
I am back !! ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This morning I say a few things in a very short meeting. Summary ⭐️⭐️⭐️

1. Digital Information Tools

2. People's mentality needs to be more optimistic, better diet, raw food / juicing, exercise

3. All the malls are built by guys, the girls and the guys division is too great.

    Not this mother, sister things coming to the guy from your part.

    Be thankful there is all the luxury that guys building upon in this world, such as the mall, the outlet electric you can see to go to the bathroom, you have water access to commonly use, you can walk with ease with the floor nice tiles in the good design to help your mood, every moon cycle, if your period is way too heavy. There are many things to be thankful to the guys, in which this world is built upon by them, the road, the construction, the elevator, the nice air-con. I don't know if you ever pray to thank God, how much things you ever have, its from someone, something to given all of us, a comfer life more and more each day, so we can betterment ourselves and others, to Real Love ! So be thankful to all the things we are using it right now, other people's built. All that are done by the guys. So I keep hoping you would just listen to what I say, drop everything you ever do yourself to make yourself look big and great. Just do what the guys prefer to have in life, as they be treated with digitnity, not you know their IQ is much higher too?

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