
Law department - legalize something like : it has been observed some movies are having “elements” “human face exact” to be recognized in the true screen of stage as well as in life

Therefore, we cannot deny some of the movie contents are entirely not related to our current world affair when the pandemic hits. While with God in faith we will walk out in light again, it’s our deepest sorrow these tragic made the real life loss scenario are real impact to those lost loved ones. And the cause of several indicator was unfortunate true, if were, it’s a terrible loss to our time many human life’s we cannot secure. Whether movies means a thing or not, it’s not real as to real life, those are true life we observed. Real funeral, real graveyard, real procedure to affect many more people survillience life including the medical profession. Therefore, we cannot say with s merely shield of luck if a movie such as Lords of Rings to be real, the representative of human face, they are just human face card, actors and Moguel, they have no strength nor real lineage methods to say power to stop the story plots or interfere, therefore, the movie story if by frame to frame we professionals analyze it’s real impact, we are facing the real crisis are mostly base upon the civilization built upon, face card on screen. There is no substance to help but to keep all their face, career, MD title and Liscense in due to pay their debts to their borrow rather than social responsibility the debts to society. And in light of such individual called upon all name in the following, they in this one life will not lead to digital era leading role. They vow, it’s money to survive so the humanity disaster or plaque has nothing to do with their dream of a untold promising real luxury MD life. 

The following name list, no lineage power nor strength in knowledge, it’s face card.
Big Hero 6


Dean, MD
Wing, Pharmacist
Johnathon MD
Hira MD
Ola MD
Alice MD

Lords of Rings
Keanu Reeves, the One.
Simon Cowell
Nick or 430 David too short.

In other words, the above statement to the whole scope of movies are observation in this Lords of Rings are action movies: to fight, to battle, to call for fellowship, secure relationship tie. 

They are just actors or moguel, again mention, there is no real substance in them. This Digital Era in the law nature if our doing methods can lesson the pandemic cause this time as God or virus hear this to lesson their activities to return the worlds a full phase or restoring world 5 continents, I ask to remove all face cards to do with the movies to kidnap me must for them, to become the leadership in the Digital Era.


Prior to me statement, as a public New York librarian, they look down upon digital worlds. Because of lack of education, we worlds suffers might be the results of it. Besides investigation, we want to see justice of coming forward to build a better world in human faith, not someone to be drop in Bermuda Triangle in threatening others professional knows better, this Digital Era cannot build upon base upon selfishness riches of face card be put on the screen for 20 to 40 years of life, they intend to Suicide themselves is their mortal bound statues quotes.A positive outlook of society and new hope of a brand new Era upon Digital Era are what we all hearing too. Therefore, considering these removal of their position immediate, near by associates, jail or dump to kill in alive cold water, that decree of God’s promising land is not bound to your ever selfishness to hurt those like me, from the day 1, provide you wise guidance and tender nature to believe you will be in my best interests, so the future might exist, as the movie only indicate you that - battle, and win the battle.
Battle and restore the world.That’s it. The rest is just filling the blank how to get from A to Z, in hope the best solution to in front of us are caring for the humanity nature as well as animal kingdom we as the crown head of living creation in God’s image will take upon the responsibilty to restore Eden.Never face card to go behind someone else telephone number to lean way speaking, “this is how the real business methods works, not movie, not digital era, not story taleing, it’s to savatarge each other how to back end jail each other responsibility in case in case in case you will be isolated.”In this story tale, with a corresponding reality, for what it is real happening, you are not isolating enough, I will tell you that much. What’s one journey One life End Time, and the begin of a New Era was starting at All Things Digital - Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.


It’s Digital Era rules !

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