
⭐️ Losing weight ⭐️

Weight Program

I actually losing weight slowly.... because last time in 2018-2019 Dec, I go all the way up in 74 kg.

And I slim down to 62 Kg.

Right now I am in between 62 Kg.

Do you believe juicers? My mother bought an expensive juicer about 400 US dollars, but it works wonderfully. 

I mix cucumber, tomato, apple, carrots, pineapple, yellow water melon to make a jar of  juices. Usually morning one, afternoon one.

You want to see?

These are the first time, I have to go on real losing weight programs by using juicing ! 

How do I lose weight from 74 Kg to 62 Kg? My mother cooks food without no flour, no wheat, like no noodles, or dumplings. We eat rice here, but I don't really eat here. So we success to get to 62kg.

But for a very long time, I always stay 62, to 64kg.

So I slim down to 62 now. Back to where the last time. 1 or 2 Kg is not a lot, its about 2.2-4.4 pounds. 

What do I eat?

I eat salad, cucumber+tomato+pineapple+some chips, just first few days when I transition. With dressing.

I found a fish branding of seasoning, I need to add some none vegetarian seasoning on it.


TV. Haven't you think, there is a reason why I end up in the hospital? I didn't tell my friends to come and save me? First they don't know a thing what I say so far, second, most people don't like medical profession for a reason, Third, if you really really really met them, you know what they make of in their life to become a Medical Doctor?

What is my goal?

My goal started with 5 Kg, that is about 11 pounds. But we are using kg starting when I was born, so technically, we believe in kg more than pounds. So it does sound a lot to pounds.

Is that the same thing?

Kg when I convert to pounds are the same pounds unit, correct. It will be the same conversion.

So I lose weight a lot? 

I don't think, its the some efforts, I have to run or jogging. To carrying a 5 kg of fat to run, or losing it to run, I try to imagine that in my mind, so I have to get to the routine, when that goal is achieving, the first week, or second week, or third week. 

Like I tell you, its the first time I am losing weight with a juicer, and a running schedule.

I thought you exercise a lot

I walk a lot, not running a lot. When I was losing weight from 74 kg to 62kg, I just the same sometimes walking around, with my mothers going out, and eating one meal a day, morning has fruits with lunch a soup with some muculess melon cooked.

Although this is the first time I am trying to lose weight with the juicer, but its not the first time I am using the juicer. I used to be using juicer every single day. For so many years even.


Does raw food really more healthier? Yes. You will feel the taste bug actually changes when you doing a lot of detox, meditation, fitness plan. Your taste bug will feel, what is alive food, like green food, they recommand you. I actually cannot take it the green food.


I just don't like it. No particular reason why. I cannot stand it, looking at it to imagine that is celery. I don't eat celery. 

 So how do you get that big of gallbladder stone out, you manage to do that one time, or every time?

That big of size, one time. It melt next day. It was gone ! Disappeared. I used an exercise methods Dr. John R Christopher taught us in the booklet, 3 days muculess diet.

There is a breathing he meant at night time. So before I go to sleep, I open my room door to outside porch, I used to live in someone house living room,so there is a deck outside, at night, by myself, before going to bed, I would do breathing like they describe.

If you follow what they tell you, combines with some other things, I tell you, its very very powerful. 

Was I happy?

Of course, that was the first time I seeing that, I was very happy ! I always like to experimenting these booklets of medicines on myself, not necessary to teach others. The results have been fruitful.

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