
If the Youngest princess successor issues on climate change, to live in big mansion 如果公主小妹的繼承者跟天氣氣候,巨大的房子

 Do you all watch the drama? 你們都看過的戲劇?

Do you like that kind of life style one girl 4 guys in a mansion? 你們喜歡那種四個男孩子一 個女生的環境?

No mother No father no sister. 沒有爸媽也沒有姐姐妹妹

 Is that remains in Asian territory dictationship, or Indian participate too? This TV drama on Successor

我說只有亞洲人的世界還是印度人也有參與這個電視劇本? 繼承者

I have no idea what this Vietanese little nun gonna do about all these things. 

我完全沒有知道這越南小尼姑到底要幹嘛  !

There is many things don't look like her will doing it, like that OU language, you think she wrote that?


Let me tell you something of a decency of a human diginity, if you are her disciple, you can just email her, write her SMTV, saying, you are looking for Ma'am Ching Hai.

讓我來告訴你們一些事情,就是基本的人類自尊問題,如果你們是她的徒弟,你們只需要 Email 她跟寫給她電視台,說,你們找清海無上師

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