
⭐️⭐️⭐️Why is Climate Change to do with the Ice Glacia again? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 The entire planet got heat up. Global Warming, you feel the weather is hotter, like my island, you know used to be 28 celcius, we turn on air-con, now it is summer here every month like 33, 34 celcius. In another 10 years or 20 years, it will by pass the human temperature 36/37 is going to be fever?

So you cannot really stay on the island?

There is no choice, but to stay on the island.

The ice glacia melt because of the entire planet heating up, so two poles melt together, or one pole?

Two poles. But North poles are permant frost, they are just ices. South Poles are ice on the continent. It is a land mass. When you say permant frost in other words, you hope, those ice stay in ice forms "forever"

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