Bible Revelation on Prostitute on that Many Water

 Update: Video added to the end.


So the reason I don't really helping them was? First they don't keep precepts themselves, from the top to the button organization, Second, they don't follow their Master instruction

 Thirds, they don't have sound.

Fourth, that Indian 500 years old, whether true or not true....this entire world flood might just meant, he says only me One person methods, and that methods states that, I must born with the  methods lineage power, what you gonna do?

Do you really figure it out what is 500 years old Indian Master could do, or think, might do, or lie,....worse than this Supreme Master Ching Hai?


Long long long time ago....someone broke their family householder Head Master's heart ....that is called the discipleship.

 To train disciple, today you have police networks. 

In the past, what do you have? Palace Royal Guards groups.

Tell me, do you see your kids, whom if they are ADD, or some kinds of Tina like psycho embarking sleeping around, to be the mundane worlds girls to say 40 acting like 17? Sluts?

And? They make their parents worried.

Do you think they have karma?

In the past....there are some other objective things in life, where you see today's movies like Mal-ficent.

The darkest of all darken worlds, called black magician. 

In Egypt, you called their King Pharaoh. Does this name sound different to you, if you hear King Henry, or Pharaoh Elizabeth?

Of course there are different.

In the ancient old of the legends of what you know of Shykamuni Buddha, was rumor, in the Eon and Kalpa time, he already exists as the ancient Buddha.

Do you agree with me on this or not?

He already achieve his enlightenment long ago, and that grand of sand of time, like Eon after Eon, Kalpa after Kalpa, he is revered as Shyakmuni Buddha.

But what does this word Buddha in the past time can entail?

I talk to you about the 

The form of Uttermost Ultimate Darknest of all Darken Magician.

How would you transcribe that in the modern Language? Magician. That's it. There is no really a word to describe what is utimate darken of all darkest of black magician of that Supreme words if were to slander that names?

Language is very limited to these form of the past ....but the left over tales are about 10 disciples.

Do you think the Master of their own will be less than Magallana? 

So as I am telling you, in that tales of Shyakmui Buddha reincarnation, he did go lower than his existence of the human standard, which is Money King story. Those rumors are told tales by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

There is another Kingship of Kingship kind, I relate to you.

In the Bible, they put words like 

King of kings, Lords of Lords

What if I say to you, its define in Chinese, there is a comma. That is in between that two words describe?

A lot of today, I am telling you, I am a lamb, but I am a women, you gonna accuse me I am lesbian? So to make a use of Lamb's wife?

Of course not.

I am straight.


So speaking of the karma, or becomes life after life forms of curses.....I told you about magic. 


Do you contemplate yourself?

Do you contemplate Purna?

Do you contemplate Me?

I describe to you we have a 4 points frames and ready to go Contact Movies with Mathrew in 1997 saying Open Galaxy. Bashar said 2050.

Do you read the profile of Simon, or Daniel in Harry Potter Actors 3 main profiles?

Their movies names.

Are you exciting, are you cared about it? Are you worried, are you looking more for fun, a short temporary stay, a more dharma related envrionment, or you explore your ideas, how to monitize the future outside galaxy commerical interests, yet?

You work with government, you work with regulation, you have enough academia background, or you looking for mushroom, to extract medicine??

What do you look for?

Any word with Precepts?

So don't compare that prosittute too far off, from each other human that trying to survive in this world, that no one hands are clean? 

People in the past whom really embark to that journey, meant the clarity of the mind.

No matter what Simon did, he didn't tell me, he will go and becoming a monk, so he broke all the stuffs he wish he could do in this world and beyond, was just for relaxation of his mind....whatever that mind works are. As long as he is being happy on his own, I am happy for him.

But in the nature of that Holy Bible has warning to all humanity, I already behind talking to some others, about this sinking land, called island....that does not mean, I can just go out and do something. I have a telephone, do you want to just go to the telephone company and check where I been to?

This girl Purna used to be, like Supreme Master Ching Hai, has a heart to break all precepts in order to keep that greed of hers, have a background. As my site last or the last last, telling you in Victoria Secrets. ( VS 2017, VS 2018 )

That past merits of Eon and Kalpa she decides to profit in One life time, just like she promised herself to liberating souls for all her disicples, that is a false claim, but worse, that is backfire on her.

Are you willling to use your eon or kalpa used to be some kind of merits, to tell me, you do it, for the money sake, and greeding methods to be shining polishing named in the Holy Bible, by Roman Catholic, carried for 2000 years? The prostitute on that many water?



People like her, breaking precepts and still using meditation, like Sound, because that Sound meditation she can feel it, the power.


You can feel it the Power.

Like cleansing your brain, that kind, and the more you don't do it, it will affect you.

It is like so bad things....I can describe to you the entire methods if you paying attention.

When you doing the light of 5 names, you suppose to find a far away remote area, far away from attention, you practice your own sword fight in the cave, or somewhere no one finds you, with the Sound meditation methods.

Here is how, and what happened.

The human world karma can suck up something if you don't do light, and followed by the sound immediate, you lose it, that protection, she told you to do the light first, and then the sound meditation.

This group of stupid disciples, no one listens to her. They only do light.

Why not sound?

They have no sound.

In the 90s about, she describes to you, many lineage holder, can only initiate you the light, not the sound.

Which she is very proud of telling you that she can open your sound that you listens from the inner ears.

I do not know the claim, but I will tell you, I hear the sound. Inner sound.

That sound can change. Kinda like the initiation time they telling you.

However, the backfire thing was...if I choose to mingle with the human,  that sound methods will be like, I must meditate, I need to mediate, I really need it, like without water, I gonna die.

Its like a cycle, thirst, replenishing, thirst, replenishing....  

So one day, I stop practice. I start to gain weight, I start to do this, I start to focus everything but anything 5 names repeating or go and trying listening the sound. I do not feel like that anymore. A cycle of thirst, replenishing, thirst replenishing, I cannot functioning in the world, to do any work, without meditation. (You put your finger inside your ear, those kinds. )

No, don't poke it...Babaji actually just shows the photo how you do that meditation on the Facebook all together !!!! 

You know why I keep telling you about that Sleeping Beauty story?

Because after the sound, if you are eating food type of person....that everyday, you doing this, you sleep like a baby. What they teach you the medicine of something, it might be all true.

Like opening of the chi channel, but you are eating food.

I am trying to telling you a lot of things, you just need to adhere rules I am telling you. No eating food, do not fall asleep....if that is a yawn gesture, you are doing it wrong.

Its eating food wrong.


Explain: Justice of that Prostitute on that many water

 What we today world's define "Vibration", its not a substance we can define by seeing. The most is by number, like a scientific number, telling us, there is vibration all around us.

When they embark journey of these higher vibration of Quan Yin methods, light and sounds.

As my map describes to you, those 5 names are real, consist of 13 syllabus sounds.

What is that you know about vibration and genetics, I written in the book. "When the DNA mutates, you know it is the cancer"

This statement, you understand.

What if I say, the mutation you have started to grow wing, and able to that higher evolution compare to the lower evolution in cancer?

Higher evolution.

In the map I will explain to you in the book, which some people already know, that vibration of something can mutate the cell either to the higher ground or the lower ground.

As you might have read all her reading, to explain how wonderful these vibration to make you hear a lot of lectures of the past disciples asking her, they fall asleep all the time during the meditation, and I keep telling you adhere Tesla Era time, some wisdom of the Classic Disney Cartoon. One of them, its sleeping beauty.

That methods is old.

Its physicality of the manifestion of our body.

It is multi-dimensional.

But ....with her advertisement, the Bible warning to all humanity.....

She committed adultery. 

Whether its in thinking, in revenge, in physical act, to get married, she broke precepts.

In today's many false prophet, you all hear about Cops might know them all, its how much money invovle to provide luxury to the near by disciples and the Master. A lot of these cults. They are not religion, they do not care about precepts.



 不覺得我一直在講同樣的事情,這越南小尼姑自己做出來的事情,都是自己變成的 ! 當初的執念呀 ! 不是說出家,怎麼跑去結婚呢? 所以順便養寵物,順便花花錢,順便天衣跟樵夫換衣賞~~好不順心 ,這事事都是你自己一手造成的呀 ! 而你的徒弟也沒有一個看穿這世間萬象,跟著你一起兩眼無神的癡呆掉自己的人生,在瞬間的睡眠,一個一個都會走的 !!!




叫做有人無辜浪費所有時間做給你們看每一種動作,叫做節節分明 ~ 喔!


If you choose your own spouses... German doctor, or 1997, your whichever disciple, is he here? Witness Sailor Moon? You regret your decision, Vietanese little nun SMCH?


Of all the True Love, Real Love, Loving the Silent Tear....your decision in the 90s, sounds like the huge celebration events, where are all your disciples whom witness that events? You ever regret your current husband, SMCH Vietanese little nun? Your wedding is online, putting your palm together to greet all others? 

You think Hailey regrets her own decision as Mormam? Religion, my mother cannot stop talking about them, Man can have more than one wife, in Morman religion. In Taiwan wiki, they say, its the Jesus of Christ, later......whatever name of that denoumination similar to Morman. 

What you think their Ella Enchanted?

Real Love, True love?

Is your true love, to be with the women, forgetton memory all together smiling face...I think it is your ideal worlds, you wish you spent your senior home life, to be....Vietanese little nun SMCH 越南小尼姑 ! 

A relationship or a marriage can be so easily knocking it down, by their original why do people get together again? To ironically hurting each other from the beginning of the Era. That is you do that to yourself......I am trying to tell you all the time, Vietanese little nun.

You doing it to yourself, you make that decision yourself

You started a new cult of new movement on yourself

On your own.

At the beginning of the Era.

See how long this will last your mean 9 generation you liberation power intact ....

You SMCH 越南小尼姑 Vietanese little nun, using this Eon, Kalpha of merits, that you derived of something in the past, for a golden rings, bracelace, necklace...its just one life time.

 While all of the people today, we are standing on the edge of the digital blooming time, we all not sure the road ahead of us, but our education materials are on the TV screens. Everyone is carefully touch here or there, to befitted the right image on the TV, for getting a higher understanding, where are all these movies, TV are saying per each scripts lines. Some people might be very very very serious about their homeworks.

I like that.

These 4 points frames are designed to have a positive or negative effects they said impression the images in our minds? Number 4 are stablize numbers in numerology?

Does people whom watching more TV, they are more stable in character building? Anyone research on that, sociology department? 

We are not talking about the magical sense, today, my clouds, my electricity on the Christmas light as if they are all running their own shows. I update 2 photos today, in the photo session on this website.

One eye... 

People are getting educated...we all are, getting educated. I thought that is self-explainatory.




Someone want me to lecture you, SMCH Vietanese little nun? 越南小尼姑?

 世間萬象 all you ever choose it, was your face?

Do you ever reflect all the claim I say about you?

Being renounce to the world, and seeing on yourself on TV, everyone touching you for the healing power, and blessing, you don't feel disgust?

Do you want to switch that human face to your own sister, and transfer all the money to her, and you turn back to your black hair little vietanese nun? You just need an imposter?

Tell me again, what is 世間萬象?

Within all the monks and nun groups, called Buddhism, that day, which day, you will become penniless? to fit in? Your height?

How does your first beginning of Taiwan recallation, you starting winning your votes on preaching degree in Taiwan? Those years of your face? You imagine, no one cares those faces, how every day more, from 1989 upwards to 1993 ... You think I let go images, or I meant every facial winning images, you ever do, to befitted trashed as the BIble describing to you? 

Human they are ignorance, that does not mean, that each and every day more of these unheard cried, groups meditation was not just minue, since the day I shows up saying 5 Lords reviews.

I thought I said it very clear.

⭐️SO if SMCH groups of disciples whom wish to tell you about Climate Change subjects, inciting their Master data ....⭐️

 There is a reason I just lay out all the necessarity knowledge of the climate change in English version. They can just tell their microphone whom, like Olivia, records a tape, they can memorize, and tell me, clearly in English, what do you understand I am saying to you, that is called Climate Change. If I show a knowledge in advance....there is every reason why they believe I do thing in advance?


 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ What's impacted to you when you go through 5 Lords Reviews? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Badly affected.

Normally spiritual groups of people believing people thou shall not stealing each other or greedy at other's attention. But I have found, today's religious groups of people in order to survive, they must go to the donor to talk in some way to earn that money, and when that little nun SMCH achieve to become Riches of herself to look upon this sentient beings worlds, it was left only just greed, attachment, wants, wishes, and all those bad thinking for others, that no one knows what's going on in front or behinds people's eyes.

What's the position you with her, like King of Kings?

That would be corrected, except in that very old time, she grows to teens. After her teens age, she started to make friends with the street people order these language of hers, to emballish others for fame and glory. At that time might be all telepathy....Its like monkey started to eat, and the more they eat, they more fat they become. Kinda like that.

At that time, she was expelled....this life, might be real or not real Master, depends, the last Era, if someone did what I was told they did, or not...people using lineage methods to gain money might be started from last Era

So they have no choice what they do, these eating things vegan or not?

Being vegan is a good choice to begin. Yes. But precepts are more important. On that, higher order meant, exactly they say, if you meant there are precepts to follow.

Would you advice them not to meditate? 

I look at my mother....she is happy she has a group of girls to go to. I used to say a lot about joining in the guys' groups. If that Indian 500 years old one day shows up, he might wants me to play 4 girls of that 4 Heavenly King's girlfriends, just for the sake of he was too mad.

Bad Karma?


Why you so gear up between man and woman equality, you stands on the man's side more?

Because of the IQ and memory loss of any academic field, man has a much higher evolution I observe. You live with them, you don't have a feel, they don't know what you are talking about, or they are unwilling to learn. The guys have a natural tendency of climbing to the top to become the best of what they are subjected to do. There are good guys, there are bad guys. Beside that points, of what I observed and me having a name to boss people around to just listen to what I said, there is a Bible. You have no idea how taken back, when I go through the revelation, and did all those video.

So you are surprised too?

Yes. Very surprised.

Do you think SMCH regrets or thought of what in her mind, may I ask?

Her age was from 1950? So its about the age that pass 70 years old. People at old age, having some kinds of mechanism in the thoughts. That was being told me before. They do not have anymore energy to fight against, that they need money...all those she hard earn money, she says she has karma with, she felt she deserved all those money attitude, its just like Bible tell you every word, in my eyes....its every words Bible stated. There is every word true.

So you believe the Bible description on the prostitute?

Correct. Just no one asked me how disgusted to say things about the situation and her. They can try to cover, they can try to hide. This one planet, its blue color, of all the Cosmo, there is a prophecy, given to all the galaxy of all galaxy.... they will feel the same way on that Order. Regardless if one Earth is all hers, to become...the flood issues. 

You don't seem to go to her directly to solve the issues, like writing her a long letter, or email, or sent something to SMTV to tell them to stop?

No, I didn't do any of that.

Because of the Karma?

No. I went online the gates of those whom wish to join the groups like cult rumor video, to left some comments, or some songs, or her disciple might exist to bar down some people. That is as much as I did. I would not go straight to her. Her time as prostitute, its stated in the Bible, I air out the content on my channel, she kneels, flat, bow, cut herself in pieces, to beg for mercy...if that is as much as I describe the situation ought to be?

Do you believe she is married?

I saw she got married in 1997? The movies air out 4 weddings and 1 funeral.

What does that means?

It means has it own accord, what you intend others to believing it, and imagine this world has no one else left behind to see what you are doing.

So what you see the world wish she doing?

What she advocating is everyone would probably do. So many people today in this world are all somehow false prophet, and gear towards a fashion of lifestyle. All what it is the precepts of all the past of Great Teaching, was just a waste if not saying some of them might be just cops worlds....what do I even bother to believe, there is no one just doing their own jobs, to live their own worlds while I just need acknolwedge, all are taken care of. 

So you believe, if every time you have a problem, you talk to someone, things will be taken care of?

I start to believe that. I used to be not sure because I live so far away from people, or city town.

If you have power?

I would close it down. But the details are so oriented, people might get killed, so I just leave it there, give it to the country where they will take care of all that. There are 90s so many of these cults are doing things. There was a president, used to clean out the gaming center all of the city. at that time, there were other lineages of false prophets if you were saying, they are being really taken to the custody.

She is?

Maybe not. But she tried to show her, she is living like one small cabin how many feet by how many feets to meditate only, and air on TV.


Someone is educating her. She might receive email, someone might tell her, some people might lecture her about the Bible, some people might scold her, someone might slander her. Some might praise her....on and on and on.

... ...

Long time ago, every time she got frighten, and shrink, she just shrinks in.

So sometimes, you use the past?

Kinda of. I look over all sees governing require guards, like disciples 10, like Sariputra concepts, to show the worlds, what it is, to be like a big family. Now, that might be all false, but its a concept ! Meaning, I look at her direction one glimpse and continue my other things I have to do. Sometimes I comment, sometimes I don't comment.

What you think about the 10 +1 2 ...3?

I actually think they are all about the same. You see, people in this worlds, are all telling me, that no one understands them. All of them. No one does their favor, they are lonely souls, they are this, they are that, life is unfair, money is there, money is not there.....all of them are acting about the same. So what do I choose to do? I talk like I know them. But just like Purna SMCH. I glimpse once a while, and I left. This worlds has make a fool of yourself in front of everyone, telling me, you are growing up, right now, its the time, telling me so. Prove it, you are growing up. That is always they all intend to do anyway....every kid on the blocks. I flip all the books, I didn't see you coming, okay.

What do you think Simon plays a role in it?

She tried to like him, she tried to hate him, she tried to prove him, because he is a judge....or if she sees there is a movie franchaise, a completely commerical success franchaise, stated, that Iron man has a chest box, right in front of everyone's eyes, and he might be a chosen one, like Harry Potter. I look

I look 

I look.

Yeah, that's about saying it. Maybe the entertainment worlds, are so full of smoke, drugs, and intoxicant, Simon might just phase himself away....I don't bother to think about it.

But let's say, he meant he was somehow gear towards Buddha's teaching like TYG, I saw something near his desk....I am trying to know if she likes him, she hates him, she tried to prove him, because he is a judge. 

Is that supposed to laugh?

Just meaning, if you like him, like him, she likes him like him. I would just say, you wish to ruin him more than you like him. You prefer girls more.








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