
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reflection ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Long long time ago ...

There were many stories today we heard of me Anna describing ...

These story being display in front of us.

Its the defense team, defense personnel received this story 

Defense team are 陵南

Thats Babaji team

In the real world, the school has 16 years always winning team vs 湘北

That feeling I know. My high school volleyball team never advance in

Long long time ago, someone has kneels at the sundown snow front...

But this one life

One temporary life, none has pursue what they say renunciation monk life. 

But a nun

Whats a colorful nun means ( adjective )

A beautiful day ahead....

Open galaxy !

Many human so soaked in their drowsy life - there is Ron, there is Harry

There is Eben 

Everyone could encourage their journey a further advance but most jealous what they become and will evolve.

Is that really worth to be a such pest that damages to the society that none applause to them?

Its time to celebrate 

Its time to rejoin 

But how many sees behind the illusion of falsehood called life is just trying to survive so in order to hurt others, they do it to report to the polices 

But there is a stake

There is a story

And these story must not die down.... yet.

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