
⭐️ Military Orientation Table ⭐️

 Does your friends know you like that?

No, that is why probably no college reunion. They don't think I will become this confrontational, because I was an immigrant coming to the United States that time. Also, I believe Ancient Chinese mythology. Although there is nothing wrong with that, to people whom know that like Wing's Parents, if he related everything to them, its very very threatening. That is why I embark the spiritual road. I never grew out of the part, I am a very traditional Asian type of girl.

And your siblings?

ABC. Sometimes, there are very important pride, on whether they perfect their English in speaking or listening comprehensive or not. ABC means, not to rigid in the rules of what is present in between, in between, in between China and USA.

So you may not see your friends ever again, the college friends?

That 16 years song, has a chorus.....might 32 years, if times go that fast. Like I say, I was not a very confrontational girl. Unless absolutely I push to the edge, like the story tell you in Hunger Game, you know the movies these days, there is a edge scenario. I would not say, do, act like I am very independent, and confrontational, you hand out your paper works, we examine one by one, how you enroll your medical school? 


Right. Money.

What do you think of your 5 Lords situations?

Do you believe ET exists? Or Custodian, one of those New Age terms, saying they seed lifes? To the exactly places you meet people and all around? Well.....I used to be like a sheet of white paper. I start to filling out some blank on that sheets of paper myself, I will tell you.....I try to tell them, if they 5 glues together as one. Property law, family situation, one guy has 5 heads....

Are you joking?

My sister is 九龍拱主 (Taiwanese pronouciation)

Meaning Little mermaid so many sister, maybe like 7, my sister is 9. And one movie shows up....a 神獸. Technically, I joke with her company, do you see my birds recently magically appearance to all camera front? If she is dead, and I get notices on this island, which one of us, will go sue Supreme Court America on 青雲志 trailer? That is before my island sunk it with the weight, or I imagine, its true, they can become invisible, like insects crowd? You getting anything news update laterly front me? I never stop informing people, how miracle life I live in through "photo" session?

5 Lords becoming One?

Okay, maybe they 5 need to learn how to work together, so in the future, or the past, or the present they have a 5 Lords Reviews, that I Anna went through. They might have stunts so...I don't really know how they conclude so far, on their "duplicate" they would use those words, my friends on my facebook, only I used to seen them, and now they can or cannot go through their company to find out I really have 5 friends, that end up looking like them, and one of the 5 on Victoria Secrets, looks a bit different from them, but Sailor Moon 4 Heavenly King, but his existence saying, there is another guy stole UFO, right on the side lines of Victoria Secret Interviews with Hoizer on Gay rights?

One name is Patrick, the other name is Seth.

Today is 

Seth, Dean, Bill, Silas, Patrick

(JC, Justin, Chris, Lance Bass, Joey Fatone) 

Do you go to the Police?

No. I actually never really seen police, to know how the police are used in life....I always think, if I can solve the situation, I do it on my own, unless the last minute, I called Police. I always believe that. Because in my country, we have gangsters. I think the police works real too. But when I growing up, I just not like America, you go to the police for every little things. Solving things on my own, its my nature.

Do you ever think that 5 Lords are your things to keep if the money are not the issues?

I actually an blonde girl. Meaning, if I have my make-up beautiful for a while, I will tell you I have my pride, its exactly the money issues, I don't want to work up 5 them money, no matter you say you assume there are no money involved. There is always money involved. 

I have an ex bf used to work in the TTC. I have some nightmare, I might be calling in, to drive buses. When the Veil becoming thinner on my parts, I start to feel all around business or governments or the worlds a little bit different....I rather not to claim things, so I have anymore of this...if I don't get punished enough this far.

How many people you actually know or meet during your retreat?

My mother, my ex bf, and his family, and SMCH I know on TV. Now I met Eben. I always know who he is.

Have you ever met him?


Do you know Wallace Huo or Mark Chao? 我認識不認識霍建華跟趙又廷



Do you ever think that is 10 of them, raising one of you?

I never actually met NSNYC. I used to hear them maybe from the radio type of music gerne. But I know the 5 guys in UB. I am a blonde girl.

So you never raise a thought they could 10 them raising your one life scenario?

No! I know Dean. He is the most selfish human being on Earth.

Not Big Hero 6


So who is dead?

I did explain before, there was a black dress, black nail, black make-up girl also in our class. One day after Holloween, I warn Dean, don't get near to her, don't talk to her, meaning that. But he does not listen. I had a dream, several of us, all go nail on the cross, I got let go save by the thunder and light. 

That is before you got to initiation 2006?

Before I come back to the group even one year before initiation (2005). That is way before.

Do you think Mahavatar Babaji is against people to be Breatharian, liquidarian so on, like 三生三世十里桃花? 

I think against the girl.

Do you think he target the girl because of the Bible says?

No, target the girls not submissive enough. his age wise and probably suggests as before the open galaxy, that rule of girls, he provides some very wise advice. I will take it like that.


Like Ola?

Kinda of. Yes.

So she is not really good for nothing?

... ... she is not like me, if that is what you mean.

What would you suggest them to do, if they could turn on their career choices?

Get to librarian science all together, to be the useless they believe the career librarian is useless.

... ... they didn't secure me as American, that is why, I say like that. Also One Direction, as one groups, under my command.


 Have you ever doubts when you are in that process? 

Yes. Because there was no one saying that is Mahavatar Babaji. There is no form. There is only my eyes got close, I cannot open my eyes. What I gonna do? Someone cannot stop invading me.

So what happened after?

SMCH in 2015 on her video proclaims "Blessing". That is a Haidekan Babaji's saying. Then one day my sister came into my room to hit me. I run away. My bed disappear, my mother sold the place. I was in Silicon Valley, there, Mahavatar Babaji Shows up once.

Is that sex?

Victoria Secrets Passion, that song.

So you could logically process information? Yes.

So you could verbally communicate what happen? Yes.

So you can written down fluently in English? Yes.

Are you a doctor? No.

You never feel lack of facebook?

You mean every night 11 oclock, you each other cutting each other, with photo, bf, gf, family, tours, reunion?


Up til a point that was a decade ago, I found out, no one really update their facebook, as if no one has an activity on their social profile. So I left. I was listening to some of the Self Help people suggestion. There is book like Thinking and Grow Rich. They aiming at that if you surround yourself with 5 friends, you can group them as Mastermind. 

What happen?

I found 5 chair, I line up 5 Masters in the past.

Do you believe telepathy that time?

No. But I try to see, what does this book is saying, or everyone trying to say.

But they are not human alive.

Right. But they suppose to be the most wise man in the world I consider to be.

What happened after?

There is nothing happened, but soon probably after that, I start to create other facebook account, and one day, I left facebook before I go to AGT.

Speaking of Keanu ore Simon, or NSYNC, or Wallace, or Mark, do you feel ashame, if you tell them, you have no facebook, possibly implied, you have no friends?

I would not think like that. But if ever one day they show up in front of me, and really that question so important to them about my facebook account friends. I don't mind to take them longest way possible, to Silicon Valley, wait in front of the facebook, to have someone come over, and we have a chat.

You would do things like that?

That is not the only way doing things? Their name is big, my social media vanished!





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