
Like me and Eben...Eben in Harry Potter are side story....so I Anna move away from the main story to the side story National Treasure, Lemon and Juice?

 National Treasure is still a nice little fun movie? There is no blood anywhere?

Simon has a story, I say Ancient China, I have no ideas what he figure it out, or with the Buddha story.

Keanu, too have so many stories, I have no ideas what they both decide to go with the story, once me and Eben get together.

But you see, it happens, its my works are in the movies, its not we run by our lifes to fit inside the movies. Do you all want to create some kinds of works, and put it together and see?

 我覺得你們的人生先做一些工作,然後用工作去看電影,不是強硬打人生變成電影 ,這樣會不會比較好呀 ? 但是應該也沒有太大的關係,有些情況看你們怎麼跟這電影的世界打交道 !

我說了! 這個世紀末跟世紀初的最大電影,就是哈利波特 !! 因為哥倫比亞海盜那個太恐怖了! 

我說我跟 Eben 從主線的故事搬到旁邊 sideline story 叫做什麼旁邊的故事

主線的故事移到副的故事情節,國家寶藏也是沒有血的那種電影,就是我的 Lemon and his juice

那種事情 ~~

所以主線的故事哈利波特移到,比較小一點的電影叫做國家寶藏~你們也知道 Neville he is a side line character 那個像 Eben 的角色就是旁邊的角色呀 ! Eben 其實不是主角的角色 !

 所以我說西門跟李維~在我跟 Eben 再一起的時候,他們要找他們自己的故事呀 ! 這些故事不是我寫的!



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