
How about you define, the difference between Actor and a jouranlists? Like a Clawn and Archer (or what is the Marksman? 神射手) Tellings the points, what's the difference?

 A clawn or an archer?

An actor or like a journalist?

How to make a point !!

Making a point

IQ problems!



天地多遼~緣~~ ♫ 多少為錯過一次擦肩 ~~

In the guys' real world, there are leaderships, its a real world phenomanon, it does not matter where you are practice magic, or spirituality....but women or girls' memory or IQ is so low.....

I don't even know how to comment this anymore.


If the regular guy, any guys, emotionally understand a fact, that beyond their IQ can comprehend, they deattach, and losing it the feeling completely to nonsensical.....they become no feeling whatsoever,....called Reality money spent schematic ! 

 I have no friends really, to give them a chance to inches in ....whatever if one day meants 4 blocks, they are dead yet in the cold, or real testing that day, someone might die. The entire operation has to shut down, one person death. Anyone near there. Like Karen's grandmother.

What they all gonna do, never try out that 4 blocks working up to that day.

And what if after that day, they will lose their routines of 4 blocks of life....it was just for me?


You know,....Medical Boards, I compose song, like lyrics included....melody, its the same song, same pitches. Just lyrics I can move around....

You know....if I keep singing that....they keep doing that 4 blocks, to the real days, how many people trying out that 4 blocks, in your destinate groups, do I prefer to know that?

You want to tell me the death lists?

Sometimes natural causes of Chess boards....called Double body, what you all gonna sue me, I think.

Because I sing ~~~~~
♫天地多遼遠~~~而你我再眼尖(間) ~~








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