
Tina, you know how to write article very well in Chinese. 提那你寫中文的文章很好


When you trash your own life journey, left down remains are the lost of your years/ages

一個人的人生裡,每一個人追求的事情都不同,你然而,有一種情況,你不覺得你應該好好的跟你的媽媽或是爸爸講嗎 ? 如果你真的跟你的影片講的是一樣,是瘋子 ! 你是可以有點支持的人生但是你要好好的溝通!

In one's life, everyone pursue something all a little bit different, however you, there is a condition, you don't think you should establish a better communication with your mother and your father right now? If you are really like you are saying it, in your own video, you are a psycho !  You can have some supports of life, but you must communicate well.


A romance relationship, are two people agreeing it to as a world itself.


After separation, you really need to make it to become like this right now?

你幾乎都是跟 Hank 在要錢過日子吧 ? 他打人對吧 ? 對 ! 我知道 ! 你知道你自己是怎麼花錢的嗎 ? 一個鋼琴 20,000 US dollars !!

You always asking Hank for money to spend your days right? He hits people right? Right ! I know. Do you know yourself how you squander money? One piano costs 20,000 US dollars?


Tina, your family are still here, right now, still here, and everyone are fine fine person as okay person.

如果你知道你是有問題的,你現在要有點動作,提娜 ! 我是認真的那一個人 to go get marrying to Eben.

If you know you have a particular problem, you need to have some action right now. Tina, I am a serious person, to go get marrying to Eben.

提娜 ! 如果我是評審 ! 你跟 Hank, 你是做錯事情的那個人,知道嗎 ? 你自己真的做錯了! 你一輩子都在賭博如何錯的更離譜,傷人傷痛別人家庭,你覺得歲月是怎麼流逝的,你的電話呀 ! 

Tina, If I am a judge, between you and Hank, you are the one doing things wrong, do you understand? You really the one making it wrong all the time. Your whole life are gambling how to make more wrongs in a more horrific manners. You hurt others, hurts other's worlds, with other family. How do you think the years of life will lose its time? Your cell phone?

曾經提娜,就說曾經,你有沒有覺得你自己做的事情是要下去地獄的? 曾經有沒有真正的思考過?

Once upon a time, once upon a time, you Tina Jao, Have you ever think what you do, you will go to hell for it? Have you really really think thoroughly, thinking through?


Last time for your ex bf, that guy, you immediately hang up the phone with your mother


I take it as if you are really right here, and care about things, that person.

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