
⭐️⭐️⭐️ What's impacted to you when you go through 5 Lords Reviews? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Badly affected.

Normally spiritual groups of people believing people thou shall not stealing each other or greedy at other's attention. But I have found, today's religious groups of people in order to survive, they must go to the donor to talk in some way to earn that money, and when that little nun SMCH achieve to become Riches of herself to look upon this sentient beings worlds, it was left only just greed, attachment, wants, wishes, and all those bad thinking for others, that no one knows what's going on in front or behinds people's eyes.

What's the position you with her, like King of Kings?

That would be corrected, except in that very old time, she grows to teens. After her teens age, she started to make friends with the street people ....in order these language of hers, to emballish others for fame and glory. At that time might be all telepathy....Its like monkey started to eat, and the more they eat, they more fat they become. Kinda like that.

At that time, she was expelled....this life, might be real or not real Master, depends, the last Era, if someone did what I was told they did, or not...people using lineage methods to gain money might be started from last Era

So they have no choice what they do, these eating things vegan or not?

Being vegan is a good choice to begin. Yes. But precepts are more important. On that, higher order meant, exactly they say, if you meant there are precepts to follow.

Would you advice them not to meditate? 

I look at my mother....she is happy she has a group of girls to go to. I used to say a lot about joining in the guys' groups. If that Indian 500 years old one day shows up, he might wants me to play 4 girls of that 4 Heavenly King's girlfriends, just for the sake of he was too mad.

Bad Karma?


Why you so gear up between man and woman equality, you stands on the man's side more?

Because of the IQ and memory loss of any academic field, man has a much higher evolution I observe. You live with them, you don't have a feel, they don't know what you are talking about, or they are unwilling to learn. The guys have a natural tendency of climbing to the top to become the best of what they are subjected to do. There are good guys, there are bad guys. Beside that points, of what I observed and me having a name to boss people around to just listen to what I said, there is a Bible. You have no idea how taken back, when I go through the revelation, and did all those video.

So you are surprised too?

Yes. Very surprised.

Do you think SMCH regrets or thought of what in her mind, may I ask?

Her age was from 1950? So its about the age that pass 70 years old. People at old age, having some kinds of mechanism in the thoughts. That was being told me before. They do not have anymore energy to fight against, that they need money...all those she hard earn money, she says she has karma with, she felt she deserved all those money attitude, its just like Bible tell you every word, in my eyes....its every words Bible stated. There is every word true.

So you believe the Bible description on the prostitute?

Correct. Just no one asked me how disgusted to say things about the situation and her. They can try to cover, they can try to hide. This one planet, its blue color, of all the Cosmo, there is a prophecy, given to all the galaxy of all galaxy.... they will feel the same way on that Order. Regardless if one Earth is all hers, to become...the flood issues. 

You don't seem to go to her directly to solve the issues, like writing her a long letter, or email, or sent something to SMTV to tell them to stop?

No, I didn't do any of that.

Because of the Karma?

No. I went online the gates of those whom wish to join the groups like cult rumor video, to left some comments, or some songs, or her disciple might exist to bar down some people. That is as much as I did. I would not go straight to her. Her time as prostitute, its stated in the Bible, I air out the content on my channel, she kneels, flat, bow, cut herself in pieces, to beg for mercy...if that is as much as I describe the situation ought to be?

Do you believe she is married?

I saw she got married in 1997? The movies air out 4 weddings and 1 funeral.

What does that means?

It means ...life has it own accord, what you intend others to believing it, and imagine this world has no one else left behind to see what you are doing.

So what you see the world wish she doing?

What she advocating is everyone would probably do. So many people today in this world are all somehow false prophet, and gear towards a fashion of lifestyle. All what it is the precepts of all the past of Great Teaching, was just a waste if not saying some of them might be just cops worlds....what do I even bother to believe, there is no one just doing their own jobs, to live their own worlds while I just need acknolwedge, all are taken care of. 

So you believe, if every time you have a problem, you talk to someone, things will be taken care of?

I start to believe that. I used to be not sure because I live so far away from people, or city town.

If you have power?

I would close it down. But the details are so ....money oriented, people might get killed, so I just leave it there, give it to the country where they will take care of all that. There are 90s so many of these cults are doing things. There was a president, used to clean out the gaming center all of the city. Gaming....so at that time, there were other lineages of false prophets if you were saying, they are being really taken to the custody.

She is?

Maybe not. But she tried to show her, she is living like one small cabin how many feet by how many feets to meditate only, and air on TV.


Someone is educating her. She might receive email, someone might tell her, some people might lecture her about the Bible, some people might scold her, someone might slander her. Some might praise her....on and on and on.

... ...

Long time ago, every time she got frighten, and shrink, she just shrinks in.

So sometimes, you use the past?

Kinda of. I look over all sees governing require necessasity....like guards, like disciples 10, like Sariputra concepts, to show the worlds, what it is, to be like a big family. Now, that might be all false, but its a concept ! Meaning, I look at her direction one glimpse and continue my other things I have to do. Sometimes I comment, sometimes I don't comment.

What you think about the 10 +1 2 ...3?

I actually think they are all about the same. You see, people in this worlds, are all telling me, that no one understands them. All of them. No one does their favor, they are lonely souls, they are this, they are that, life is unfair, money is there, money is not there.....all of them are acting about the same. So what do I choose to do? I talk like I know them. But just like Purna SMCH. I glimpse once a while, and I left. This worlds has guardianship....you make a fool of yourself in front of everyone, telling me, you are growing up, right now, its the time, telling me so. Prove it, you are growing up. That is always they all intend to do anyway....every kid on the blocks. I flip all the books, I didn't see you coming, okay.

What do you think Simon plays a role in it?

She tried to like him, she tried to hate him, she tried to prove him, because he is a judge....or if she sees there is a movie franchaise, a completely commerical success franchaise, stated, that Iron man has a chest box, right in front of everyone's eyes, and he might be a chosen one, like Harry Potter. I look

I look 

I look.

Yeah, that's about saying it. Maybe the entertainment worlds, are so full of smoke, drugs, and intoxicant, Simon might just phase himself away....I don't bother to think about it.

But let's say, he meant he was somehow gear towards Buddha's teaching like TYG, I saw something near his desk....I am trying to know if she likes him, she hates him, she tried to prove him, because he is a judge. 

Is that supposed to laugh?

Just meaning, if you like him, like him, she likes him like him. I would just say, you wish to ruin him more than you like him. You prefer girls more.

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