
Flower Thousand Bones, are TV drama, Babaji.

 Babaji: I know what you gonna say, its a fake. People should really really really REALLY REALLY attune to it EVERY SINGLE DAY!

My delivery is very low

Babaji: Correct.

Winter song, May God keep you always, may you wish all come true, may you do for others like others do for you.....

They are bothered by the first girl? Its all round shape looking...and there are other round shape lookings. I have no ideas whom they are.  

I feel....I do a lot of these Climate Change sounds like...no one cares about, because if I were to live on this island, this is every single day, there is wind, there is rain, there is Earthquake. Its an island. The actual knowledge has no real values in the monitization schemes of any of my friends school works. What they need to deliver their envrionment skills to keep those money in. Never its how I live my life so far, 16 years. maybe I should leave? 

Babaji: no, not this time. They can withstand you, there are some professional people can hear this, or should hear this. Just because you care about one island lineage development, and care about climate change, and what the TV airs like speakers or be friends with because you like their experty, you should believe in it. Those people should be dropped in the Bermuda, period.


I think in a year or 2, Me and Eben will be ready. I slim down the weight now. I gain so much weight.

Babaji: What do they say about how to enter US?

I need 2 full vaccination, but they open age like 80 coming down, my age is 38, its not even near my age, to be prove, I can get the first vaccination, not to say 2 months apart, the second vaccination. Then I call Eben that time, my passport will be ready.

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