
You know, I haven't breath ....since 2014, all these high tech included, like the photo tells you. You know what I saw in Cananda hospital, when the police took me there?

 I thought I saw pink hair, white hair....I don't dare to tell people. What if I see wrong.

Its a pink hair, in the medical hospital !!!! Pink or white...or something....and then it shows up in the Victoria Secrets !!! And then the police shows up in the Ocean 8, the Canadian guy.

oh my God !!!!

Babaji: Your photo is correct, you afraid no one sees inside the picture?

You are invisible....I post photo online, I think its real. But these things keep coming... John Searl and John Searle, with one little tiny alphabet e, they are 2 months away birthday, and both are not brother. oh My god.....if my entire life keep seeing these things none stop, I cannot breath !!!!

You know one afternoon the Thunder did to the bird, oh my God !!! oh MY GOD !!!!

Babaji: The US Navy, thought you write funny.

Oh my dear God, I cannot breath, these things I start to see things right in front of me. There is a parrot in front of me photo !! In the video. There are birds waking me up, every morning, afternoon, I going out ! They telling me where are these tea leave eggs, to go searching in all kinds of store.

And the year 2018-2019 those search things I did in the store, I post online photo on Pinterest, I CANNOT BREATH!!!!!  There is a locker and a key !!! there is her and him !!! What is this Indian 500 years old....People you trust they would not fail, they fail every single step, I have to shoulder down all these craps, and have to educate them, because they are from a background of their original country. I am just 2 years older, I have to do all that, to take it and take it....I cannot take it anymore.

Babaji: And your father is a color blind

Right....Irene husband, 汪星 husband both owes so much so much so much money. My cousin running a gluten free restaurant, after grandmom die. She used to do that. 

oh my dear God....These crisis not one thing leads to another to another to another...not to see what is internal things included, I cannot just say ...here is the prove, here is the guard....Take that off, my entire life smoking up !

And there is an Eben Pagan, his wife was Annie Lalla. 

Babaji: Right, You never thought he would exist ! 

I live with nobody for a very long time....I start to see things right in front of me. Not just human. It was every night at 9 olock, insect, pest, and there is lizard 4 x biggers climbing in the chimney. These lizard, they are smart. 

oh my dear Lord....I thought I walk into the wrong Earth, they used to saying the Earth splits into two. I see thunder, I see clouds. Where is my clouds photo.....its at Open Galaxy!!! ARe you kidding me? Of the entire human race, I have to utter words, like "open galaxy", "3 Esteem" "Honorable Superior" ~~~oh God, I woke up each morning, I used to look at the ceiling. I really just look at the ceiling. I touch the wall, to see, if I fall into the walls of the house. There is clouds on my photo doing all that ~~~

Babaji: Sex !

And there are 4 Heavenly Kings like clouds, because I am imitating them? oh my dear dear God. And what do I look like ?

No one will believe a 5 years old....I just feel so dying out. Dying dying dying....cannot breath it right.

Babaji: You feel better now? You finally finally finally email liscensing agent. 

yeah! My head from the back, toward up...and front....and my front lobe....I need cold water. 



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