
Eben, it’s twin story in her father Mimmo + my mother, 愛哭學妹

 Ma’am Ching Hai best friends.

I know that story that day I told you.


That verdict I say at being told that, and one day seeing it in the comic books 愛哭學妹

They exchange levels

Go to Heaven and cried about it none stop 

… I don’t think so, just analogy.

No, I didn’t really give an instruction to them keep practice or not. They stop border so, it’s not people gonna open the gate to go meditation anywhere. But friends they can get together probably.

… …I don’t care about it. Everyone is abusing spiritual energy, willingly.

Precepts in the past only very very few disciples …plus this method….abusing energy probably what he Indian 500 years old won’t tell, anyway !!

It’s to robbering others because you have a desire or attachment you wish to do just that. They are not doing it right.

Probably hell. Precepts !


I never ask Nick once….we go out to eat! :)

If I built muscle because life is that way, and one day my life becomes better, just like 4 blocks/ 5… why human tries to hurting me like Bible meant I live in glory?

There was a war described to you all in the biblical reference, you all force me to turn Bible real?

建華,九代除了Lalla and that kid

 One year, every penny including wedding.

365 everyday india one person no name die.

1 year

Start counting happy birthday Simon

10 galaxy


左盟主 I sign 

Start sky diving….it’s fun endless down.

1000 lawyers starting ….jump


If tomorrow no money in all money in

Her Corperation job company bombs starts ….

I say every single penny 10 years food, house, rent, child hospital money…..every single penny.

No, she begs others to ask….

You start 100 corporate forbes

One marriage, she knows how not to beg right ….

This one marriage me and Eben, I will warn you all women.



Begging for mercy you have zero women right other than I Anna says only right to beg right.

Before me, I demonstrate my IQ

Try to insult my IQ….one more time next time In any after life court….as you imagine you dare, look at Johnson 500 wife’s means baby oil and cow slaughter methods. Called injection baby methods.

Better remember your commendament well, and every word I taught you it’s never free….

Eben, there are many different types of dance...on the floor. Smoke filled DJ ~

 I subscribe to you, I just started watching it like 2 days ago, or this week.


... ...I thought sometimes outsmart Sitesell, or Google Algorism, to create a niche to actually making some money, that sounds more practical.


I still remember.

I just gonna go to sleep early. I don't really want to talk about that part anymore. There are things in life, I just thought, those years I really rather not to think about it.

As for ...

Eben, That seems long while ago. Maybe asking you or not asking you, I just prefer life is going forward, not going backward, for me to think anything anymore. Unless you really prefer to talk about it. Otherwise, I don't really have a feeling with it.

Life everyone chooses....is that easy, now, for you, your life right now?

Don't you know if you get married, you sign stuffs before? I heard that is not all that people do in life....So what happened now? Are you okay?

No one seems to care what verdict I have....if that is the case.....some people will go to Hell all togehter with it.

Ridiculous, hear this much of none sense of stupidity...what it meants, for life, will always for only....Money meant.

You can tell me when I see you.

But this part of 2013 onward life, that is your choice.

I just prefer we go forward, that is all.

I go to sleep.

Babaji: Go.

4 Blocks answers to me, you have to do 5 blocks, or Steve Jobs meants, that park is the fifth blocks? from One side to his side? Really? Isn't he dead?


Pang and Tina


I have to write my own medical reports, on myself. Today I eat a lot !!!! The body seems to be ...inflames. Do they say, if you are on a fasting mode, you can heal better? Right?

 There are so many ways doing this.

I keep eating methods today.

The body might feel better to release some stuffs, if knowing, you are keep eating food down.

Not sure. I drink soup after lunch, a lot of soup down.

And the medical ...mask for COVID.

Do you know those materials are sensitive to the face skin?

I just want to know if that is the reason, or it is my healing reason, I need to heal my face everywhere, wearing not cloth masks?

Correct sides : I used to spent money too. We had a routine.

 越南小尼姑 ! Do you believe this Right or that is Left side, in your own methods of Quan Yin Methods rules? Who taught me this, you think?

You have to guess it !

Its right on the television now !

You took over my friends' crowd must be ~~~ If I were you that petty mind, you have not dead friends yet....子歇 他不說英文的! 左右邊~

觀音法門 ! 這他懂吧 ?

Do you know how to be happy? If lifes has nothing else to offer, just not too stressful that day, you can just be happy? 

Not to listening to a glooming music, and imagine a guy you see, you fall in love with him, he talks to you a word, or two, you become in love with them?


How about you define, the difference between Actor and a jouranlists? Like a Clawn and Archer (or what is the Marksman? 神射手) Tellings the points, what's the difference?

 A clawn or an archer?

An actor or like a journalist?

How to make a point !!

Making a point

IQ problems!



天地多遼~緣~~ ♫ 多少為錯過一次擦肩 ~~

In the guys' real world, there are leaderships, its a real world phenomanon, it does not matter where you are practice magic, or spirituality....but women or girls' memory or IQ is so low.....

I don't even know how to comment this anymore.


If the regular guy, any guys, emotionally understand a fact, that beyond their IQ can comprehend, they deattach, and losing it the feeling completely to nonsensical.....they become no feeling whatsoever,....called Reality money spent schematic ! 

 I have no friends really, to give them a chance to inches in ....whatever if one day meants 4 blocks, they are dead yet in the cold, or real testing that day, someone might die. The entire operation has to shut down, one person death. Anyone near there. Like Karen's grandmother.

What they all gonna do, never try out that 4 blocks working up to that day.

And what if after that day, they will lose their routines of 4 blocks of life....it was just for me?


You know,....Medical Boards, I compose song, like lyrics included....melody, its the same song, same pitches. Just lyrics I can move around....

You know....if I keep singing that....they keep doing that 4 blocks, to the real days, how many people trying out that 4 blocks, in your destinate groups, do I prefer to know that?

You want to tell me the death lists?

Sometimes natural causes of Chess boards....called Double body, what you all gonna sue me, I think.

Because I sing ~~~~~
♫天地多遼遠~~~而你我再眼尖(間) ~~








Do you actually learn from your own Master's teaching at all? I upload the pictures online. 你們到底有沒有跟你們師父學教理?

 She used to say, if someone used to be driving the cargo, this life, they drives buses?

They are clawns? 

You all trying to be a journalist, at least she says, that is 神射手?

你們的師父到底在講個呷咪? 現代用小老鼠看網路呀 ! 那打字還是一種寫作呀 ! 那妳們的國文跟外國人比 !! 都是丟臉丟到家!

 I just told you how NSYNC are...they are chaotics from and the back. That is why they need a manager.

If someone could retain themselves in front of the screen and behind screen, they will become the military commander-in-Chef ~~~ especially the guys crowd!

看到過癮沒? 我看什麼你們割呷咪? 然後呢?

你們是修行修道哪裡去呀 ? 法國 ~~~~



跟小丑比 ! 你們也覺得自己長得很醜嗎 ? 臉皮~是我拉~ 到哪裡去呢?你們的耳朵 !!

我的網頁怎麼辦! 算了~~就涼拌 !

Let me show you something

讓我打開你們的眼睛! 當初如果我是特斯拉的

哪個女朋友聽說叫做誰? Sarah Berhart

通常你們看電影也看不懂演員名稱 anyway ~ 都是要翻譯是比較麻煩點! 

等一下... ... 什麼叫做當年 !

誰跟誰求婚的某一 frames ~~~~~你們都不記得多少戲劇上的人裡面的故事是女生生病!!!

 Its called 1:23! 

You want to fix all your memory? 你們要不要修復你們的記憶問題? 當看到某一個 frames?

 No, guys never really just seeking lusts, but, all your girls attitudes make them become....they have no other choices. I would say that. Really, how damage you all did to the guys world.

This is horrific to me.

 你們最想要的世界是有人緣的人類? 你們成為?

就是赤河魅影的某種預言故事呀 ! 我在幻想你們如果,被丟到某種世界之後,會變成什麼我的


現實 ~~~~


我覺得你們是不需要運用你們的智商,還是人間世俗之務,你們也無以供奉! 再於心想!

對~ 我就是那種垃圾!!和樂而不為!



 How do I fix these html codes, transparent ?

Bubble tea, taro becomes too thick on my kidney, Milpas, Silicon Valley.

I used to drink them, yeah I like them, long time ago.

Right, he knows 劉沛!

So, they could talk!

Shut up, birds!

Do you believe that festivity on the way? There is a show her…中餐廳 (the actress looks like my sister)

 Like Star go cooking and serve to the table !

It is real?

Those were NT dollars, stationary 

10, 10




5 for 100 NT

Today my foot really wounded, I don’t go out!

Babaji: Thank God!

Stationary expo

 You buy that Winnie folder, they gift you that…something holder.

Isn’t this American Cool 酷 should tell those French Senator why they comes to Taiwan?

 Not to irritate China even, like Australia?

It’s none of my business… I change the Favicon file. They change location in blogger.

Going out

Today its the Stationary expo. So we are planning to go to last time I show you nice vegan restaurant places. Herbalvore

 Its a nice dining out experience, usually Saturday, there is an expo, right there, so we walk towards 101, near by commerical places all have these kinds of restaurant in Taipei ! 

Babaji: ...

Usually Burrito or Pasta or Sandwitch

I am ready to go

Babaji: Go

Today is Saturday

 How many times we do these migration again?

Here is so hot…


 Testing gadgets' color.

That is not Header's ...whatever these codes ...I need a copy of all those elements, someone gonna teach me one of these days.

If that is to do every 6 months, I have to switch a template, I don't remember which template I working on last time....taking as long as time I am doing it.

The Law paper gonna stay here. I need to change to a website.

 People in nature, what is behind them, in front of them, will do anything to stay in business. To stay in business, you will do anything to...