
小鬼小和尚還是高年級~你們以後是考什麼科系? 化學、圖書館、農業?

 你們以後是出家考完大學要靠自己去,燒完死人的屍體的那種職業嗎 ? 誦經之類養活自己?

那如果你們的 program 沒有什麼壓力假設,你們選點化學、圖書館、農業大家一起耕生,某種生活形式 ! 所謂簡單生活 ,學習種植一些東西,你們拿課可以去旁聽嗎 ? 就是那種化工太多了! 你們挑化學就是簡單,你們腦袋去學習英文,好好把英文講好念好 ! 考個什麼 SUNY Buffalo 州立大學就可以了,我沒有那麼多錢錢送你們到哈佛,但是如果你能證明,你自己烤的到哈佛、Prinston and Yale 我當然幫你們想辦法 ! 知道沒有?

如果學費太貴,其實加州的社區大學你們通通去拿 A 回家!因為實在太沒有用了! 用社區大學 !

What do you all plan to go and major-in in the future? Chemistry, Librarian, and argiculture?

After you all becomes these monkhood life, after university, its that your career its to burn down corpse to maintain a living? Like repeating sutra earn yourself a living?

So if you are in a partcular program, that has no pressure, you can pick some najor in chemistry, library, argiculture, everyone all together to earn a living from the ground. Some kinds of living mechanism to sustain yourself. Like simple life, learn some planting, and can you go and listen some classes in the University? Chemical Engineer is way to much, you just go to the simple one in chemistry, use your brain to learn in English, and reading and saying in English to perfect.

Taken test like to SUNY Buffalo, like one of those state university is fine, I don't have that much money to send you to Harvard, but if you can prove yourself, you can get to Harvard, Prinston and Yale, of course, I will find a way for you, understand?

If the tuition is way too much, then the California, those community college, you all go to get an A home, because its too.....simple, those community college.


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