
The Law paper gonna stay here. I need to change to a website.

 People in nature, what is behind them, in front of them, will do anything to stay in business. To stay in business, you will do anything to harm, to mess around these story. The story states, Battle and Win the Battle, not your moto, win the money and make the money.

Getting alliance or follow classify nature, where this classify nature coming from, if human made, or Annunaki made, no one knows. How do you change the original human nature, if Police network really have a power to retain, this New Era. Pandemic is a hit of warning.

Between a choice of a world that survive or not, to open the New Era, its your choice to think.

URL:  https://194world001b.blogspot.com/

Law department - legalize something like : it has been observed some movies are having “elements” “human face exact” to be recognized in the true screen of stage as well as in life

Therefore, we cannot deny some of the movie contents are entirely not related to our current world affair when the pandemic hits. While with God in faith we will walk out in light again, it’s our deepest sorrow these tragic made the real life loss scenario are real impact to those lost loved ones. And the cause of several indicator was unfortunate true, if were, it’s a terrible loss to our time many human life’s we cannot secure. Whether movies means a thing or not, it’s not real as to real life, those are true life we observed. Real funeral, real graveyard, real procedure to affect many more people survillience life including the medical profession. Therefore, we cannot say with s merely shield of luck if a movie such as Lords of Rings to be real, the representative of human face, they are just human face card, actors and Moguel, they have no strength nor real lineage methods to say power to stop the story plots or interfere, therefore, the movie story if by frame to frame we professionals analyze it’s real impact, we are facing the real crisis are mostly base upon the civilization built upon, face card on screen. There is no substance to help but to keep all their face, career, MD title and Liscense in due to pay their debts to their borrow rather than social responsibility the debts to society. And in light of such individual called upon all name in the following, they in this one life will not lead to digital era leading role. They vow, it’s money to survive so the humanity disaster or plaque has nothing to do with their dream of a untold promising real luxury MD life. 

The following name list, no lineage power nor strength in knowledge, it’s face card.
Big Hero 6


Dean, MD
Wing, Pharmacist
Johnathon MD
Hira MD
Ola MD
Alice MD

Lords of Rings
Keanu Reeves, the One.
Simon Cowell
Nick or 430 David too short.

In other words, the above statement to the whole scope of movies are observation in this Lords of Rings are action movies: to fight, to battle, to call for fellowship, secure relationship tie. 

They are just actors or moguel, again mention, there is no real substance in them. This Digital Era in the law nature if our doing methods can lesson the pandemic cause this time as God or virus hear this to lesson their activities to return the worlds a full phase or restoring world 5 continents, I ask to remove all face cards to do with the movies to kidnap me must for them, to become the leadership in the Digital Era.


Prior to me statement, as a public New York librarian, they look down upon digital worlds. Because of lack of education, we worlds suffers might be the results of it. Besides investigation, we want to see justice of coming forward to build a better world in human faith, not someone to be drop in Bermuda Triangle in threatening others professional knows better, this Digital Era cannot build upon base upon selfishness riches of face card be put on the screen for 20 to 40 years of life, they intend to Suicide themselves is their mortal bound statues quotes.A positive outlook of society and new hope of a brand new Era upon Digital Era are what we all hearing too. Therefore, considering these removal of their position immediate, near by associates, jail or dump to kill in alive cold water, that decree of God’s promising land is not bound to your ever selfishness to hurt those like me, from the day 1, provide you wise guidance and tender nature to believe you will be in my best interests, so the future might exist, as the movie only indicate you that - battle, and win the battle.
Battle and restore the world.That’s it. The rest is just filling the blank how to get from A to Z, in hope the best solution to in front of us are caring for the humanity nature as well as animal kingdom we as the crown head of living creation in God’s image will take upon the responsibilty to restore Eden.Never face card to go behind someone else telephone number to lean way speaking, “this is how the real business methods works, not movie, not digital era, not story taleing, it’s to savatarge each other how to back end jail each other responsibility in case in case in case you will be isolated.”In this story tale, with a corresponding reality, for what it is real happening, you are not isolating enough, I will tell you that much. What’s one journey One life End Time, and the begin of a New Era was starting at All Things Digital - Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.


It’s Digital Era rules !

Commanding center




⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🏝️🏝️🏝️🏝️ Manual - Commanding center X man suit interface ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️




Professor, princess

Scan time traveler

Water traveler 


It’s portaled 

It’s all portaled, cannot see.

Scan ghost 

Alienate life form kinda like drag Queen 

Reptilian, cannot see.






Lords of Rings



Tom riddle diary book


Notebook/diary book, combination or something records, search

Deceased souls, define, where do they go after death?

Visual/ audio


Hobbit land 

Someone sent them to hobbit land.

Seth/Yeth!! UFO

Commanding center, his situation bothers me.

From Victoria Secrets Hozier gay right interview stole something niagara Buffalo region.

Do you have visual?


Is he psycho turning by the water police and warring nature?


Babaji: I want to say something

You have to come in, in the middle of this, I am busy. I have to concentrate.

Babaji: I know, but ….

But what ?

Babaji: I have an idea.


Babaji: your ex lover, where is he?

I thought we finish saying those are just story taleing.

Babaji: the audience don’t want it to be a story taleing.

You mean one eye or you mean him, I do not wish neither.

Babaji: both

Scan ocean 


Marine life shallow water, I see nothing but fish.

Aquarian ? Here is Aquarian ?

Interface, define hoovering BTX entails, is that constellation, is that Earth, what it is we are hoovering or is that necessary?


Scam those dead on the beach, mass animal die out.

Genuinely dead or they walk up shore

Too confusing, 

I need a rest

Automatic resume

X man suit let go


Babaji: They are too old now.

 That's your answer?

Babaji: I am Babaji.


Babaji: Is anything I can cheer you up a little bit?

I heard you.

Babaji: You come for a long journey to arrive here, light. But many people carried baggage in life. Do you know you actually make video, writing things down, making webpage, so people can slowly investigate name by name, list by list, story by story? A lot of people afraid of being open, not to say writing it down, from story A to Z. From the stranger's point of view, they are not clear what you are saying, if you just saying it without writing it down in plain words, and say it how you feel about it.

That is what happened? Right.

Babaji: There are people whom raise you up. There are people whom drawn by the Victoria Secrets big company, what do you say, you should be more responsible, they are more professional people, not this tiny Wing tiny Dean things.

I thought just me and the wall, me and the birds outside.

Babaji: Some people care about me exist, you know. 

Me to ask you some question.

Babaji: right

How old are you?

Babaji: One million year old.

That is what you told me 2014.

Babaji: You don't believe it?

Are you physical being, or just conscoiusness. 

Babaji: Neither.

Are you here to help the Bible things?

Babaji: Yes

Some version of the story, horrified me. 

Babaji: I know.

This life, is one thing.

Babaji: Next life, every life.

That is not what I am asking.

Babaji: I know.

There is 2 women in the Bible. If God's makes things the worse nature of it, from the guy's stand point of view, because they know more about sex. I keep saying, you, and the story, and the actual content horrified me.

Babaji: The things told to you, and done to you.


Babaji: So no one thinks the Bible are fooling around people. Its to punish. It is punishing.

But no one teach others, these part of the books, are to punish !

Babaji: There is a lot of things you don't know. 

... ...

Babaji: Say

I was told after life

Babaji: it will be worse than now?

I don't know if that is after life. It is a life that...a story of a life, about escasy, and being loved by.

Babaji: Right.

Of course I am horrified. The Bible meant its to punish one by another one !

Babaji: Legal system cannot do that, so there is a Me exist.


Babaji: say.

Does God meant this is the end?

Babaji: don't know. You mean how you will be punished, those are not punishment. Those are escasy.

If the movie turns real is step 1, like seeing orc, online environment....

Babaji: You don't jump from step 1 to 10.

People are dying out so quickly and even if they are alive, they are so busy at life. You know how to do this high tech and COVID 19?

Babaji: !#$#@$!#$@#$

... ...Its not in English.

Babaji: They understand English all right.

So its not going to happen.

Babaji: Right. Someone's hell sentence is expanding, so disaster is bigger and wider.

I am shock today, when I went to digging out the actual death toll data. Someone life could be instantly be taken.

Babaji: Right.

They actually don't just believe me and the birds can talk, so me and Virus can communicate to agree, to retrieve?

Babaji: you scared.

Birds are strong race. Virus I have no idea. I start to see all kinds of life that is so vibrantly to live....something believing system is not able to explain to others.

Babaji: Today is just first day, no one expecting you soon to eradict the virus.

I want to go to sleep.

Babaji: Go to Eben. Sometimes talk something, that is not this and that stuffs. Your life. Your life is smoke up, and you never told anyone anything about it. You don't want to learn how to live with him, like now?

... ... He is nice.

Babaji: I know he is nice.


Babaji: right, now you are thinking. That is Bermuda !


Babaji: You know, people like you don't see others would kill people for. You never thought of killing, so you cannot gravitate coming down at that belief, people gonna die, by someone killing them.

I feel every time I am floating on that belief. I check online photo, they look every day more ...success belief.

Babaji: If they ask you, what do you think Big Hero 6 is about, what you think that is about?

... ...Its not really the reality.

Babaji: you could help them investigate, do you know that? Now you analyze so many movies now.

Right now we are at the age, things started to turn real on the screem. There is a part of mentality, of people, when they being display on the public TV, they wish others to know they are innocent. So let's say someone says so and so dead. ITs someone does something to hurt him, and he die. He is innocent, and by seeing that story going, he felt everyone agrees with that belief and therefore he keep quiets in a room, everyone knows he is innocent. He is being hurt and blame he is dead, he is not dead. I meant Dean.

Babaji: What about Wing? Stole your invention.

Underground fighting, that looks like he wants money. I am the one giving up the money, but if he was discover something, he will profit at it.

But regardless, the movies says Big Hero 6, its to lead movies, and work together. But I don't think so. People blame each other for things, to proven each other, whom is whom's innocent. Sometimes they see that lawsuit cases degree so strongly, and not compromising to each other, you are classmate, you suppose treat each other with trust, and Money each other growth. 

People scared being accused at. If one day, they are being shown to the movies, to "free program" run their college reunion, and start to speak a word between each other, so and so is innocent, so and so is being blame, he didn't do that.

Babaji: So whom you think they made the movies?

I have no ideas, they put very deep psychology on it.

I am done with the psychi parts with the Virus. I cannot possibly know what they are saying. Now ....I need the science group. We do phsyical ways. ( COVID 19 )

 Somebody convince, this is the end time?

One dragon chasing a women. Dr. Chasez, in National Treasure.

One scarlett prostitute

That is 2 women.

Bliblical reference means, there is a disaster, I say Time, Times, Half of a time, video.

So it means, we are at the End time. 

But we are at the Millennium, at the beginning of it.

Can someone whom could read Bible, what it is the beginning of Time?

Is there plaque, is there God's wrath, is there God's displeased? 

 The story I remember is Eden. The red book, that is Yogananda book, that is his master saying Eden.

I say on my book, the Tree of Life, has a sequence of I Ching 1 -64

Red dress is Scarlett prosittute on many water.

So Eben has fruits? 

Adam and Eve falls.

Is there anything in the End time, something falls too? What it is again? Babylon?

oh ! 

They are being naked. You mean God strip them, to make them see they are naked?

I am the God.

Simon Beast, and SMCH prostitute?

And ? I make them so nake on the video?

Is there anyone, is as amazed as me, that 2000 years Bible story are true, in real life?

There is a SMCH.

Where does Roman got the Bible to pass down for 2000 years?

I need the science group to callibrate the damage of this time, End Time, with COVID 19, to related to Beast and Prostitute ideas, they are almost at the same Time existing side by side.

We are not going to really much can do with the virus. But in the future, if they two born again, side by side, is there a way, not to make this happen again, on Earth History.

Not side by side. Simon and SMCH.

Try one or the other.

And find all the evidence I say about Beast, and Prostitute, on my video. To testify, they are really those iconic. In the real Bible community, is that disgust them two put together, one sit on top of another?

COVID 19, I am listening. Taiwan Twitter, they have statistic. I cannot hear you really.

 I can hear birds because they live right outside my windows. They have response.

I will be listening. Taiwan Twitter.

I read the US static counter. COVID 19. 

Winter, and Falls.

I do not know the rest of remaining girls, and I do not wish this becomes a sickening death games tolls.

    Do you mean, its the retrospect time since I Honorable Superior does 700 video, people stay home to pray, and to reflect life, what it is all about?

Most people do not care about this Eastern world. Not even what title, what fame, what name, what high aim of life is. But thank you. I did feel better. I was the one being hurt the most to the place that no one knows. I appreciate it. I did feel better, the entire planet die out. It was part of helping. ITs true. No one as if hearing me cry. People need to die out.

But that is not correct. I suffer a lot, originally, its probably make like that. People their evolution is rising up, doesn't mean, they lose their life, just for this life with me. To subcomb to all me, it is warn against to all humanity, and the coming of the Marraiah, if you are making a wave for them, and the beauty contest message, I am already relate to them now. They will care about the finding of appearance crowd and food. 

Is there anything high tech will represent you now.

manual !


I ask US for some clean water for animal, I don't know if they deliver, form my offering.

you want food and music as your offering?

You know secrets. Someone or something secrets.

You want to be like the birds, finding the tea leaves eggs? Not something like what me, and others are looking for??

You know the location, there is ghost, hologram, you know about Ode....

You know about ghost ! 

I got tricked into birds things, a few times, that was the end of my screaming. I do not wish to know about ghost. No.

 We are through.

Automatic resume

The Law paper gonna stay here. I need to change to a website.

 People in nature, what is behind them, in front of them, will do anything to stay in business. To stay in business, you will do anything to...