
Simon, you can try, calling Loving Hut Orlando

 Saying what kind of vegan meat do you have? Do you carry anything Loving Hut from Taiwan? The mock meat like red yeast. I used to taste it before, I think they are fine. Do you carry anything similar to that types of products? Can you ship it to my address? 

Because they are probably by far, doing the most business with the church down there, and they have catering service very big things I have seen. 

The Taiwan Supreme Master ching Hai vegan food, business name is Loving Food, or Ying Ying factory. Maybe just Loving Food. Those are mock meats, I eat them, but not all of them.



Feel Rites, they sell Vitamins. Its an Organic stores.

Organic like Organic chemistry, the same words, Organic.

Its an organic store. They also have another one on Transit road. Not just maple road.

Next to Motel 6, actually are Hooters.


5 Liter jar, 2 or 3, I have a trolly, to go and get water, both maple  or Transit, I have done it.

I had a car. Nissan Altima 1998, it was a nice car. 

To find Coco grandfather....the only party, I ever thought, they took photo, to everyone looks nice, it was at the end of the year, next year. The SA ball dance.


You have to be join in a club, someone knows the President of the Club, if Ayo that personality, he gets us the tickets for the table numbers? We dress up, girls, to go on the ball room. But its the end of the semester, for all the clubs to joining the festivity. We don't dance but its a dinner or lunch, I forget.

Kabir is a shoe maker, I believe.

The Master Kabir. 

Clean up someone's foot? The senior home, one patience, her name is Audrey. I clean her foot, massage at it. She shows me her collections of the painting in the senior home, and told me some story.

... ... I have seen La La Land Trailer, yesterday, she is from University of Toronto.

Party stuffs....Medical board is not ever ever still wanting asking me, about me that PCAT, Pharmacy exam ever stuffs... 

The only thing to prove the family proud, its to get into the professional school, and to make a big money, not to go singing, like American Got Talent.

When we see living and dead land, to cross bridge, isn't that supposed to reflect our one life time, what we did?


 La La Land, was like a musical party.

Coco Club, looks like a club party

Aladdin, that is Indian 500 years old, still loads of dancing party

The Ginny says, don't mess up the party !

yeah, I am watching a little bit of movie online from Youtube, they broken off a lot. But that is fine.

I really want to ask American Medical Boards, how does people go to medical school, those English part? I didn't get in Harvard or California good university school, its for English part, always. So they study the entire dictionary, for those vocabulary?

I already knew that for University Entrance test.

I, somewhat, will knew that, for the Pharmacy standard examination ....I think? The application score, says total, so as long as I pass it, I can qualify to apply. The end results are waiting for the perspective school to answer me.

oh ~ I was on the waiting list.

I send in a music CD I did on singing, they reject me the next day ! I remember that! 

I don't want to wait anymore. The waiting list is whole summer, so one day I did a music singing, I sent in, and I got rejection letter. I remember I did that.

okay, I don't want to work on this....for now. 

Its about that grades things going to the University, everyone all does some kind of party, in College! Dorm party, club party, fraternity party. I just don't drink.

Like my sister and my brother, they getting jobs off campus, outside the school, to get ahead of life, so now they have 100K salary jobs. 

To me, does not look real, because their personality is not mature enough. But whom am I to say that. Everyone on that facebook, all did something to prove someone something to get a career in front of my eyes, with their emballish works, to success.

I hope it is real though. Whatever, it is they did all that, and not someone put them all somewhere or something.

Like Wing, like Dean, like Tamang....and like Lee.

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