
Simon, your son, is going to be like that too? Eric? oh ~

 I just found out from my mother, that Nancy with Leo's father, they use some kind of tabacoo, or some kind of things, that is they give it to their son to use.

Leo's father is Jewish ! Every family has a fitting in problem, but no one intended to break free of their limited....they care too much of everyone what they look at them for.

A bunch of psycho, and they believing in that.....there is a proper human living on this one planet to care about all their attention !!! 

I wonder how that 5 NSYNC one day will turn out....entertainment, your funeral written in degree of drugs, that sounds.....so unfortunate, one day, remain in the eternity of your history, Simon, they are so psycho like, I am telling you.

Truly psycho looking. Eyes filled with water and anticipation. Everyone knows besides the  money, all they ever wanted is fame.

But fame is getting from people whom to like about you, like about your uniqueness of being whom you are, and stand tall for everyone to emulate from.

But none of these people you see boys or girls, their eyes are filled with .....praying prayer praying prayer praying prayer....Today there is an internet, you can just get on and make yourself useful to talk, or join somewhere for a web 2.0

Too unfortunate human lifes....

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