
Its close to 10, brush teeth and going to bed....

 Babaji: Wait


So what they say is true? The beginning ! The spicy, instant noodles, like 20 packages to start....those eating show is the hot show on the market !! They discussion on it. For Real !!!!!!!!


I think you all decide when the TV becomes real and true, you just go loving it every details of it. You can just tell the whole world, you don't like any of them, there are other better things?

 Can you think outside some box sometimes?

There are different statues of the music achievement, in the drama of the theater, there is Ballet!

Swan Lake 38:00, do you even know the story?


So India, you comment people doing it, your people, or you mean the whole world kids, like Reed? if HIs father is alive? That types of things, or you train others behind, without me knowng?

 So they initiative to do it, or they are told to try out? 

or they read through all the profile, and see which tutors, on your name list, they will go ahead? like Google plus concept?

Or you are builiding like China Expo, Pavillion ? To collect tapes, DVD, posters, photo, files? Written materials? Website design?


I think your Guru Ji meant, went on some real war, guys suppose to go through, like Simon, like Eben, like Keanu like Justin.....Wars like confronting public, or massive of population. Perfect his skills to the highest....


It will show on your face, what you have been through, no matter what. 

我說男生女生都經過一些戰爭 的經驗! 

像 西門 像埃本 像賈斯汀 像李維呀 ! 這所有經驗都會在臉上出現的最後 

You actually think singing is not tiring....my types of singing....do you even know what that is yet?

你們是不是覺得唱歌不累的意思? 而且是我的這種唱歌方式 ????

叫做每一個音抖呀 !


 Organization of your thought

Analytical of your mind ....


 Analyrical 你的大腦 !

okay okay .... ji ...whichever Guru Ji says....

Climate Change


Period, my period stuffs.

Ancient literacy (if I am Ancient Chinese language, you have ancient Indian language)


Jump, leap, bounce



You mean every website I create, including their technical skill, like IT? Creating website? Like web design? 

Not facebook, use Pinterests? 

You all know how to eat food? !


Bollywood? No idea....never really care about film industry myself to tell you anything about ....Drama !

 I don't like drama. I like things to be clear said, and pass by. 

There are things to do in life.

If Taiwan is doing this Youngest Princess things, with Climate Change issues, that to do with the successor ....isn't India, supposes to be more active as well? All dying out yet?

 I have no response, so I have no ideas if any this Holy mountain Himalayse, reviews committee monks hood, or Swami Order,...literally, speaking out clear English, I can understand you?


Your UN on the top, chairman is actually an indian !!!!!!!!!!!!

⭐️So does India get a called at all, my existence? There is a La la Land, there is Aladdin, your skin color, and there is Charlie's angel, again colored, and then Coco Club, all action, against indian obessity issues? ⭐️

 Am I sure Indian get the call, I am not sure, but I still gonna talk about it.

La la land, its a little bit like musical.

Loving the silent Tear, or Real Love, is musical

What muscial represent are broadway show. Originally Barbra Straisand, I think ....people grow up in New York, all knowing there is an aspect of dancing club, like getting in the braodway show.

My background is traditional classic Vienna orchestra those brainwashing orchestra tape, CD, Ballet song 胡桃鉗 I listen every night going to sleep til waking up in the morning, when I was like elementary school. 

I dont like broadway. New York subway is dirty, I actually except Manahattan, everywhere else bounds to say worse culture, its all black.

 Do you really know anything about music at all?

Music !!!!! 

Classic Piano is Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky

 Traditional Ballet, orchestra, traditional ballet, ballet, like swan, in the comic book.

Traditional traditional traditional !!!

我說印度他們都很肥 ~~傳統音樂只有那種 Classic 鋼琴的那種貝多芬 莫札特 柴爾夫斯基 巴哈呀 ~還有跳笆蕾的那種傳統音樂~天鵝湖 !!! 胡桃嵌!

Let me show you what I mean traditional !!!!

1:10:06 That kind of melody, is the correct version of listening to the music !!!


That is how I really grow up ~~~ !!!

But okay, if saying Indian 500 years old in Aladdin 

Aladdin, so much dancing around, running around.

Coco Club, festival, running around, jumping up and down, the kid.

La la Land, so much musical, like broadway, to gives a sense of jumping all around.

Don't you do something about your Indian obessity issues? 


Nutcracker !!! I listen to this growing up, sleep mode. 

I really don't care about this NSYNC or Britney, these pop culture, whatever Justin Timberlake, those are....sexual icon, idol chasing Star, called Hollywood, Bimbo culture face lift of plastic.....

But I assuming, India still exist? You think you are important at all? really? 

Do you want to get up and do something for once, called Fitness program with ETR Craig, now Eben is or is not on your mind at all?

Fitness program? Jump, leap, bounce.

Then what if they can search my playlist, on YouTube, and on Blogger, they search author's page to see my website, and Pinterest, they navigate in between album ?

 That is not the same thing, just a regular user use their YouTube, blogger, or Pinterests upload video? they went to spy on me, to say? 

So their degree of the user interaction with the 




Levels are high ?

ALA or Library Congress or National Archive whichever that is National? Hi ~~!!! Even Police Station in American or In China, if they know how to YouTube, Blogger, to Pinterests, still a lot, don't you think? It has to be kids operstion efforts?





其實只要會用就很多的意思! 我在跟國家級的圖書館他們講話 ! 意思就是人們怎麼用網路的基本狀態,是一種連環式的用法~你們以為很多人都會用電腦 !!!

那妳們中央圖書館還是中國的,台灣的~就是哪一個是管 Web 2.0?

警察局他們也算人吧 ?






小鬼小和尚~你們算好你們的六個月的時間沒? 每一天都在觀鳥嗎 ? 觀察鳥的意思! 寺廟有沒有很多人來~自從花千骨? 你們還小那高年級的知不知道??


但是我就是尊上呀 ! 你們現在是學習鳥學習到哪裡?

最近有聽說我跟西門還有埃本他們,在尋寶的事情! 這小鬼聽不懂,那大隻的呢?


你們在寺廟通常都在學習什麼? 照顧死人的屍體還是只是誦經?

那如果集體集合是你們分開出來,還是跟他們是一樣的? ~~~~ 你們是算無家可歸還是沒有父母的那一群呢? 

所以電腦是多少可以看? 多少可以學? 什麼叫做 Web 2.0 聽的懂嗎 ? 那我以前一直在說的 從 YouTube 到 Blogger 到 Pinterets




這個環節你們真的會了? 有很難嗎 ? 看看尊上到底在做什麼?

簡單的電腦操控是可以會的吧 ? 叫做尋找事情的開端 ? 還是你們跟上次來我家的和尚一樣就是聽說你們學習英文很困難 ! 英文在學校學就可以了! 反正都是我尊上打字打中文順便一下你們一起看就可以了!




聽懂嗎 ?


Google Blogger


Sorry, Simon, I have to email Dr. T to tell him about it.

 They have kids now. Do you know what that means, by the time 50???

They gonna lose their jobs now, if they fail me one case? So I went to tell dr. T

I already told him several months ago

Tamang, Wing, Dean is on traight one line.

Right now Wing and Lee email disappear, so I cannot add facebook friend.

Simon, you need beauty things to look at or weak things to feel fluncturate ?

 Besides, it’s not even the same movie meaning kidnap away…Simon, there are a lot of jobs you made me do, the first time I told you 2014 as Da Vinci. Kidnapping people is not one of them. 

People do plastic surgical ….do you believe this is my face even, Simon?

This is my face !!

Today I went back to Facebook. I haven’t seen all people’s face yet….but if a medical board gonna tell me they do reviews, I will scream as one of them. 

I know not great.

But to actually one photo clicking away to see it, do you know how big suit you put on a guy and he dresses like a doctor? Do you remember story I say I read the real life test is at age 50?

I scream

⭐️🌟⭐️🌟🌟⭐️🌟⭐️Simon your ex gf at a ship to be swelling … …⭐️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️

 That’s a kind of like offering to the weather God, have you ever heard tales, seen movies, something familiar ? I know I just directly jump to conclusions not the process.

I don’t think it requires a process.

Delicate water God, Cloud God…..if you know my windows outside daily tales right now? 

Bird God.

It’s all true, all true.

Bill & Kerry because they are classified, taken to water park or a lot of running, I will tell you, animal kingdom they are fiercely strong, mental and physical and they ask people …like me, to be running that park right. They stand right on top and watching. 

They know what it means if I declare something, then truly made it physical. 

Because water if stain on the body, it’s very difficult to run, very very heavy and soaking wet. They expect classified to be that strong too.

Believe my story, they are very very strong !! They want us to strong and make it right!

I go to sleep early, brush my teeth, clean up outside

 Babaji: Go

I think you should try on your own, Dad, Hank's dad, or your kid's dad.

 Something you might hear about, rumor about, or your business, or your knowing, or something in the trending....bio chemistry is a trending things.

It might be none of what I said about Bamboo, but trees. You have to work that with Prince Charlie in mind, they claim Amazon forest on commercial. That is the Lung of the Earth.

Earth prince story, you remember in Sailor Moon?

There is an inner palace, that cage's unicorn.

How many white guys you got??? Sailor Moon Earth Prince has 4 guys guards.

No, I think its best we go on different direction. There is a lot of reasons for it I think ...the real interests when open galaxy is out, we have to go alone, right? You better practice in thinking, while you are on Earth with the people that you know, you can access and gladly to help them, because they looking good for Hollywood. 

All I think about is money, so I will tell you money story all the time. Dad. I don't know how I can tell you differently. 

Let's say, I = AC.

Or My father is AC

So Westinghouse, Simon face me is....his business partner's kid.

Because Luna goes with Harry to a party in the drama. Pier's?

So there can be some mentorship invovled. I always think in that degree is good, to foster some kids in increasing their learning curves.

The birds quack quack quack....they mean, you can just ask them.

⭐️⭐️Bill Gates has Ocean 13, right? ⭐️⭐️

 Do you get divorce because of Yogi Bear? That is nice of you. I remember, Bill Gates said he practices meditation too, meaning he believes some Eastern World spirituality.

Ocean 13 got girls from ocean 11, 12, and Julia Robert's brother, they are brother and sister. 

I need Mathrew because they probably assign him to the science groups, other than that, I said Keanu and Simon, and NSYNC.

I can tell you, my father told me he is getting married, and I remember he was in Califiornia. He used to have someone sponsor him to go gambling in America. He is fascinating with the numbers. 

With Bill Gates, anything you just tell him to design, he can magically to come out VPN, and everything private transmission in between. For Family and kids, they got everything to play. 

I am thinking ....

Have you heard a legand, of one of those parable story tale from Japan, in a pile of bamboo forest, there is baby, and bamboo full of gold coins, money in there?

The story I used to say, there is peach that produce a baby methods, there is bamboo produce a baby methods, there is lotus produce a baby methods, there is human deliver a baby methods. 

Yogi bears are trees I know that. 

You practice Zen, or you practice Buddhism?

Is anything on your part, you can assoociate what I tell you? 

Trees looks like a forest, just like bamboo looks like a forest to me too.

Bamboo are often in Ancient China poems, to describe cool living, cool breath, cool nice scenery.

I go to eat !

 Babaji: Go

So long i didn't use facebook. So let's say, you believe far away looking at your friends, and then one day, really go on the facebook, one moniter interface away from your friend.

 I can never really go to those friends and tell them NSYNC

Classified stuffs....not really. Now I become so close at their profile. Do you know they didn't do anything in life? NSYNC did the world tour, they memorize their own lyrics, knowing stuffs materials. 

They sing

They make concert at comet.

They might always know IMac?

They believing in something. And they are more trained too.

Do you know these UB 5 guys, or any guys or girls, they are ....from Buffalo Area. They didn't do anything in life, or anything open to any possibility of life. Its best I don't think should intrude. 

So just let the Hollywood. If they let them know, they know.

If they don't know. I don't feel a thing with it.

Its their profile though, they have to watch it. That's it. 

In California, I live with Kim. It actually hurt me, that video, you guys did with the model name Kim. Now this Kim, is a vegan restaurant, you saw my resume says I work there

She create really looks like vegan eggs stuffs. That time I told everyone, but Bill Gates they are arleady working on something in North California on vegan eggs too. 

Everything about food...

SO the NSYNC wants a job too? In UB?

 Silas and Dean are in evolutionary biology. If I may say, 5 of them all taken what is evolutionary biology. Terrible class.

I know this is funny pair up.

Silas and Seth in SA union, but one is up floor, the other is basement floor UB spectrum.


Bill, Dean, Patrick is in NSC with me in Dr. T class or Dr. Chambler class.

We have lab. But we usually from TA assign classroom walk together to NSC lab area.

Chemistry honor class.

I work in the Capen, that is right in the middle of it.  If you say Keanu positoin = both Lee and Tamang, if....yeah, we are inside the library, you have to walk in the library, and going down the basement, to see CADS lab. 

All the club activities are in the SA union.

you know....It is not I getting my facebook back to imagine Yeth would ever do if he found out he is Seth with 4 Lords, in a package. You know what I mean? He might take them 4 up sometimes when, if anything can indicate to tell me? Victoria Secrets are close. 

Are they joking about that TV drama Youngest princess ? 我說你們是不是真的在開玩笑那個公主小妹的事情?

 They are saying about the successor and climate change issues. Ma'am Ching Hai TV didn't stop air that yet? Climate Change and Diet problems.

他們就是你們的意思~繼承者的天氣氣候,清海無上師電視沒有停止過 ? 天氣氣候跟飲食的習慣?

Is that just practice for the military?


Machine generate gas, like car the exhausted pipe generated CO2

The cow that exhasuted pipe, is their anal, generate far gas. Methane.

Do they breath in oxygen, and emit CO2 anyone reasoning with her yet?

We are human emitting CO2 too. We breath out CO2.

If a machine like a car or automobile generate CO2, you just shut it down.

Methane, in the ice, you just don't go chip on it, meaning poke on it. It won't release for another millions years?

⭐️Elon Musk says star base is under construction ....⭐️

 I read twitter somehow now ....should I get some account just to go and sneak on everyone. 

This is so odd, while I get on the facebook finally, and no one is using it ? Thank God, Tina's best friends is not on here.

Is Star base has to be doom shape? Sci-fi movies one of those? Does anyone told Elon Musk, there is NSYNC, young version of space station floating in air? 

They have a concert with comets, not only. Something space cow boy.

 ⭐️⭐️⭐️you know, he Elon Musk would be one of the person NEVER will tell me his space station will have a cow to far, so there is methane taken up space statues quotes (statistic chart) of that less than 1% total amount of Gas, not generated, natural existing gas. 

Embedded methane is by nature there, you don't explore it, there is none coming out. 

Cow generate methane gas, that is generated gas, that is existing condition, because they are living.

Maybe he will be the ONLY person care what they say, or I say, to the exact degree, they won't have that problem in Star Base Under Construction.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ oh my God ~~I am telling you. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Hi Facebook

 You have the most people that followed you Mark.

HI....where are the rest of people....so Keanu, Levine is on. Justin and JC...Lance ...

Trump and Obama.

So they don't use facebook, they now use instagram ?

I just thought about something. Don't they want to ride on the movies to be real or something? I started 2014 telling Keanu about Matrix, Eben heard that or Simon too.

Since then on, I came back Taiwan, to actually watching that Harry Potter air on the cable gazillions times. You know how many times, we walk all over that Harry Potter. Until you play, you don't really know the details of it. And its been 8 years ....we didn't shift the role, and now we are shipping? 



⭐️Babaji: am I talking or you talking ? ⭐️

 You talking 

Babaji: PC


Babaji: Don’t go out today.


Now I am back online.

Babaji: How many hours you sleep now?

5 hours.

Babaji: You tired?


Babaji: Good

People are not easy to find on Facebook.

 The bird is calling 

I think I will go and get some Facebook friends back if we have to do this …they live in Buffalo.

 Everyone has a Facebook …

Being a positive, initiatives, optimistic, health, fitness individual, the government would not let them die out !!

 Not sad, be fierce to pursue life possibility. There is church, there is DMV offices just say help, if not knowing what to do in life. Being happy and persistent in life, that’s what’s being real.


I used to work at those place …. …if everyone the same age bracket, like your classmate same age

 If they always look health & fitness

Pass certain age, it’s not always doctor office visits and pass time

Disease and illness and worries of billing. Surgery.

Age old friends are also dying …

Not this, I am fake.


There is not cancer.
…. ….yesterday. You like a cancer family share same bathroom like a public bathroom ?
No, I know it’s not infected. I know that.




I go to sleep


⭐️Only two things on the website, two posts. One photo collection, the other is again photo collection made into a video⭐️


If you just copy what I do, by now, you have so many sites ! This site is the most simplest website.

Its called Essential temple. There is nothing complicated on this Blogger Template.

If you doing it this way, you added a little bit about yourself on blogger author's page.

Now that is 3 things on PC monitor that others views your site will see. You don't need something complicated. Just a collection of the food, you either go outside dining at, or you make it something yourself, and added with a music background to upload. 

There is no way you don't know how to cook .....just image, not video. Put image together to become a video

 A very simple blog

Me and Eben gonna have a life, we talk about things, exchange opinions on it. He takes the lead. We are family.

 The rest of them, are their company Hollywood stuffs. They are not my family to say, we talk here every meeting here, its for their company.

Now, you need to all go back to your own world, making webpages.

I start to feel this....

You need to create your own webpages, to give some of these people confidence what you do with your life, and be responsibilty what you design, or say things in a perfection of knowledge. Like you know what you are doing. That is the best advice from me to you. Start making the website. Because you are all bugging me....I am the one, just have to be here, talking out loud. Its easy for everyone, and I have different groups of people. 

Now, you know Google has some platform behind?

Google doc! 

You can share the documents how you all discuss details what you plan to do with the movies. That does not need to be online, its a private documents.

I gonna work with Eben only. Keanu, Levine, and NSYNC just heard I exist. We don't know each other. So is Simon ! or Howard.

 I will have my own meeting here every single day. 

I am not trying to get rid of you all. I select these people, by merely if they exist there. But we are not going to do anything neither, they are very busy star people. 

I say it again.

You need to find some girls.

    You need to have a web 2.0 envrionment if that is what you mean colloboration.

    You can gather them behind in your own home, in your own offices, these people you know whom they are. Close to you even, you have no doubts whom they are. They have sister, brother, friends, classmate, all those near by, to participate in the group. The possibility is endless.

Me and Eben will have a life. That life, I want, its not to complicate life.

... If you like Dr. Gabriel Cousens, if you like Dr. Steven Hairfield, I don't really communicate with them at the moment, you can call them both, before they die, hire them, and be friends with them.

If I need to use them, I will tell everyone here. How about that? 


Neville at the ending is with Luna, so me is with Eben.

 Simon is so busy, he may just leave Harry Potter story, to let Ryan takes over, don't you think?

That Buffalo, UB, is a completely separate project. Let's say, we analyse that situation

1. UB near by the graveyard has nothing to do with Harry Potter

2. UB Bull and Feel Rites, has more immediate effects on Simon, so he can feel better at work, at home, or in the current time.

I say what does he think of that Elicott. If he agrees with me, that Elicott structure looks like Hogwarts, I will tell you that number 1, graveyard exists effects.

Eben has a Burrito Bay, Mexico food. 

Many party movie. We extent it outside Harry Potter.

There is a Seth/Yeth UFO thing we know of from Victoria Secrets.


I don't even know what guys like to do in life. Do you like to find UFO? Do you like outside Earth, if require you so many things to learn and analyze, beside your current business, you are overworks? Do you like food, all these places offers? Do you want to explore this place with a location name, maybe road name included....because there is trail, there is a forest road somewhere not near the trail? Not too far from the Graveyard even? 

No, I need Bill Gates, if with Steve, or with Tim Cook

They need to find their own team, training someone younger, my target happening to be older, like Simon and Keanu are older.

Including girls.

We need to separate groups a bit. Because these people are actually someone you know.

Keanu, Levine, NSYNC and I don't really know each other yet.

You have kids, similar age, professional team with the photo issues even. Height.

Your son or daughters have their classmate, associate, to be included in the play. I need you 3 to work it out, either with together, or finding out your own team. I give you a name list, how I found them, you can copy and paste.

Dr. Gabriel and Dr. Steven because I made them mad, so now I own them?

hold it second.... you cannot all go on top of my shoulder, I can feel the weight.....

 There is a reason, when they design that Harry Potter story, or every story, we might go separate ways. I have to go and talk to Eben, asking him.

When they make a work like that, you see, there are younger ones?

There are younger generation of their own groups?

    As a girl, if you willing to participate, be creative

    Enjoy what you do

    Love what you do

    Explore what you do. 

The 5 guys in UB looks like NSYNC, just happened, they jump, flip, bounce types.

I know that! I know a lot of star, they are girls, and they are not Keanu using his bike, or Levine, also running around types, active guys does things, and be happy about it.

Well, if you like them entertainment, there are a lot of people you can extract them from, and train them. First year, second year, third year.....you all have money, you can just buy them off.

⭐️ If she found out, outside in the galaxy, she will be hurt ⭐️

 I know the age is different. Career is very different also. But for girls, you have this kind of saying in singing, so publicly, she is a girl that will have feelings.

No, I know you won't like her. 

Maybe she won't ever found out, that is best for her. 

⭐️For Elon Musk, this word in Chinese....its 『是』不是 『星』⭐️

外星 !!! 

If adding "human" = alien = 外星人

You can only hugs, its that is not a pure problem

The chaotic era, out of it, its just purely/simply embrace (hugging) 

There is a Star logo on Top, the second word. 星

Are you sure they didn't do this on purpose?

You need to call them and asking them, if that is just human written them.

"Its not an issue, if you hugging a human, but it has to be a human."

"Its purely not an issue." Of course it is not an issue, because??? Its embrace without??

Do you know what they are saying?

If the birds, the clouds, the sky, tells you things, that UFO They .....#@$#@$#@$, do you gonna believe birds?

 They know stuffs.

This time I come back my home, this is my home, and I watch TV, there are some farmiliar face on TV, that actually feel good.

 So one day, if there will be next time, or no more next time coming back to Taiwan, there will be nothing else on TV I recognize old face that turn older, they will all die out.

I will tell you, I need to make money, so ....its not that things gonna come out just like that !

 You guys don't need to make money, all set life. 

I gonna talk to Eben first about that BT'X. I don't think he is hurried me going anywhere. So if just Hollywood 5 Lords, that is 5 of them. UB I might not get in touch because they don't know a thing with it, except Seth/Yeth. 

Some people I have heard they don't take care of their body, like super overweight, will have all kinds of condition. I hear too many people have things happened in their life, like my father and my mother told me. Even nick's age, there are a lot of people's life are dying or cancer, or disease, needed to go to the hospital.

Dr. Gabriel, or Dr. Stephen are very old now. Its not they gonna stay forever. They like the older things too, and they are all dying out. 

If you believe Victoria Secrets, and find out Patrick's look. That will be I say to you, you know Seth on Nike signature, on Steve's movie...on Hozier's gay right things, that really stole something. We were in UB. So if you believe that is Tesla design stuffs. Like Precious moment too. 

Are you willing to live longer, let's say, you found out, and you will not die on Earth, but going out? What you gonna do? You won't die.

Are you prefer not to die?  I think that is the question for everyone, including my people, but they are younger too.

Bill Gates! Now you are not my pa anymore...

 Hank is a lot overweight too. Way overweight ...your new Harry Potter team

Me and Keanu and Simon and Eben, we speak in English....I first let you know that.

English !!! American English 

If your best friend is not dead ....he has a glasses

Don't you actually know each other, so thoroughly, to read the exactly scripts and run and see, how scenary works? to you ?

It just happened, me going to NYC at this time, Harry 17 years old yet?

You got a divorce, finisih it yet?

If Steve Jobs have to abscent that seats, you can find Reed to succeed? Or you have in mind Bridget's husband, that would be ....in the drama that bf, or the outside frame story, that husband Ryan?

 You want to use Marconni? Howard Stern?

Hi Bill Gates, you know, you need to put the team together now. I think.... girl leads too including that. Or at least more outgoing. 

I am handling my side of a small groups. If you want to share that Howard Stern, yeah, he can play so many teams.

Or, if you want to grab a brand new team, because of the profile says, you found some others things you can use, be my guests, you just need your own team, NOW!

Elon Musk is doing something, I have no idea what he is doing.

Also, just to let you know that.... Ryan, saying Alaska... that is 50 states of the United States. Canada Visa, that is....

I speak French.

Keanu probably know tiny French.

Simon knows Prince William, he speaks French.

Eben, I just fill in him french when I one day really need to learn.


If I spent 8 years, that is 2 years after Keanu knows there is 5 Lords years, then I dig it out Birdge, Blake Thank you Card, I keep saying it. Blake Lively profile, its 8 years pass, we are landing at Buffalo to digging grave yard or all the restaurant for my team.

I spent 8 years on it....suffered with it.

Meaning, you need to digging somewhere else. That Bridge role in the Sisterhood of traveling pants, is digging historical site. WE are not digging, but saying it. 



 You really want to know what Hank did? 

The spider house, 22671 Fernwood that house, was Director helping him with the morgage on the phone. He sat next to Hank. Director is the guy Director in City of Bank, Tina's knowing, they happened to both live in Trump Tower that time, outside New York City a bit.

 Do you know how he ends up to that house?

Because he believes the online photo ! He never purchased a house before, like that.

So later he spent a lot of money, and he called Elon Musk's company to get a solar panel, his guy came over the house one time, I saw him.


He invest in the middle West a trailer park, entire park is all his. He told me, he walked in to negotiate, and the trailer park becomes his, so he uses his parents money there. There is a lot of fighting going on, after that deal, they and Tina has to live in California that time.

So one day, I lost house, they rent somewhere else, and then they purchase 2nd house. I never been to, because they both came to my house and hit me.

They cannot afford to live there, so they come back to Taiwan.

Later Tina and Hank separate.

He is an exchange student in Montana. He polish his accent, like American. I cannot do that.

Something about he attends NYU, my sister says, that is not a real NYU.

Right now Google gives him a job at city, or province that say, no cursing. Google has office in 101 but Hank is at South with his new wife, and a new born baby.

If I tell you, he does not do things for the Johnson Johnson reason, I make him pretty talk.

He is so ....sluggish with life.

And you know if someone becomes his big, just like American, a lot of big guys, his height, and grow big? Not like me size. I barely touch that line, called overweight.

Right now, he is the same age like me, approaching 40. We are the same age. You know if people pass certain age, there is something called disease, or cancer in people's life. His parents will die one day, but he is not all that secured in life. He has a sister.

I used to be slim, and I was sliming down too much weight, but I know how to slim down with the juicing, and not eating methods. People like him to lose weight, or continue to gain weight, last time I saw him. That is terrible. I will tell you all that. Very terrible. 

Silicon Valley

Don't you live somewhere near....North of there? Or that is TIm Cook stuffs now to dig...I know where are their grave, all the way on the East horrific places, so run down compare to the West side.

Tim Cook also has an eye glass, maybe he wants to try Harry Potter too.

There are so many Harry Potter in the story last Hollow stuffs.

Also 5 Lords its because I practice spirituality, I got half initiated, and then full initiation at 23. And I actually making friends on the facebook, so I told NSYNC there are 5 them. You cannot just assume, everyone will lead up 5 more extra man power to do things. 

Adam Levine, he step on Lauren, and on my stuffs, Dean Wing getting married???

Keanu because he is the One....these man power I collect them into a story, if they buying them, that is their stuffs to say. Because I say "One photo" story. I suffer with it, I am saying it too many times. You don't just magically hoping there are man power to become your stuffs, if you started it now, the first year, by the 8th years, you will have the people you need?

TAmang and I really one kiss, and his birthday, is on the Internet. Tamang somehow left his brithday online, it is Sep 2.

I told Keanu that ! You want to say Keanu lies his birthday?

The Law paper gonna stay here. I need to change to a website.

 People in nature, what is behind them, in front of them, will do anything to stay in business. To stay in business, you will do anything to...