
Babaji: right, now you are thinking. That is Bermuda !


Babaji: You know, people like you don't see others would kill people for. You never thought of killing, so you cannot gravitate coming down at that belief, people gonna die, by someone killing them.

I feel every time I am floating on that belief. I check online photo, they look every day more ...success belief.

Babaji: If they ask you, what do you think Big Hero 6 is about, what you think that is about?

... ...Its not really the reality.

Babaji: you could help them investigate, do you know that? Now you analyze so many movies now.

Right now we are at the age, things started to turn real on the screem. There is a part of mentality, of people, when they being display on the public TV, they wish others to know they are innocent. So let's say someone says so and so dead. ITs someone does something to hurt him, and he die. He is innocent, and by seeing that story going, he felt everyone agrees with that belief and therefore he keep quiets in a room, everyone knows he is innocent. He is being hurt and blame he is dead, he is not dead. I meant Dean.

Babaji: What about Wing? Stole your invention.

Underground fighting, that looks like he wants money. I am the one giving up the money, but if he was discover something, he will profit at it.

But regardless, the movies says Big Hero 6, its to lead movies, and work together. But I don't think so. People blame each other for things, to proven each other, whom is whom's innocent. Sometimes they see that lawsuit cases degree so strongly, and not compromising to each other, you are classmate, you suppose treat each other with trust, and Money each other growth. 

People scared being accused at. If one day, they are being shown to the movies, to "free program" run their college reunion, and start to speak a word between each other, so and so is innocent, so and so is being blame, he didn't do that.

Babaji: So whom you think they made the movies?

I have no ideas, they put very deep psychology on it.

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