
I want to clarify a little bit things here. If me and Eben are in our own groups, that is called optimistic groups.

 If Simon rules his world, that is called America Entertainment world with England beside.

If Keanu rules his own world, that is called action film world with his fans.

For example, Supreme Master Ching Hai's world are a lot of sick people to go for healing purpose of that meditation remedy, called Quan Yin methods.

Its to healing the sick, its not for the purpose for Enlightenment, they have no precepts.

Some try, I am not sure their IQ high enough to know what it is their feeling, their self, their hurts, their greed want something and being took away something, and those hurts stays in their eyes.

If I am not happy with my friends, all of them, I go on my facebook, and make the worse of myself just typing on it, like revenge, say it clear what it is, and even report to National Archive to have a guard there blocking me i guess.

I don't know how to tell you this, but entertainment world people will tell you, how to not let people to look like their eyes inside, there is hurts.

Now, no one is a real ruler in this world that money just coming in. Your SMCH has karma and sickness you say its from disciple, its from their offering money and luxury you put a description line in Bible for 2000 years blastomny. 

People try to tell me, you have a Master, that carve in my Pinterest, the locker box. I show to everyone, you seem to have a Master, whomever that is, or India pretend they don't hear a word saying from the BIble, you are blastomny.

Now....Just by being in the presence of me and Eben.

I am just for example, because no one seeing us together yet.

Not yet.

But just photo put side by side to understand both of Anna and Eben's personality in doing things, some people have different reactions. So I say, Eben's groups are Self improvement groups, that is optimistic out-put groups. Meaning we want people self cultivate, to knowing that how to stay positive, and stay discipline in life, like waking up in the morning, and take care yourself, brush teeth, folding your bed, and get your schedule in the morning, not to call the cell phone, but to work on certain things for routine.

Simon are dealing with psycho minded human whom wants to only fame.

Keanu is killing ideas crowd, whom like blood thirst, and he is the One.

Now, I don't know how you all decide this Harry Potter movie we keep saying it.

You can pretend to me, you think this one life, that is a fake to me, to you, to everyone, because right now, someone will call you psycho of it, only Anna just make a video indicator why those movie profile has some validity in it. Many people don't dare to do that, so go home and stay with their mother, and being throw somewhere, that no one saving me. 

Now to propel a work, people have endurances, you all are living in the luxury life, that money coming none stop, so you have a regime, as if, right in front of you, to spell your Harry Potter, the Chosen one series of road map in life, almost close to, your age, if reaching to a limit, to someday reaching to the Star. Like open galaxy.

Those words only I say so.

I say there is high tech.

I say there is American classify.

I say there is One eye govenment.

Many of you prefer to live in the luxury life, not to educate people, and I warning my classmate for investigation or not. That is not crime, if you don't educate others.

But while me and Eben is doing, if its somehow become a couple its to make others feel strong, we become like a parents?

You, what do you want to become someone else parents? Have you ever think the image, between you and your love one, and me and Eben?

There must be something to co-relate this Harry Potter, everyone is all in the same setting of the movie seats to feel, there is a school.

Someone is does something. Someone is pushing something. But no one admit to it, except me. So when I talk to people words by words, you either accept that, or you either be investigate with that, so you feel hurt, why being investigate it if I just told you, that is line by line, how everything is sounding like to me.

You have one life.

This life, is at the beginning of a puzzle.

Called millennium . You want to waste to living someone else life, that is your entirely right to live freely with the luxury money you entitle right now. This is the beginning of the train. Every life is like a roll of film. Some people being proscute like me, if I dare to open public to say things, look, that is on the 4 points frames. I don't even say TV. I say 4 points frames.

You cannot see beyond this life, because this is the only life right in front of you, and right in front of everyone else. All of them are audience, not being seen on the stage, so they are so freely behind does what they like. Like trash you, critique you, move things around, jealous, hear more your reaction, thinking you just want face, thinking you just want names, thinking you just want money. So there is only how many characters in Harry Potter? Not many.

Just few of us.

I say it again.

This is the beginning of an Era. To some people, those years of 2012 is just a joke. 

To some people, its just another day of life.

Calendar does mean a thing, because of money, fame, faces are all you gear for. 

But to me, I say it many times already, this is the millennium of the beginning of a train, a journey. The film how it will roll on, no one knows. No one knows the future, or the past, this is the time junction, where we see someone something are being display on the movies. You want to call me a psycho and hurt me, and put me somewhere to feel good of your heart, one day you will realize, what you did at this new beginning, what you ever did, was never later one, you wish, you knew this One life, what it means. when Anna says..... Harry Potter is the only story looks great on this planet, at this time, at this beginning of Time.

This one Blue planet.

Maybe in the future, you never need to return to Earth, Earth will be the most barbarian places, that no one accept movies. Yes....any future you can just contempt this life, but for this one life, One life of living in here, you doing your best, to really roll out your own film...Harry Potter character?

You sure about that?

My friends, they are only care about their MD, not carrying out the responsiblity of educating the audience. They are nailed at their works and the junction of Big Hero 6. Just the name of it, they cannot stand at it.

As a MD groups, they could make a use of so much more, if they see things with the clarity, they can take down the National Archive guard, they can take down coast guards, they can take themsleves into an authority, because they have a piece of MD paper, but what they fear and hope to do, was just not in the frame, as if someone accuse them wrong.

Do you believe that?

What you afraid the most, its for others to accuse you wrong, and being shown to everyone on one screen, stage, called life.

Maybe you should think clearly this time your life decision.

No one gives you a guide, or wanting to guide you. You be the light to continue your work of this Harry Potter, its because you want to, or else you thought something missing, you might never get it back again.





Complimate from Piers

Furniture from Piers.

School venture

Cottage life

Fire smoke eggs

Dragon, what is that?

Forest venture

Unicorn, what's that? Something so pure?


Ghost film

Ghost story

Little bit exicting, little bit venturous. 

You should listen your heart, what you have been made yourself out this time. With your people, manage team, or someone you trust you can talk to, about... "you just don't wish to do this anymore" Someone is doing this on purpose !!!!!!!!! Someone is doing it !!!!!

Shout !!!

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