
⭐️⭐️Babaji: You never thought, you can just email them? ⭐️⭐️

 Feel a little bit better now.

Babaji: You should feel much much better, to find the right person to talk to, one thing after another.


Type type type type .....

Babaji: Feel better?


Babaji: So it does bother you, they are hurting you, so why don't you go to their authority.

I went to SABA University and told them, but there is no response. I guess I thought a lot of things have no use.

Type type type....

Babaji: your head feel better?

Yeah....I didn't know I felt so bad about it. Its full of my head. I guess I am scared.

Babaji: You are very scared.

Sometimes you hope MD they know something to rely on, and happened, its all these friends, I see no future of depending on. I feel very bad. Very very bad.

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