
hold it second.... you cannot all go on top of my shoulder, I can feel the weight.....

 There is a reason, when they design that Harry Potter story, or every story, we might go separate ways. I have to go and talk to Eben, asking him.

When they make a work like that, you see, there are younger ones?

There are younger generation of their own groups?

    As a girl, if you willing to participate, be creative

    Enjoy what you do

    Love what you do

    Explore what you do. 

The 5 guys in UB looks like NSYNC, just happened, they jump, flip, bounce types.

I know that! I know a lot of star, they are girls, and they are not Keanu using his bike, or Levine, also running around types, active guys does things, and be happy about it.

Well, if you like them entertainment, there are a lot of people you can extract them from, and train them. First year, second year, third year.....you all have money, you can just buy them off.

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