
After I finish these webpages I have a feel about : Is Steve Jobs Dead?

 I don't know who he is, not really know how to answer you that question. 

There are people older enough to be their parents. I remember Reed, because his father talks about him. The rest I do not have a book to know their name even. Like my father now he went through hospital recently. He is old now. But I don't go and see him. Not really. 

I used to accuse him things. But I tell you, sometimes dreams are worse than it describes, you just have to believe it, and do the right things. 

I sent him messages and explained a few things to him. But mostly I do not carry on the conclusion if I go and visit him. It takes a whole long one life to figure it out the reason why, and he is not feeling too well, with whatever he has to undergo with the surgery. 

... ... 


A lot of people with money like that, you don't need a father. Unless you want to compare whose family big in the Corperate Worlds, whose father is bigger than whom?

Your father made it on his own. You should aim to make it on your own sometimes. Its nice to live for the rest of your life has no stress. I am telling you. But life right now, a lot of people are on the marathon. Maybe if your father is alive, he would be too. Did he have money at all to live or breath? You sure about that stuffs?

He said so many things about his decision to go to India, is that still valid? So maybe he wants you or later generation people hear him saying, that Red book, Blue books from Yogananda?

Not just calculating Comet years with Britney: Holding against me?

Some people like me, is running, to get to the right spot at the right time, at the right moment, I am telling you, those are hedic....I cannot use horrifying to describe....someone is running, at the right Time, to tell you, we are running out of the Time?

Do you know how I feel about this? I don't have a father telling me, he forgets his memory, and he happens to be a color blind? That is handicap means. So, I rely on him telling me what to do all the time? 

Keanu or Simon needs to hear what I tell them to do, if they play Harry Potter or watching too many times. But I don't have time running with them. We run separately. Do they remember these now? We run separately, we doing our own things, but I stay online will tell them what happened after. Someone has to run at the right time, to the right location to the right moment.

When the 5 Lords reviews open, the ID cards goes to the default country !!! That is my birth place. Its better that way. Do I have time to go and prove whom's father is bigger than whom?

We = me and Apple could all die, if we get these things wrong ! 

Simon actually runs in 2013, I remember that now. He did run !


You could tell your mother or Bill Gates, how you would planning on this Harry Potter New Formation, with people around you. Your friends? If Bill Gates see others whom are more vibrant to come out, he can just use that person, for this new play of Harry Potter, or design in all different new venture of it. Don't you think that is very important its to get ahead? A lot of people would get ahead of these roles, no one knows what it means, right now.

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