human. It was every night at 9 olock, insect, pest, and there is lizard 4 x biggers climbing in the chimney. These lizard, they are smart. 

oh my dear Lord....I thought I walk into the wrong Earth, they used to saying the Earth splits into two. I see thunder, I see clouds. Where is my clouds photo.....its at Open Galaxy!!! ARe you kidding me? Of the entire human race, I have to utter words, like "open galaxy", "3 Esteem" "Honorable Superior" ~~~oh God, I woke up each morning, I used to look at the ceiling. I really just look at the ceiling. I touch the wall, to see, if I fall into the walls of the house. There is clouds on my photo doing all that ~~~

Babaji: Sex !

And there are 4 Heavenly Kings like clouds, because I am imitating them? oh my dear dear God. And what do I look like ?

No one will believe a 5 years old....I just feel so dying out. Dying dying dying....cannot breath it right.

Babaji: You feel better now? You finally finally finally email liscensing agent. 

yeah! My head from the back, toward up...and front....and my front lobe....I need cold water. 



Babaji: Law first, law first. Next time, you just use law. Those things entire groups against you 1, of course you get like this.

 Right. I feel exploded in my head....I cannot breath.

Babaji: You know they are immature, why don't you tell them sooner? You get like this, this afternoon you go or don't go.

I see if I lay down a little bit. I thought Medical Board...

Babaji: They what? 姑息 all that? 

I thought medical boards decides to train people, they use years to make up the margin of missing quality. And they are honor class, I don't think they can ever be lay off.

Babaji: And jail !!! 

Yeah, if you put that way, when I see all that, I wish them all be jailed, to be honest. I didn't think I can have a wish come true. 

Babaji: What do you think MD should have quality?

Caring for others.

Babaji: So when you missing your Facebook, they just never look for you, to call and see how you are doing? That is MD?

I thought its every State school MD they all glueing to what it is only interests in them their facebook, sometimes its the people they like, those people, interested they look into it. So I missing from the facebook doesn't mean a thing.

Babaji: NO! America, you can tell them, what kind of MD, you wish to have. Not a scarf on the land !

... First time several time, I want to really shout, "Oh MY GOD!!!!!!!!"

 Babaji: You know why you look like 5 years old?

Honorable Superior has to pretend you know....but this time, it went too far fetch, I am actually telling things directly to facebook boxes....Oh MY GOD!!!!!! I feel literally dying.

⭐️⭐️Babaji: You never thought, you can just email them? ⭐️⭐️

 Feel a little bit better now.

Babaji: You should feel much much better, to find the right person to talk to, one thing after another.


Type type type type .....

Babaji: Feel better?


Babaji: So it does bother you, they are hurting you, so why don't you go to their authority.

I went to SABA University and told them, but there is no response. I guess I thought a lot of things have no use.

Type type type....

Babaji: your head feel better?

Yeah....I didn't know I felt so bad about it. Its full of my head. I guess I am scared.

Babaji: You are very scared.

Sometimes you hope MD they know something to rely on, and happened, its all these friends, I see no future of depending on. I feel very bad. Very very bad.

Yeah, Melinda was hurting me

 Babaji: Right

I am home.

Babaji: I know.

My mother going out in the afternoon, I run to Embassy.

Babaji: You say so.

I went to tell National Archive, maybe they will tell CDC and find their ways here, not just the facebook. 

Babaji: You feel I make you feel ashame.

That is not exactly saying....You 

Babaji: I am God.

... ...

Babaji: Do you tell them what you have to tell them?

So many things, how to tell them.

Babaji: You believe people killing?

Sometimes life I just have to bear it. I left the facebook, wasn't I.

Babaji: You should not leave this time. The fault are on all of them. COVID 19 is just the beginning. No one heed it to your suffering, or the BIble Verse. They really think its funny.

You mean I should not help them?

Babaji: They are bureaucracy. 


You want to say something?

Babaji: You should keep the conversation open.

I think there are people trying to solve the crisis.

Babaji: What did I say?

Bureaucracy. I think you mean, there are some have to do things, why is that bureaucracy again?

Babaji: Everyone all has a job. They all need their facebook.

That old guy, and Secretary State, he is from West point military school, ...I look at them both, don't look like between a choice on facebook or humanity...

Babaji: I am not saying them.

I thought they are the real leadership. I felt. I sense. 

Babaji: Educating young cannot just fire all of them.

Someone, some department, say they can, maybe just not CDC, are you sure they just listen to me complain only? They both look serious people to me. They hold a job that is very important.

Babaji: how is your Visa.

Are you being sleeking with me? I need to wait til the afternoon.

Babaji: I think you mean you wait til tomorrow. If you feel so dragged your mother hurting you with the hospital, do you tell Eben about it? You call hospital so many times, no one answer. And everyone still on the real Time of life, they are on facebook hurting each other, and no one remember what you did behind, and hurting you, glow on facebook. That is why I am very displeased.

You told me, how old you are. Do you know how old they are? They never grow out of that age, I have no idea why the medical board makes them MD, I thought they still just keep training them no matter what. The way you say, they can get killed or fired.  Some people you look at them, they can be a doctor material. Some just....like that.

Babaji: Do you even know Medical Board has a liscense structure, why don't you complain to them? Are you afraid to get them killed?


Babaji: So ... ...

License structure....

Babaji: You never think of it.

You know, so many people hurting me, I do not know where to count, how many things to talk about, to tell whom, to find whom, to get help anymore. So tired ...

Babaji: You want to try, the Medical Board license agent.


I stay on Facebook 2 weeks.

Melinda has to say ….

Bill Gates is on Facebook publishing a climate crisis book !!!

 Facebook has these new function even Lance Bass is doing mug gift away Starbucks !!

I am eye gluing on the product !!

It’s free! Both !!

I left Kerry Facebook message. They might just know Facebook, not here.

 Babaji: right 

I m on that raw vegan guy Facebook commenting, my Facebook.

 I think I did.

Markus Rothkranz

Yep, my comment is there. First one, he only has 14 comments of his newest video. 

Hi ! Where is American classify? I told Facebook, I m talking to meducal board and CDC now. They are health experts. These is I say to them.

 Kerry lost all her works from Google.

She is close by American classify.

If American board, CDC or Secretary states needs needs needs needs needs America classify, talking to ET on COVID 19.

American classify 

American classify

American classify

You cannot use my relation with them. 

But here is what I can do for you, 

You secure yourself relation with Kerry and Bill they are, Project Camelot or Project Avalon 

Meaning, you are medical to care about someone’s life

Care about someone’s life works.

I meant youth, if CDC old guy eyes glasses and State of Secretary they train youth? Not their Facebook ?

Or medical board training sweet 17 like Trump daughter ?

So ….you need to care them no matter what results that they lost their life works with Google?

So you get near to America classify?




I go to sleep.

 Babaji: About your friends.


Babaji: Don't you want to know it was joking wise they going to Bermuda Triangle or just for a display purpose, like not big deal, don't you want to know? Wing, Dean, Tamang, are they going to be really dumped in the Bermuda Triangle along with others 105 MD.

... ...

Babaji: You are not sure.

Sometimes, I don't see it so severely, They look fine, so ...

Babaji: You know, people from outsider will think, even that its hurting you, because you care for them. You do things for them. Do you think American trying to hurt you so putting them on that line, and not taken them off? South Dakoka, Stephen Tamang, TN, Wing Liu, FL, Dean Wieczorek.

... they are on drama, maybe they won't need to die, at least I don't mind they don't die. I was thinking the Medical board will train them for another 30 years, they are not going to lose the doctors by 16 years of efforts?

Babaji: So I am asking you, do you think that was a joking act, from the Medical board or from American Government?

Yesterday I was thinking different than today, because today I have to do something. When I need to do something, I will worry if I got sent to Bermuda Triangle. But I still insist to push it.

Babaji: So you are thinking very different than yesterday, and yesterday you are thinking they are fine, as they are, and you are just keeping those hurting.

Sometimes....those are not really acknolwedge to be hurt, if they are teaching them something ....

Babaji: But no one telling them, they are on the lines. So you imagine its just nobody knows so that line is a waste to be put there?

I try not to think the worse. There are TV scripts, people cannot just be all dead, like grave yard they are saying, all the MD going to Bermuda Triangle?

Babaji: You don't believe it, or you just think MD can just be puppy, face card? No one knows anything about liver flush, so you run and hide, to do everything you do, to SAVE the world, and they keep making those high income as MD, just like your brother and sister, to play very inresponsible life, that you have to worry, all her friends have a gun or violence nature? Do you believe it, there is a line?

Yes, I believe there is a line.

Babaji: Have you thought they will be going in, be dump alive, in the cold water, to die?


Babaji: Have you think you would?

No, I don't want to.

Babaji: do you want to ask me?

Not really.

Babaji: Ask me.

Will they be going to Bermuda Triangle, to be drowny to die like they are being position on the line of South Dakoda, TN, FL?

Babaji: No. Its worse.

.... ....

Babaji: You are thinking,"As long as they don't die, its not worse"

I never think of any of this problem. I just have to keep taking it, sometimes, life is like that.

Babaji: So you just believe, life has to keep taking it.

Right, you cannot kill off all these people from the facebook, because they are overweight, and no way to make incomes, and born as many kids as I can see now.

Babaji: Right, they born a lot of kids combine. What do you think, they going into the water or not?

I don't want to think about it. They look fine to me, stlll in the position, and plus, its kind of kidnnaping me anyway, they cannot possibly be die out, because they were my friends. I felt being kidnaped, but others probably still thinking they shouldn't be killed, because i will have no friends left, to look at it.

Babaji: So you feel you are being kidnapped?

Yeah, well, I have no choice. 

Babaji: No, you have choices.

Do you want me to take back those facebook posts, you mean, not to say those ?

Babaji: No. I think you trying to do something, now they will response. They suppose to know what's priority in life when they see old friends appears and be into that conversation. Its none. It means every other things they consider their perfect life is perfect ! 

I wonder if Medical board wishing me to ...

Babaji: No, that is a line.

okay. I go to sleep. I will remember that.

Babaji: No, you don't need to remember. You need to look at it, like seriously. Someone something are being put as a line going all the way to Bermuda Triangle. There is Tiny 4.0 too, remember that.

You are not here, because Eben's birthday is earlier than CHristmas and Happy New Year?

 Babaji: Perfectly right. Tomorrow you go to Embassy, everything is set by the beginning of November. Maybe they won't take 2 weeks to process. 

They have to mail it to my home, my mother gonna see it. I was hoping to talk on the phone with Eben first?

Babaji: You can talk to me first. I make you two together remember?

You actually want me to be there by his birthday?

Babaji: Yes !

Today you are especially present ...

 Babaji: Was I?

yeah !


 I still think, the world ends up in a very simple format. Mature person does mature things. You don't need spiriutliaty, you need people not to be impaired.



So long I didn't wake up for the things that in a nature was the world wide entertainment films included.

People are living in two different world. One is professional people, one is depression form people. So many scenery in front of us, are friends issues, money issues, used to be issues. I keep looking and looking and looking ....

I used to have a full pack of college friends. I erase my facebook, and now I went back.

Same age of friends, like my brother also a full pack.

Does people really know what it is about in life? Its not Facebook !

But people are living for .... Facebook ! 

It is my age of friends they have crisis! My own life has crisis. And the Flood of the World reach the ceiling Top and telling me about. 

You know how I find things out? You imagine a lot of people sent me things. Some stuffs, I find it out myself. From inside.

And do you know from inside, how do you find things out?


Bible has 2 women speaking

And in the end time, you saw, there is Mahavatar Babaji.

He is invisble, I cannot even jail him for.

Do you believe God?

Like do you believe God exist? American God?

I studies Chinese Ancient Spirituality. 

Like I still saying, mature person does mature things. That's it. The rest I trust American are taking care of. I know that for a fact. I really know that.

People with maturity should know how to take care of yourself, like getting up to fold your bed. My brother won't. He is a business consultant with 100K? And bonus !!! 

People with maturity, should know being patience with all those walk different path than us and slowly explain to them, helping them finding money, helping them, organize.

People with maturity, literally talk to authority with a clear language what's going on, not yeh or neh saying things that makes others worry.

People with maturity, care about diet, and fitness program, so the weight would not become a future health indicator problems.

People with maturity knows, no mother no sister towards the guy you want to live your life with for the rest of your life. No friends to bother that business to make and become. 

People with maturity making an independent living, not by donation, but by efforts, by creative talents and professional knowledge in the experty things that you do, for me, that is bio-genetics, I written a book.

People with maturity, says hi, say things, say with confident, that life force in God's watch, always God wins with Time and patience.

People with maturity does not just go and laugh at people, but we step by step approaching a problem and facing it, by testing water to see, how in the end, its to help others, and those all around. Sometime there is law, sometimes its very rigid. You are not sure either both. What you gonna do? Guess?

Seeing these much of problems, i will tell you...

I am not sure at all, if people ever wish to be mature person does mature things.

Professional people do that. They become parents.

Now my friends they are all parents too. Overweight, big, truly big.

16 years ....made into a song, and says, chorus....Like I didn't know music at all.

I am so tired of keep saying the same things over and over

 Babaji: I meant you.

oh ~ Not about Purna, and her whichever needs these luxury living like her and her disciples?

What about me?

Babaji: What do you like to do daily life, what is your life philosophy, what is your take on spirituality and meditation....


Babaji: You wrote a bunch of stuffs, its not turn of your turn?

You have to tell me, after i finish that site....



Babaji: You know people don't really like raw diet.

 Today is the day you and I decide to talk about, and the topic is raw food?

Babaji: Right.

I made two sites, one is food cooking, the other is raw food. I thought if just two posts, still can stay there as a website. But once I start to filling the website with the information, the ideas come to what to write about.

Babaji: Right.

You want to hear about raw food.

Babaji: I want to hear about you.


Babaji: I think you got upside down certain things in life.

If you mean SMCH is the Purna, there is a Nirvana saying her Buddha stays in there, not capable to come here to rescue her, I am the one trashing her?

Babaji: Well, 花千骨

Not many people understand Chinese anymore, to do even with the Ancient drama, to say dressing liike ancient robes. And I am not sure, if saying regent, I am regent for a while til, things got settle, I can quit my jobs.

Babaji: I don't think that is a regent, you keep saying it regent regent regent.

... ...

Something about me, not about the weight loss? I am trying hard...I got lower than the obesity level now. Overweight, not obesity...oh ~ they have different terms, in that.

My BMI is normal now. Still, I need to lower down all this....

By the way, there is a Bill Gates, and Siddarthra issues. I keep saying Buddha and Siddarhtra might be two different saying. And Johnson?

Babaji: He looks like a Buddha to you.

You know, the whole story, that I written about, I cannot translate to English that fast....long time ago, someone else has a Purna.

Babaji: I think its the same thing.

You mean Shakymuni Buddha is 帝王? 

Babaji: Right. Do you know why he is so famous?

I have no ideas.

Babaji: Because he is famous.

Well, he is in Nirvana, not capable to come here to rescue all his 10 chef disciple, there is a Purna.

Babaji: I think you educate her.

I think they all are educating her. I talk to her occasionally here, if she even listening.

Babaji: Are you going to more attune to your job?

I am not so lecturing her, you mean yell at her?

Babaji: Bible has a very trashing names... and statues....

You mean I should be telling people, or her, what they are not supposing to be doing in life?

Babaji: Correct, like a nun should wear a nun cloth, a nun not suppose to get married, and be post it on the Internet. You talk if, you are not talking to her, at all, just leave her there.

She arrives to an age, isn't she suppose to know what exactly she is doing, for why she is doing it? She loves these money, attention, and luxury ideas of becoming a prophecy, she keep airing whatever meant to her...except the Bible part. You want a site or something?

Babaji: Yes, please !

Babaji: What do I got?

 No flower padel emballishing....

Babaji: What did I say to you?

I check, and there are style way too small, and Eben lives in NYC are cold cold cold....I cannot possibly, to dress this in the winter.

Babaji: Something inside.

You know I dump the entire woredrobe out, because for that 2018-2020 photo shooting.

Babaji: That is what I said, you have no more clothing inside your closet to see Eben.

I manage to dress....

Babaji: What?

I was thinking to go shopping, but not padel flower emballishing.....

Babaji: Do I want to see what you purchase?

I put all the purchasing stuffs in the bag, to be boat/ship, shipping out, cheaper than the airplane methods. All these stuffs in my room, I am so worry, they gonna break, these Birds love the color of jar or cups.

Babaji: They won't break.

All right. 

You want me to tear apart the wraps?

Babaji: Yeah. Wear it now, everyday you look ugly going out.

Its not convinent. I ship it to Eben, I am not going to wear them out.

Babaji: I was thinking you can purchase more.

I probably will go to a different place tomorrow, near 101, they have breeze, or GAP, or something to see long sleeve if they have clothing....They made it so thin, Not sure I can wear this at all.

Babaji: I am sure you will find a way to wear it, at least you have some now.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️It’s raining, going out ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊


Happy ?

Babaji: That’s my girl.


Babaji: Yes~~~?

You are not serious to find flower padel emballish ….

Babaji: Shut up and go. 

The Law paper gonna stay here. I need to change to a website.

 People in nature, what is behind them, in front of them, will do anything to stay in business. To stay in business, you will do anything to...