
THis guy I almost thought I saw him on SMTV ...

 I used to live in America, that they sell some kinda of Cabbage. I think it is American Cabbage. To follow Dr. Christopher says about the temperature to make that juice, you definitely cannot boil it. But how do you know the bacteria got killed inside?

I don't know

But I live on that juice for some time.

The reason with some of the green juice, like Wheat grass, or cabbage event, just a shot of glass those kind, its WAY WAY WAY too much for my stomach.

How to use a dehydrator is an art.

Chemist does those things....like I go to one of those company I think.

These form a gooie stuffs, because the starting batter is very wet. If dehydrator temperature is not high enough, the water never got evaporate it, and if you leave it in there, with other things, that water is going to stay in there.

I actually thought about....to re-do a lot of this raw food recipe myself....because, I have done the cooking before. I always follow the recipe.

To have a taste in real raw food stuffs, they always use a load of sundried tomato, in oil format. There are things I just don't like the way it was being done. 

Like Food Lab

The actual way I think doing the real restaurant, they say by per spoon, by per gram. True.

To callibrate all the process in the food manufacturing....its by timer. Per min, per serving, per amount to try out. There must a factory that manufacture all the raw food, or modern technology stuffs, I go noisy into my business. They hire a chemist, I believe.

They must have a food scientist does all these stuffs...not chef. The real scientist, talking to scientists. I check all this stuffs, from chef, I am telling you....

People, you know, using a real batter a lot, knowing what batter consistency has a degree....

Vegan restaurant

When I used to run that project, its to finding all the food options in vegan food. So there are recipes for the vegan eggs. There are people whom knows how to do these stuffs. If you heard Bill Gates they are doing that with Leonardo Da Capri....there is a market for the vegan options of food. I don't really go for the mock meat, but vegan eggs are always on people's mind, at that time.

oh ~ that lady did good.

This funny things, a lot of chef, never says, what degree they have, if they coming from one of those manufacturing company. I would call them the telephone for the reason, how to use this stuffs.

I used to call Diaya company. 



I think I have a weight scale, or I lost it?  I know where to buy it. No...maybe just by spoon I count.

 I give them a juicing recipe, very very nice liquid consistency, beautiful color. See if I can exchange what information ....

I gonna bring this juicer with me. This has no real blade !!!! You can use your hand to touch it !!! Its very different ! 

Its very good taste, I hate carrots taste, I found out the recipe amount. I like sweet nectar. I didn't know Asia can find a very good juicer too. My mother spent some money on it. 400 US dollar I think. Its very expensive. But Asia has a different technology !!! 

oh ~ I gonna just say I work in SMTV as the journalist....Hi ! Vietanese nun Ma'am Ching Hai, you don't need this stuffs, I found him stuff I can use, I will contact him.

Dr. Christopher actually talk about casserole.

I don't like a lot of raw food. Juicing I cannot take all the green stuffs. But fruits mix is fine. Some people love liquid recipes...

Steve Jobs biography saying he always swallow an egg. yeah, there is smell issues, I come back in taiwan, the Taxi driver told me too ! 

I do follow something.

The book ! 

Its all written down book.

You know, sometimes, in life, you learn a lot of real cooking recipe like dried onion chip? Those green bean casserole traditional green bean casserole. You put it dry onion thing on top. Not powder...one of those like small chip stuffs. Like bars, small small? They are in a can? There are a lot of these food shelf traditional things that been recipe for long long long long time. 

You have to learn how to cook first !!! Like I say it so many times.

Learn how to cook, and make different dishes, combine spices, and herbs, I am telling you, doing this real things in life, your government won't left you on street. Real things in life.


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