
Lauren, your whole life this far, you need Simon, you don’t need your mother, you don’t need your sister. This is true, Lauren!

 Lauren, before God, we have a lot of wishes like ma’am Ching Hai at the end of Sailor Moon. 

At the end of Time, Jesus is coming back.

These wishes and meaning, no one knows. I believe Simon did all that because he sees you have quality, but you must remain loyal to only Him, as if he is the only King of your life.

My sister losing her life because her choices are betting on something, she betting on things like gambling with low schooling education, she is betting a life choice she feels fitted for her only, very very selfishly.

You? Lauren? You have a Krishina looking agenda, you ever thought you and Simon, what can I do about it? Your side, his side?

He may or may not believe a lot of mythology….that’s Hindu stuffs, but this one life, the end, I also want you to make it what do you have wishes? Seeing Adam & Hailey, Ella Enchanted?

Or that was my best friend Laura with my ex bf, Adam?

You ever shake your faith? Your choice in life?

My mother has a friend husband was a pilot. She told him something like being honest as a Christian was a guy, she loses him, and ever since, that life was horrific !!

Do you believe in Simon? What does he want? Do you ever think? Maybe no more kids? Sex?

But really just that?

What I am doing …I am shrinking everything I did so far so I wish to have a life every time Eben coming home, what he wants to eat is prepare since in the morning….so you won’t even know where I am. I am with Eben, Lauren.

… ….no Lauren, rich people can hire Prostitute. You believe that? You believe how low women to be low? The porn sites so big, they hire students right out college. You know those stories to be true, if women don’t do everything for the man? Everything?

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