
CDC If discussion on Karma: I will say, some guys suffer to greatly.


 I am a women. Guys are action kinds of taken human race. Girls like to talk only.

When certain guys does things because they just understand you mean this, you mean that, they directly response to it. 

I am in my seat to judge, I will say, those kinds of range, its too much. The collective race of guys, if a professional guy coming out has to be afraid to be sue by the girl, becuase this girls is outspoken to go directly to the law, all the time, and really see a lawyer, really go to yellow book and find a telephone and call the office, to see what kind of right, their selfish nature its to gain money, so to raise kids.....From my point of stand. guys as the collective suffers way too much.

But I cannot change girls. No one listening to me. I cannot do it. I try to say it in many different ways, you must give up all the women right, and increase IQ, and period things to understand there is a karma part as a girl. This world is heading towards a world, that liberation of a women does not rely on guys, when the opportunitiy present to them, their choice is money, and not the guy, to polish him, not to help him, no matter what.

I do not agree with any of this. I say a lot of this things, the collective suffers too greatly. The guy's race. 

Every guy are all very quiet, many of them, many many of them. They are action groups, meaning, when they wants to take action of getting things done, they just do it, not question ask.

If you can find some guy, records daily, they come in the office, they have to act in front of the girls, how many hours of a day....I am looking at these kinds of life, if I am a guy, I suffer a lot a lot a lot....I hate girls. If I am a guy. They take you to the court, they claim what you own, they do everything to say so many things behind your back with the mother, with the sister, with girls girls girls....I hate that. I really hate that.

I am a girl. I am not a guy. I am just saying if I become a guy.


Too many obesity issues. I gain weight myself these few years, I see that reflects onto my feet. I love medicine, meaning treating myself alignment. Like cutting thick skin on the foot. When the weight is a little bit over, I will tell you, its not easy to run. It feels sluggish, and will gradually feel tired. I am getting slimming down again, so I will soon forget all these feeling to explain to you the overweight situation. Its weight on the foot. Most people because they do not feel it the foot, they just wait until the joint has problem at the old age, they start to say, well....its old age. Everyone all seems to have more weight on the upper body.

No, Wrong.

You should slim down like Hariley's father.

Weight in life can be avoided. I do not agree with anything SMCH was doing, but avoiding eggs or meat, or cheese, milk type, the weight can be minimized in many degree. The most diet situation is very worse in America.


Fitness Program

I think taking an action to feel right, to do the fitness program is a Self choice.

That self consciousness is not heavily enough. Most people and exercise does not have a relation since middle school. Although they have gym class, but remain once a week??? 

People need to have a motive to why they want to feel fit. Take a real action to go outside walking and breathing, the natural air, to feel life is bigger than the thoughts. A lot of people are just keep thinking thinking thinking.....but not exercise.


My work probably has nothing relate to CDC, on the movie turns real, we discussion on movies, on Babaji, if he calls me here.  But if you investigate that Real Love and The Loving the Silent Tear, are your American doing, meaning people design it to put on the runway shows, you might take a consideration of a red carpet, opening Loving the Silent Tear, there are young and Old Babaji Looking. 

Meaning, something is working through, and they are coming forward.

I actually don't know them in person. If they are coming through from America broad casting station, you can believe them. You don't necessary to believe me.

Open Galaxy

Like I said, Contact movie 1997. Dr. Arroway. That is Dr. Ted. Kryon went to UN, that Kryon, has a friend name Dr. Ted. Look like that guy in Contact scene. Between the guy and the girl, Real Love and Loving the Silent Tear. Shape, looks, appearance, pursue of happiness....if on Earth, its already too many problems, as I outlines, I hope you know, when I utter words Open Galaxy, I am working very very hard on it. To explain about the movies, to give a different approach on thoughts people process movies, how to see through inside story. Movies do affect people's emotion.

How to be positive and outlook of life, and maintain a balance life, and keep the body shape right. Its all in the same one package.

Digital Era is here Now.

A lot of things happened 8 years ago. It might be still online, present. It could be ads, it could be instantly a sound, it could your computer suddenly click !!! My world is upside down for a very long time. Be aware what time we are now, what facilitation we ought to focus. The priority of things to propel next Era to come with, or without Star (travel)

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