
So long I didn't watch any TV shows, like yours, Simon. to bring life itself onto....the public life.

 You are not actually believing all that, tears in the eyes, or that is to tell me 16 country, in one show Loving the Silent Tear? You don't remember that, Simon?

That is so unfortunately, you actually believing in that life, where people mingle around, are so ....these soaking tears in the moving heart of soul, that kindness in believing forward acts of giving, like all your girl firends, nothing but a face, don't you think? Easy life easy circle, you been so long, you forget the values, of some, that higher aiming of those, of what you say, Life ought to be, was aiming the evolution to at least, without tears. 

Tears to touch heart. Is that what you wish me to agree with you? 

I somehow, so growing life in a different norm of aspects, I didn't know girls we should equip with the watering mechanism to make you move in your heart pitch, to blossom in summer fragment of what it is appealing to you ....finding X ! factor ! 

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