They are saying about the successor and climate change issues. Ma'am Ching Hai TV didn't stop air that yet? Climate Change and Diet problems.
他們就是你們的意思~繼承者的天氣氣候,清海無上師電視沒有停止過 ? 天氣氣候跟飲食的習慣?
Is that just practice for the military?
Machine generate gas, like car the exhausted pipe generated CO2
The cow that exhasuted pipe, is their anal, generate far gas. Methane.
Do they breath in oxygen, and emit CO2 anyone reasoning with her yet?
We are human emitting CO2 too. We breath out CO2.
If a machine like a car or automobile generate CO2, you just shut it down.
Methane, in the ice, you just don't go chip on it, meaning poke on it. It won't release for another millions years?
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