
I gonna work with Eben only. Keanu, Levine, and NSYNC just heard I exist. We don't know each other. So is Simon ! or Howard.

 I will have my own meeting here every single day. 

I am not trying to get rid of you all. I select these people, by merely if they exist there. But we are not going to do anything neither, they are very busy star people. 

I say it again.

You need to find some girls.

    You need to have a web 2.0 envrionment if that is what you mean colloboration.

    You can gather them behind in your own home, in your own offices, these people you know whom they are. Close to you even, you have no doubts whom they are. They have sister, brother, friends, classmate, all those near by, to participate in the group. The possibility is endless.

Me and Eben will have a life. That life, I want, its not to complicate life.

... If you like Dr. Gabriel Cousens, if you like Dr. Steven Hairfield, I don't really communicate with them at the moment, you can call them both, before they die, hire them, and be friends with them.

If I need to use them, I will tell everyone here. How about that? 


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