
Do you actually learn from your own Master's teaching at all? I upload the pictures online. 你們到底有沒有跟你們師父學教理?

 She used to say, if someone used to be driving the cargo, this life, they drives buses?

They are clawns? 

You all trying to be a journalist, at least she says, that is 神射手?

你們的師父到底在講個呷咪? 現代用小老鼠看網路呀 ! 那打字還是一種寫作呀 ! 那妳們的國文跟外國人比 !! 都是丟臉丟到家!

 I just told you how NSYNC are...they are chaotics from and the back. That is why they need a manager.

If someone could retain themselves in front of the screen and behind screen, they will become the military commander-in-Chef ~~~ especially the guys crowd!

看到過癮沒? 我看什麼你們割呷咪? 然後呢?

你們是修行修道哪裡去呀 ? 法國 ~~~~



跟小丑比 ! 你們也覺得自己長得很醜嗎 ? 臉皮~是我拉~ 到哪裡去呢?你們的耳朵 !!

我的網頁怎麼辦! 算了~~就涼拌 !

Let me show you something

讓我打開你們的眼睛! 當初如果我是特斯拉的

哪個女朋友聽說叫做誰? Sarah Berhart

通常你們看電影也看不懂演員名稱 anyway ~ 都是要翻譯是比較麻煩點! 

等一下... ... 什麼叫做當年 !

誰跟誰求婚的某一 frames ~~~~~你們都不記得多少戲劇上的人裡面的故事是女生生病!!!

 Its called 1:23! 

You want to fix all your memory? 你們要不要修復你們的記憶問題? 當看到某一個 frames?

 No, guys never really just seeking lusts, but, all your girls attitudes make them become....they have no other choices. I would say that. Really, how damage you all did to the guys world.

This is horrific to me.

 你們最想要的世界是有人緣的人類? 你們成為?

就是赤河魅影的某種預言故事呀 ! 我在幻想你們如果,被丟到某種世界之後,會變成什麼我的


現實 ~~~~


我覺得你們是不需要運用你們的智商,還是人間世俗之務,你們也無以供奉! 再於心想!

對~ 我就是那種垃圾!!和樂而不為!


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