
越南小尼姑,do you now recognize your own label?

 Life in front of you has so many detour, does your Master ever told you choices in life ? He never taught you anything a proper way to preach? For a TV fame, you decide to look better, Forbe 100 lineage competition, you are number 1 witch ? That’s saying you 走火入魔

From one day precepts you uses Maya words to shield you learn magic you need in Europe…I wonder if they are that dummy, you say a is a, b is b, c is becoming F?

The first time after long years I never really seen you in person, was in Thailand. You were chasez by a riot…and that guy happened to be, Ancient Chasez looking to shield you.

Your fame story so wide spread, it’s covered in the entire China most popular women actress even. Your master must willing to tell me how he gonna ever uses this fame once we walk step to step to open galaxy, Real Love, Loving the Silent Tear, you guarantee your each disciple.

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