
⭐️Maunal - Commanding Center⭐️

 Leave the vaccine untouch, eradicated COVID 19

Repeat, Again.

Repeat, Again.

Repeat cycle of this pattern 10 times.


Find the carrier of Birds flu 1918, animal, birds or human.

Eradicated that gene.

Find the reason why there is COVID 19, report back.

Its a Grey area, by the way.

Entail, what does that mean.




You are saying she hates. This is the story a little different from what I receive from 帝王之說 That was a man time, this is a women.

She hates, and she wants to learn magic ! Crystal, Magic.

That solution American have.

What else?


What is this Slovenia country on map?

Not great. Do they as a small nation has ally ?

Define she falls in love, she tries to be a healer I can see that.

Is that she wants to secure that relation internationally?

Define, what happened.


Received. Seen through. Same thing like the past, corelation with each nation under that regime as one of the 10, but as Purna, to lead the Sangha story teller, that was just a story teller's job.

She was not full grown yet, the height was comparisonly small.

Hates. She hates. I see that.

I watch again.

2018-2020 Materials reach to her? She hates all the explaination. I know, I understand that. Its the same like she used to be.

No, I am not angry. 越南小尼姑 You do the same thing over and over.

Correct, I contempt. Your IQ is not reaching to the right angle of things, to see clarity of Life and in general what Life is all about. She cannot reach that degree.

Yes, you always find something, bring back home. You like compliment on things, you find out that is useful to bring back, for attention. Its a pride in the past of that culture, you offering your service to your Lord.

The Lord is the strongest, that is why he or she is the Lord. To remind you that.


Why do I like to watch this, 越南小尼姑 SMCH?

Its funny, and its kind of like training too. At the beginning, i will go and take something to eat. Later, diminishing, Now, I sometimes get affected, sometimes not.


You like the luxury of be able to take out food? You don't like to cook home to eat home? You like the restaurant take out food more? If you could spend money, you like food from take-out?

So you don't like the training of the Zen cooking methods, of using your 4 limbs for Martial Arts? Rythme with 5 names?

(I am watching)

You want to know the Food offering? To help in? 

Your workers, Ma'am Ching Hai, sometimes their face looks very pale, yellow, thin, not radiant look. They are not taking vitamin, or they are doing something too extreme. I know a little bit fat, its not great, but sometimes I felt a little bit fat on people, just moderate, looks somehow has its own merits, like the arm.


I know you always have the heart to help in. SMCH.

I know.

You are happy to help in. You enjoy that atmosphere, its something I don't like. 

You want to be a Christian? Or you are influenced by the Christianity a lot? 

No, I am just asking you some questions.

Its time for me to make juice I believe, not time to eat. To make some juice, I ran out.


Now, I need to ask you something SMCH, this is the first video. That music is actually a memory box music, in this Sailor Moon Franchaise.

I want to know something from you 越南小尼姑

Since 2014, you start to see me around on the Internet, or before. But you heard tales, or rumors, I am not sure what exaclty you hear or react. I do not care.

In 2018-2019 I create a lot of video and put it online. Are you listening to them before?

So you are comfortable whom I am?

Comfertable means, I rule, you on the side watch. Now I need to get married, and leave. You are comfortable by yourself to the remaining years of doing what you supposed to be doing, try again? 

Without me.

So is Simon

So is Keanu

If without hearing me voices, talking, explaining, designing website will make you feel better already, to breath air.

All these shining looking stuffs without, can you ma'am Ching Hai try again, understand these video? Your own ruling, to your own people, to people all around you. For the digital age, for bio genetics, for medicinal, for cooking food, for raw food, for recipes, for climate change.

Can you try again?

With Bible or without Bible, I don't care.

Are you panic, in situation if all of the above arena, you encounter something, you lack of information will make you miss me Anna, where am I again? Meaning to seek from my help?

How much?

I need you to turn down to zero. Doing your own homeworks. 

I may or may not be your Master, seriously just regent. If you grow a farmiliarity, by looking at these video, you just copy and paste farmilarity, meaning to just trust me to explain to 194 country what is bio-genetics? Of course, that is my job to them. I am saying your own jobs.

Can you look at these video and reflects? Someone please help, talk to her. Or you can just talk to yourself.

Also, can you call that guy, whomever you married to serious or not....his hair, if he is near by your, just lightly blonde on the top, you pay for it, highlight? Just walk among your kinds of people. To have a little bit similar experience like you, not entirely blonde, by fashionable blonde.

The meeting is over.

Automatic resume.

Automatic...just like last time.

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