
⭐️So does India get a called at all, my existence? There is a La la Land, there is Aladdin, your skin color, and there is Charlie's angel, again colored, and then Coco Club, all action, against indian obessity issues? ⭐️

 Am I sure Indian get the call, I am not sure, but I still gonna talk about it.

La la land, its a little bit like musical.

Loving the silent Tear, or Real Love, is musical

What muscial represent are broadway show. Originally Barbra Straisand, I think ....people grow up in New York, all knowing there is an aspect of dancing club, like getting in the braodway show.

My background is traditional classic Vienna orchestra those brainwashing orchestra tape, CD, Ballet song 胡桃鉗 I listen every night going to sleep til waking up in the morning, when I was like elementary school. 

I dont like broadway. New York subway is dirty, I actually except Manahattan, everywhere else bounds to say worse culture, its all black.

 Do you really know anything about music at all?

Music !!!!! 

Classic Piano is Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky

 Traditional Ballet, orchestra, traditional ballet, ballet, like swan, in the comic book.

Traditional traditional traditional !!!

我說印度他們都很肥 ~~傳統音樂只有那種 Classic 鋼琴的那種貝多芬 莫札特 柴爾夫斯基 巴哈呀 ~還有跳笆蕾的那種傳統音樂~天鵝湖 !!! 胡桃嵌!

Let me show you what I mean traditional !!!!

1:10:06 That kind of melody, is the correct version of listening to the music !!!


That is how I really grow up ~~~ !!!

But okay, if saying Indian 500 years old in Aladdin 

Aladdin, so much dancing around, running around.

Coco Club, festival, running around, jumping up and down, the kid.

La la Land, so much musical, like broadway, to gives a sense of jumping all around.

Don't you do something about your Indian obessity issues? 


Nutcracker !!! I listen to this growing up, sleep mode. 

I really don't care about this NSYNC or Britney, these pop culture, whatever Justin Timberlake, those are....sexual icon, idol chasing Star, called Hollywood, Bimbo culture face lift of plastic.....

But I assuming, India still exist? You think you are important at all? really? 

Do you want to get up and do something for once, called Fitness program with ETR Craig, now Eben is or is not on your mind at all?

Fitness program? Jump, leap, bounce.

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