
⭐️⭐️⭐️16 years & Bodhi Tree ⭐️⭐️⭐️



 ♫ ~~Ask the mundane common world, how many years has gone pass through? ~

♫ That, once chance to pass each other's embrace and gone.

♫ Clear mirror, water, reflected moon, once again under the Bodhi tree we meet. !  

This affinity can carve at the finger tips.

Chat about this World and beyond, all the dust and ashed of fallen in love and wane affections.... 

Can it possible be, never last long enough to withstand the years of worlds to pass the Time?  

Hundred Thousand prayers ....

The best is to give them your blessing

Its to with the smile, to turn around, to see one glimpse of your Beauty. 

♫  How far is the Heaven and the Earth ?  

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