
I go to sleep.

 Babaji: About your friends.


Babaji: Don't you want to know it was joking wise they going to Bermuda Triangle or just for a display purpose, like not big deal, don't you want to know? Wing, Dean, Tamang, are they going to be really dumped in the Bermuda Triangle along with others 105 MD.

... ...

Babaji: You are not sure.

Sometimes, I don't see it so severely, They look fine, so ...

Babaji: You know, people from outsider will think, even that its hurting you, because you care for them. You do things for them. Do you think American trying to hurt you so putting them on that line, and not taken them off? South Dakoka, Stephen Tamang, TN, Wing Liu, FL, Dean Wieczorek.

... they are on drama, maybe they won't need to die, at least I don't mind they don't die. I was thinking the Medical board will train them for another 30 years, they are not going to lose the doctors by 16 years of efforts?

Babaji: So I am asking you, do you think that was a joking act, from the Medical board or from American Government?

Yesterday I was thinking different than today, because today I have to do something. When I need to do something, I will worry if I got sent to Bermuda Triangle. But I still insist to push it.

Babaji: So you are thinking very different than yesterday, and yesterday you are thinking they are fine, as they are, and you are just keeping those hurting.

Sometimes....those are not really acknolwedge to be hurt, if they are teaching them something ....

Babaji: But no one telling them, they are on the lines. So you imagine its just nobody knows so that line is a waste to be put there?

I try not to think the worse. There are TV scripts, people cannot just be all dead, like grave yard they are saying, all the MD going to Bermuda Triangle?

Babaji: You don't believe it, or you just think MD can just be puppy, face card? No one knows anything about liver flush, so you run and hide, to do everything you do, to SAVE the world, and they keep making those high income as MD, just like your brother and sister, to play very inresponsible life, that you have to worry, all her friends have a gun or violence nature? Do you believe it, there is a line?

Yes, I believe there is a line.

Babaji: Have you thought they will be going in, be dump alive, in the cold water, to die?


Babaji: Have you think you would?

No, I don't want to.

Babaji: do you want to ask me?

Not really.

Babaji: Ask me.

Will they be going to Bermuda Triangle, to be drowny to die like they are being position on the line of South Dakoda, TN, FL?

Babaji: No. Its worse.

.... ....

Babaji: You are thinking,"As long as they don't die, its not worse"

I never think of any of this problem. I just have to keep taking it, sometimes, life is like that.

Babaji: So you just believe, life has to keep taking it.

Right, you cannot kill off all these people from the facebook, because they are overweight, and no way to make incomes, and born as many kids as I can see now.

Babaji: Right, they born a lot of kids combine. What do you think, they going into the water or not?

I don't want to think about it. They look fine to me, stlll in the position, and plus, its kind of kidnnaping me anyway, they cannot possibly be die out, because they were my friends. I felt being kidnaped, but others probably still thinking they shouldn't be killed, because i will have no friends left, to look at it.

Babaji: So you feel you are being kidnapped?

Yeah, well, I have no choice. 

Babaji: No, you have choices.

Do you want me to take back those facebook posts, you mean, not to say those ?

Babaji: No. I think you trying to do something, now they will response. They suppose to know what's priority in life when they see old friends appears and be into that conversation. Its none. It means every other things they consider their perfect life is perfect ! 

I wonder if Medical board wishing me to ...

Babaji: No, that is a line.

okay. I go to sleep. I will remember that.

Babaji: No, you don't need to remember. You need to look at it, like seriously. Someone something are being put as a line going all the way to Bermuda Triangle. There is Tiny 4.0 too, remember that.

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