
Military orientation table (Evening)

 If I recall, I will tell you, at that time, prior to those time, I was reading American Classified in Project Camelot alternative news sites. I actually believe all of their saying. And because I was living so remote, far away from the main city, for so many years, I forget a lot of career bracket in which there is standard that...if I come from foreign country, I could just pretend I am level grade school English. None capisto None unglare..... 

But I t was being invaded guy/girl things, I have a ring on my head hooded with pain, extremely painful I cannot meditate. There is a Master of my own, stepping behind my back. There is a bf, always been just using the situation, and makes me not living so great that time, to have tiny support at all. I have no contacts to my family for a very long time, but I had a mother. I will tell you things are not great, in any standard of ...I can describe to you. I forget there is educator they faciliate learning, and encourage you, just talk out, that kind of standard. I do not need to show the side, where wise story tales no tales, trickery games of language does not follow....Because I am a foreigner. 

That was 2018-2019

New 2021 Sep

First thing is you know movies is real, because classified implied you, and I go to seminar, I actually talk to someone, he told me he heard that rumor too, movies is real. I hear a real human being telling that story, we discuss it.

But still, when you are on a social media, the general mass, is not the people you go to seminar with. They don't think like you, they don't act like you, and they have money, money money money, you need the investors, have you watched one of those Contact movies 1997, where just going everywhere to find an investors? Without money, there is just degree of you need to smile all the time, and be thinking all means, to make others smile, hoping, you find a way, to live next day...Even the movie to be real, but all the story plots, you can tell....you know the possible meaning, because I suppose to grow wise everyday, but joining a meditation groups. Yes, that is what happened at the end of all that. 

I have no family to support me to do any decision or language using. No opinion of views from friends, but I work alone in between Keanu or Simon.

I will tell you, they use educators. They are not that cruel to really, just dump me into one of those classified, you thought the whole world ended, because you associate your name and discovery like Tesla or Leonardo Da Vinci ! 


 What do I believe with the classified information I read?

There is high tech, knows your every thoughts, and they can obtain a copy. I do not think of lust, because there are some of you might have minutes or hours thinking all kinds of things, all kinds of thoughts. No I do not have that. I told you, I join a meditation groups are to get polished.

If you believing it....this is the time going for the open galaxy.....Bashar said 2050.

Do you believe that, no matter how you obtain your degree of perfection, there will be someone higher than you once you open open open galaxy, not just the standard on Earth anymore?

So shows your everything, I would suggest you that.



People probably don't give you a dime, where you say you come from. If you show up, they don't care if you were in 10 years war, or in ET groups, seeing more ET or human saying....people see the facts in front of you as cruel as the America represent Venture capitalism. I think for that, you need to think clearly everyday, why you stay on your social media, talking smooth.

 What happened to my college friends, Facebook friends?

You read the song 16 years?

You have no ideas ... ...how lifes has evovled. They 16 years ago, on facebook are one of those glowing human on Earth. On Facebook. MD, PHD, or Pharmacist.

8 years ago, was when I started here, let's say, like one of your military orientation table using my writing materials. Meaning I have been educating people in some years. Not just I have organic chemistry students prior, and I recently go and fetching the students back. I left a song, so I went to comment on it.

Everyone all spending time, as if they are prince or princess. That is what I comment on them. They do not stop a moment, to see, not everyone is becoming the Mastermind of MD top top top them. Meaning, they don't come back down to educate anyone, because they don't think they are good enough. They keep getting their position higher and higher. More competitive.

Aging is one of the things everyone going through. I am an Asian, so I cannot really just comment this as if "if they" aging, they show on their photo.


Is this middle school/ high school Japanese Animation, meant it?

You mean their personality? You met them?


 ... Yes!


 Do you talk to authority about them, like Medical groups?

I talk them here. Yeah, I think Apple handle those things too. Someone is very responsible, I don't need to really stress those points. They are all second generation of immigrants can go back to their original country to live like prince and princess, as "Alliance" in one of the songs.

So your song, meant they waste their life 16 years?

I didn't write that song. Do you read my profile, my birthday? Victim is me! 

Listen, life step on the first intention if were to be ....."not noble", you will really hope America meant, they have a back up plan going back to their original country, like I suggest them all. They have no language to those country, or association called Superman Smallville TV series.

That guy has a gun issue on facebook.

I just try to believe no one will really do ...those things to seeing someone wasting 16 years of life or continuing on.

16 years are only 1 and 6. Did you get to my will letter 5 years ago, when I was doing 5 Lords Reviews? I left a letter. I said to public, that no matter how hell expand, like SMCH trying to say, its one of 6 realm Buddha original sutra meant to say. Its 6 realms.

There are trailers on Smallerville openings. Yeah, watch it. 10 of it.

Tesla has a biography X 12 Venus ship

Parents like Frank and Francis from Venus.....if you all want to note down, how they hug frames in the seconds, before that frames, what happened?

Where do you think my friends, or your friends will end up?



Because they mix up ....a lot of people mix it up. When you really hold a license in America, it means a completely professional attitude, phone conversation with parents, with boyfriends, or husbands or wife. They need to be very very very professional. You can just say, you never smile anymore, once you are in one of those jobs, and never have a college reunion anymore, to prove me they grow up. Their foremost face to is Medical Boards, the real Top expecting them, making it. If they pass the exam, make it !


So you won't be saving them in the video saying it?

I am on an island....save me, I think. (people laugh)

Do you know where was I 8 years ago? I didn't know they exist, until recent years. You never been to one of those expedites. Where you explore or search things, what got hidden things. So One day on my pinterest profile, I found lockers, with the key. I went back several times seeing that. You don't find dead bodies under a pile of woods, you found photos, a locker, and a key insert right in there. Can you imagine, you travel so many of these places on photos I shows you, if just a grand of sand. Places I been to, things I seens, TV I heard, and reviews I read ...Life meants to grow wisers to know when to let go, really. Jail is not worth it.

Never worth it. You step once in there with your professional reason why you fail, not just you doing business, okay, business someone frame someone something, stole something....that is common things. Mal-practice, that is.....worse of all worse things in one's records.

I read on the internet, when someone reach 50 years old, I think their parents might be close to die, it meant the real life begin. Meaning money and backup plan ceases to exist?

Why You are so sure they will go to jail?

Fatima, was an indian girl, very very short. FEMA camp. That is a jail I learn from Project Camelot. You never know, why there is a name end up there sounding so fate like ! 

I have 5 friends from UB facebook, I say looks like NSYNC? And whole clubs, looks like Sisterhood of traveling pants, and 7 Heaven? I am telling you.....life supposes to have mystery hidden behind. Right now, its all open wide and big. 

So your jobs are?

I don't really have a job ....I create my own jobs. These photos supposes to be behind military, to see "recognition" 

How to recognize a person's face to given faces and near about. These story if they really seen it behind, it is horrific ! Because some girls they really gain a lot of weight.

A lot of weight.

What if my friends are like your friends, what would you suggest me to do?

I am in a real situation of something, I cannot really verbalize....so that sort of real life battle, its better, I don't get in between those my friends they causes their own troubles to with the authority, I do not have anymore spare strength or resource to monitor them. My family is in a chaos right now.

Do you think they will listen to me?

No ! 

Should I try?

Your life where you wish yourself to be? Open Galaxy? Stay close with the military, they have marvelous talents people. Make other new friends, learn others things, don't keep looking back.

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