
⭐️COVID 19 die a lot of people, Babaji. ⭐️

 Babaji: Now you paying attention.

I am so busy with natural phenomenon and sent in video.  

Babaji: You know a lot of business got affected.

Do they callibrate my 700 video?

Babaji: You mean if you interfere too much karma, so people just go dying out? I think its people don't listen, and do not deserve it Flower Thousand Bones. Its one of millions lifesimes there is that 3 Esteem meeting up congregation to Judge, but no one really paying attention to any life time degree, you will never see that ever again. People proud to their own works, their own money, their own fantasy, but calling you, Anna your pictures and photo are all making up, fantasy....look at that, the entire planet should die out, I am telling you. 

... ... Aren't you counting as one of the 3 Esteems?

Babaji: ...right. What you are thinking is no. N O

Me and Simon and Keanu plays these movies for the longest time 2014, on Google plus. or at least I play. You Babaji, or you know the other 2 like Gods, you are not really against the fat people, meaning the shape of the body, to come even close to Flower Thousand Bones, do you?

Babaji: I say No.

Do you think the birds have a beauty degree of standard? Like seeing human, fat, thin, tall, pretty, ugly, photographic, photogenic, popularity, power statues, money statues, influence statues?

Babaji: I say No.

I think you are lying. 

Are you here already, Babaji, with whom your friends?

Babaji: What?

I mean China has a restaurant full of the FAMOUS stars to serve dinner, you like star to serving your dinner?

Babaji: Anyone is fine.

Do you like caucasion, or Asian looking, or Indian your looking color of skin.

Babaji: I say all fine, fine, fine.

How many years you think COVID 19 will cease its power on Earth, and from that year on, to which year, let's say 2050...if COVID 19 cease power like 2025, you have 25 years you didn't kill people to say you show up innocent?

Babaji: I say no, already too many times.

Really ! okay!

What can I do for you on the beauty peagent things, you feel its more to your taste and style.

Babaji: not much actually.

Like ?

Babaji: Dress nicely.

If serving table, do you prefer white skin, yellow skin, indian skin color?

Babaji: Yellow color.

What kinds of food you prefer on the table.

Babaji: Rice cake (Some kind of ...rice made of)

What is rice cake?

Babaji: Some kind of 鬆糕

Do you prefer monk or the star to serve the table?

Babaji: Stars.

Babaji, I just happened to know Lance, he has a kitchen show too. You like white people, you lying to me?

Babaji: No (虛心)

Get the white people waiter, don't care about the star.

Do you prefer girls been to a relationship ?

Babaji: Yes.

And the guys?

Babaji: Yes or no.


Do you have age limits?

Babaji: Younger ages, like 17 types.

I am not 17.

Babaji: You are not going to serve. Food.

How bad is my photo to go and compare with the beauty peagent, my skin to more white saying?

Babaji: Too bad effect to say, ever repair damage.

.... ...should I really believe you?

Babaji: You look at yourself everyday, and only look at yourself.

So I cause it ...?

Babaji: Your language, your skill, your insisting things, your talents wise....too many things the results of that grading system scales are way too higher up.

Its me?

Babaji: Right.

Babaji: Like ...you are not on your weight scale program, Eben knows that. ETR Craig knows that. Do you feel hungry, to lesson your food?

I eat chips sometimes.

Babaji: No, I mean the regular food. You eat salad or the soup.

Every day I eat similar things my mother cook, it was soup

Babaji: now are just lighter. okay, I am just for example. Things you do so easy, but since you don't update it what you do, let me say this....losing weight program, is very very very very hard for a lot a lot a lot a lot of people.


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