
Military Orientation Table (10/22/2021 Afternoon)

 You are all decoding, trying to decode that RNA chart? You have your own people doing different kinds of things, when there is someone using Star Gate? John Shapard with Mc Key. No, you don't need that. You are imagine magic square 3x3, because you heard I Ching?

How about you take out the I Ching for now. Forget about it, just look at that RNA 64 Codon chart, its just a bunch of code, and English name if you translate that into the amino acid real name.

No I am not going to tell you. I am asking you to have your display questions put in front of you.

That is 64 UCAG RNA codon chart. Which sheet do you have?

One sheet?

You suppose to have 2 sheet.

One sheet is the exactly the condon chart

The other sheet is the English name they give you the condon chart name that will synthesize your amino acid. That is 64 condons RNA makes only 20 amino acid chart. 

Correct, that is what your textbook should have, or you know there is a basic two charts on that RNA basic condon charts. UCAG

No, the standard chart is RNA codon charts

No, it is DNA makes RNA makes amino acid.

No, It is the part where the RNA makes Amino Acid

No, It is the number missing

No, it is written the last line, to this line, " 64 RNA codon chart makes 20 Amino Acid"

No, I just check on the Internet in my days. That is the standard chart.

Do you what, have another anything else standard chart?  Trust me, someone already checking all that. Let me say it again. Math is 9x9 multiplication table, Chemistry is a periodic table, Biology it is the RNA codon Chart, in which I decode them into sequence of numbers to display in 3D forms. Physic department, you can just go and ask Elon Musk.

 Elon Musk probably does not think how much this looks like him.

Does he even know this name of the song? 

No one would ever make that mistake ever again, right? The song name is the "Gift of the Mind" Like how gift you are in the mind doing something, or skillful things be done by the gifts you have in life. Not skillful...more of Gifts of the Mind...


What could all you have minds to questions?

1900 science is? Light particle theory or wave theory?


Chemistry and Physics are using the same elementary chart. WE only have these much of elements on Earth. If they stole the Moon pieces and want to date the other elements, that is not that I know of....Smallville, Superman from?

So....say it again, what I think you all be thinking? Is Physics have a chart?

Didn't I just answer you the most important question, what is the discovery that you wish to know off? 

The speed of light.

.... Its 4:34.

If you can access my video, its in there, 2 video, right?

So I told you everything. 


Whom that girl is? Her name is 汪星 

She is Tina's best friend in elementary school. Now she is a lawyer, her husband or ex, owe China huge investment money, so much money you cannot imagine, a lawyer too.

She is used to be the child star in my school, after my award day in Go Game.

Go Game, I went on the Television, where we used to only have 3 channels from the governmental regulation. 3 channel, so I have 1 minute fame I think. I want a trophy, but they give me a plaque. After that,  I have no more shine anymore in go game competition. I stop taking lessons after that, and she becomes the star in school, because she dance a traditional Chinese ballet types of dance.

She knows science?

No. She immigrant to Australia, south hemisphere from here. They speak English very very earlier on, so they probably get into a better University, and get a law degree, and license, now she is working in Hong Kong.

... ... I don't think she is here, but I did a stimulation from my part.....I don't think Elon Musk have seen any use of her.

Its Tina's best friend?

Quan Yin Family, from Ma'am Ching Hai groups, no she and her brother does not practices long time ago. Spirituality....I don't think so. She and Tina meets when they see each other in Taiwan, but she lives in Hong Kong. Next by island.


People they call the sweet 17 couples....like class King class Queen in high school. Adam's mother is the home coming queen. These beautiful couple of the same age they met in law school, or some kinds of sweet high school, sweet University.....I have 2 girls near me, husband owing so much debts once they got married. One her, one is Irene.

I have a lot of relatives, and their kids, and classmates friends, but all of them have problems.

These TV are everything opportunity near them. So near so near so near....if they just drop in and say hi. If they just put down their selfish minds to know.... there is Help right next by. Can you imagine, they are the similar age with me. All they ever dream of, its a kind of life, once they acquire these TV opportunity, they can use their wit and talents to make some usefulness, to make others listen, and convince them life beyond maturity if they are ready.

First they are not ready, second they by pass the opportunity. Its right next by. 

If Facebook makes a story of it....you have no idea what kind of story is that? One door part two worlds, One name missing parts...a technological advancing soon-to-be world? They could take a part of it if they could remember and concern the near by ... ...

All you care about, in facts, are those your sweet 17 years old memory. Notebook Movies: the First Love. And the guys and the girls have a range of difference even if you are in the military. Military guys are trained and wish certain things, not 17 sweet heart high school romance....Adam's mom ends up in pharmacist technician, one whole life, in that small town, daily to making a living bread by a fame? Home coming queen.

A lot of things fade away in life.

Right now.

At something exciting to you, if one day open galaxy...where is your dream, and travel will be? Real Love, Loving the Silent Tear? Drunk, drugs, waste life, waste mind, so the weekend just swallow a pill and suicide?

Some people, especailly me, aim higher than that kind of living. Life meant to evolve, not this wasteful life, so you could earn a same age bracket, all you ever care about its that facebook.

All you care about is the Opportunity, but all you ever sees, its called Notebook Movies: First Love. La La Land reunion with the first love. If that first love comes strong on you, for any given reason, you would all go back with them, to waste life.  

That is exactly the TV told me ....I don't know what NSYNC meant to understand, but I keep seeing this Notebook First Love.....Notebook is producer by whom, or director.

In real science world, you know why so little female faulty in chemistry department, or science department of a University? Because its a lot a lot a lot of guys in the science worlds. 

Why to keep IQ high?

Why trying to partake some spirituality road, even its Ma'am Ching Hai? 

But you all trying to do, its to bossing others what to do, for your own laziness and lack of the physical momentum energy. You are tired, you need to rest, you got aggravated, you got unbalance, you feel unfair, you feel lonely, you feel isolate without your mother, your sister....Even if one day, you earn enough money, you will not go back to find the 10 Lords or 5 Lords themselves are fine? To provide someone or something, is that really that difficult to do?

All you ever wish to do, its to be Lauren like.

3 Meals a day and lose memory one life soon once the guy disappear.

If I make a lot of money in the future, I will go back and see Dean?

I will ask Eben first, but yeah, they are 5 Lords package, I am sure NSYNC have a management company and if they are, or behind they are....they might take some interests to look at it, when I tell them, including Harry Potter Simon things now in Buffalo, NY.

I sue them?

For now, I have no money. But if one day, textbook, and publishing copy from 194 country, that will have some money to pay some of things, if they need helps. In the guys world, its not all that I have to go interfere, to become mine. But they wish to be told one day....that one day still be one day. I have to make it first.

Ever want to try to be Organic Chemistry or Chemistry tutor in the military small classroom ?

One student first?


You ever think about science girl is more IQ higher?

Or its the trash guys you all wish to be with? Having kids?

If you are good at science, and knowing this drama, Elon Musk can have 1000 girls just he trains you to be science female leadership ...he is a billionaire right?

Stability of the mind ....tell me something, because he is not my stuffs, he is my sister's best friend stuffs. If you were all me, knowing all these "Not my Anna stuffs" scenario, does that cut you bleed inside?

You are so out of your mind.

Instability of the mind cloudy your judgement to live your life more sanely.

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