
ITs 4:40, I am back !

 Friends issues continues....

This photo was when I was still in Niagara, Buffalo Regions.

I live there for 2003-2013, 10 years.

Within 10 years, Dean never consider me, coming from immigration live and survive in this region, because he is very busy his own life. He is 2 years younger than me.

He wish all attention and cares are to expected on him.

So is the rest of them the crowd. No one becoming the big parents, to say, how are you doing, what you did on the facebook was creative that time. No one does that. No one.

Your dream guy will at least care you a bit? Care about those around on the facebook a bit, when he becomes his MD degree?

They envy things, they compare things, they wants compliment on them all the time. Dean now its 3 awards, and they are living in this class, never care about the people behind them, that know something they don't know, if they just remember that time, what I did was creative on the facebook? Compliment like a friend why we were classmate? But no one did.

No one.

Now, if you imitate me, to be the Honorable Superior, 尊上, you want them to know you have a new title, a new crowning moment? Are they going to comment on you, when they see that?


The facebook is about whom?

Them. Not collaboration that requires efforts.

They produces kids, don't you think, at least tell Dr. T about it, that they have kids now, they cannot get fired by that degree? Have you thought about humane to them, no matter what? There are kids invovled? 

 Do you see how many food I cook?

Yeah, I get fat 2 years. Do you know how to provide someone at least a meal? Do you think they know how to take care of themselves including to you? 

Do they know about health, do they know about juicing, do they willing invest money, energy, to carry fruits and vegetable, to eat raw, and disicpline someone, as they gain those new awareness knowledge, outside a medical school?

None ! 

If now, you are in my living room, and you are far away guest, do I know how to cook a decent quick meal, you can eat, no matter what kind of dishes, to feel, you are part of home from far away? 

You never think of the reasons, why I conduct 2 years video in 2018 -2019???

Do you?

Guys whom know how to cook, and whom know how to care about your foot, if you sprain your ankle? Like the comic books? Do you know that? Someone if know how to care for you tiny bit, you feel reliable??? You really feel dependent to that person? Isn't that suppose to be a great relationship, its to provide someone food, if you cannot, they can???

He can drive, or I can drive him, to see things around? How to really care in a house, doing the chore, washing the dishes, the guys? The real dependent guys, that actually have some experience to look after you or things?

When your parents wish you to be married to someone, have you thought, that is to take care of someone, the whole life time, truly make it, cooking, washing, chore, cleaning the household, pay the bill, respect what is around, and follow some doctrine to learn things all around us? 

Cooking a meal, not talking, comparing a photo ! Those are just photo ! 

Providing someone a meal !

Is that college life too long, you eating from the cafeteria too long???

You thought everyone, no one knows how to cook anymore??

If you seen a girl or a guy knows how to cook, they can work in any time of energency of the National Crisis, do you know that? 

Do you know why, I keep saying it, cooking? 

In the National crisis, if you know how to cook, stack up water, buying things, walking, maintaining your physical, do you know you can do a service for your Nation, and you won't be send to where?

Tell me...Where, you don't want to be sent to? 

Do you want to truly think again, what did I tell you to do in 2018-2020? Because that is only 3 years ago .....everything I have said, I am repeating it again and again.

You need to learn how to cook ! 


Basic medical knowledge as like a herbalist, in every household family in America.

In the National emergency, tell me, what does a country needs?

Like no electricity, no water, everyone is cold and hungry?

You need chef, driver, and singer, or instrument player.

Do you know all that?

 Have you been out of your dryer at home, you have to go outside drying your clothes, and over there, someone also waiting for the cloth, and they play guitar with soothing music and song, that everyone is listen quietly in the laundry room.

You want to conduct some of these running show, I told you???

 Its no more college dorm, driving home every weekend life, to see your parents, that everything they do for you? 

 Are you sure every video I created before, its really NOT THAT important AT ALL?



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